
Chapter 37: Price of Sanity

Raven groaned as he crashed into the ground. He was getting sick and tired of this crap.

He and his almost as handsome copy kept going back and forth beating each others asses.

"This is so stupid." Raven complained out loud as Shadow laughed as he landed down a bit away.

"Maybe, but you can't deny it isn't fun to have someone as a proper equal." He responded as shadow balls formed beside him and Raven conjured some light balls in return to counter them.

He had throughout however long this had been going on, created several spells to counter the shadow spells.

"True, but sometimes I like beating someone's ass into the ground." Raven said as he shot up into the sky and beams of light rained down on the copy.

"I agree, so let's get wild!" Shadow said as his form started fully changing. A more demonic looking form taking over.

"Fuck." Raven said as it flew at him with incredible speeds and landed a solid gut retching punch that sent him flying into the sky.

Shadow then appeared above him and landed a solid right hook to the cheek sending him flying back down into the ground making a massive crater.

Raven groaned as he stared up. He was pretty sure his ribs were broken. Probably some internal bleeding he also concluded by the pain in his chest, as well as the blood leaking out his mouth.

"Not good." Raven said as the demonic form of Shadow slammed down onto him. A solid punch further embedding him into the ground.

"Gah!" Raven spat out a good amount of blood onto the demonic form of Shadow as his namesake started crawling into the hole. Slowly covering them both in shadows.

"This is most definitely not good." Raven coughed out as he stared into the glowing red eyes of Shadow.


"He's returned to that form. We have to hurry." Albus said as they saw the demonic form return in full.

Fawkes was singing his song keeping them all mostly calm.

Minerva stood in the background watching hopeful. Lorelei stood near her also watching and waiting for Albus to complete the ritual.

Albus placed a single white feather in a spot in the circle and held out his hand. He was thankfully healed thanks to Fawkes. His tears could heal almost anything beside death.

Albus took a single deep breath before he started chanting.

"Oh holy spirt."

"Hear thine call."

"I beseech thees holy light."

"Accept theses offerings and grant onto thy recipient."

"Grant them your holy blessing and grant onto them sanity."

"Accept these offerings."

"One angelic feather willing given."

"One phial of the recipients blood."

"A phial of blessed holy water."

"A set of holy bells."

"Five years of life from the caster."

"I beseech thee to grant my request."

"Oh holy one."

One he finished, a bright golden light covered the room, floating above Raven appeared a being made entirely of golden light, 12 golden wing like shapes behind the being.

It floated and seemed to look around, staring at the circle before nodding to itself as it slowly floated down and seemed to wrap around the demonic form of Legion.

"My blessing granted thou shall receive. The words of the messenger have been said." The being spoke, but its langauge unrecognizable to the people in the room.

It floated down fully and the form of legion glowed brightly before disappearing inside of Legion.

"Albus this is-" Albus held a hand up silencing Lorelei.

"Not now. The ritual is still in effect. We can do nothing." Albus said solemnly and Lorelei grunted before nodding her head. None of them moved.


"FUCK OFF!" Raven yelled as he glowed in a bright light like a sun as Shadow was sent flying away.

"Owwwwwwwww." Shadow groaned as he slammed into a tree and reverted to his earlier form as a copy of Raven with darker features.

"Not so fun now is it!?" Raven demanded and both started laughing.

"Nope. So should we-" both were cut off when a dark light was seen above them. Both stopped fighting as they stared at the thing before them.

It looked like the form Shadow had taken on, but it seemed to be partially made up of shadows now.

"This you?" Raven asked as he took a guarded stance.

"No." Shadow said in response as he moved closer to Raven. Both wearily watched it.

"We are Legion. We shall take over. We are the all encompassing shadows." Legion spoke, Raven and Shadow both groaned in sync.

"Temporary truce to beat this things ass?" Raven asked and Shadow grinned. "Couldn't have said it better myself." Together they moved forward and landed a solid punch to the face of Legion who only raised its wings to intercept the attacks.

"Oh boy." The two said in sync before being sent flying. In sync they caught themselves with their wings and floated up, side by side they fired off beams of light and shadows.

"You use our element against us? An you think paltry light can harm us?" Legion spoke as it absorbed the shadow beams and merely reflected the light beams with a wave of its hand.

"Any ideas handsome?" Raven asked Shadow who only shook his head. "Great. Physical attacks are useless against it. Our main elements against it are useless. My light isn't strong enough to harm it, and your shadows are entirely useless against it." Raven noted as he shot off a giant wave of fire that was ignored by Legiok wrapping its wings around itself.


"You're right. If only we could enhance our powers somehow, or combine them…" both slowly shared eye contact as a fanged grin formed on their mouths.

"Synchronization via magic signature matching?" Raven hazard a guess and Shadow nodded as they took a deep breath as their magic was released at full power in sync, slowly it started mixing together.

"You are fools if you think we would let this happen." Legion spoke as he appeared and smashed both their heads together and tossed them apart in opposite directions.

However both only laughed as they crashed into trees.

Floating where they were was a white glowing ball with a dark core.

It exploded in a giant black and white explosion.

Legion was seen standing there, wings wrapped around itself, but they were missing small pieces of the wings revealing the bones and muscles beneath.

"It worked!" Both cheered as they grinned.

"Stupid annoying bastards!" Legion snarled out as shadows exploded from the ground and flew at both teens who only used their wings to fly away, but the shadows kept chasing them.

"This isn't going to last long. We need to work on spells." Raven said and Shadow nodded in agreement as both linked eyes and then they both pointed their hands towards Legion as a ball of light with the same darkness core formed again, but this time it started firing laser shots towards the being.

"If you think this will be enough, you two are sadly mistaken." Legion spoke as he moved forward, admittedly a bit injured, but the shadows all around seemed to flock to his injuries and they covered them before retreating revealing no more injuries.

"Ok that's bullshit." Shadow said and Raven grunted in agreement.

"Yeah, but for now we need to keep ramping it up. Though I think we might be on a time limit. My soul is losing since it arrived." Raven noted grimly as he stared at his white and blue wings and tail slowly turning black and red.

"Oh that's not good." Shadow said in agreement and both in that moment wrapped their hands together and a giant beam of shadowed light smashed into Legion. Then another and another.

"Hahaha you children are good, but we are many, we are the shadows of all the beings lost. You simply have no hopes of defeating us. You are to weak to smite us, even with our connection snapped." Legion spoke simply as they walked forward slowly, the injuries healing again, but this time without assistance.

"Oh that's bad. Very bad. If what it said is true…" Raven started.

"Then we don't have hope to win in time. Our own soul will be fully corrupted before we can win and kill all the souls inside it." Shadow finished just as grimly.

"Wait… together!" Raven said in a moment of realization as he channeling their combined energy and blasted legion again, but sent them flying away.

"Together?" Shadow asked confused for a moment before realization came to him. "You don't mean…" Shadow trailed off.

"Yes. We must become one being. I am Raven, the humanity of our soul. You are Shadow, the inhuman nature of us. However together we make up the being that is Raven Inanis in his entirety. So if we came together…" Raven left off the end on purpose.

"We become stronger. Much stronger. However both of us will cease to exist in our own individuality." Shadow said and Raven smiled as he slowly moved towards his copy.

"Wrong. We always will exist, for we are the original. So shall we return to ourself my dear self?" Raven cheekily asked and Shadow rolled his eyes, but held his hand out, which Raven grabbed and both pulled each other into a hug as they started glowing white and black respectively.

"Yeah. Let us return to our Origin and Element. We are the Flames of The Shadow. Creators of Nothingness. We are Raven. Magician of The First." Both spoke in sync as they started turning into light and shadows respectively and fusing together.

Soon after, standing there was Raven, his hair having stayed its white color, but streaks of black had formed in it. Thankfully in a stylish way. His eyes had turned purple and retained their plus like symbol. His wings and tail had returned to their beautiful white and blue color scheme. However the wings and tail had gained a black outline.

He noted one thing though, he was naked.

"This is much better." Raven spoke smiling as he clenched his hands and slowly landed on the ground. The shadows started wrapping around him and formed a set of clothes.

Black boots, black pants, a blue button up shirt and a black jacket left open.

"Much better." Raven said before he held his hands out and a bunch of glowing orbs formed and started taking the shapes of chains that wrapped around his arms. "Now this is where the fun begins."

With a flap of his wings, Raven appeared near Legion who stared at Raven with a frown.

"You are different. We recognize you, but we don't. Where have the two gone?" Legion asked and Raven smiled softly, a smile full of innocence that didn't belong on a face like his, those that knew him would agree.

"You do know me though. For I am Raven Inanis. The Demon of Nothingness. I am the ruler of Light and Shadows. I do not permit your existence, so I will have to ask you to leave my soul, by extermination." Raven said serenely as he held his hands out and the chains swung out wrapping around Legion.

"By my will, I will sentence you to damnation. By shadowed light shall grant you reprieve. I am a benevolent being, so your pain shall be short." Raven said softly as he was covered in white light with a black outline.

The light vanished revealing Raven, his form like that of Legion, but made fully of armored material. Beautiful white and blue designs covering him.

"I will exterminate you with one final parting blow." Raven said softly, his tone that of power, but it retained its gentle sound.

In his hand formed a single spear made of the same light that covered him earlier. It wasn't big, nor was it small. Raven pulled his arm back and moved throw it.

However as that happened, Lrgion saw something floating behind Raven, with their arms wrapped around his neck. A beautiful blonde woman with green eyes stared down Legion with a gentle smile.

Legion couldn't say anything as the spear pierced through his heart and the light slowly started breaking him down.

"We understand now. We leave our existence to you, Demon of Nothingness. Our shadows shall be yours to command for eternity and beyond." Legion spoke instead of revealing the woman's existence. Their body broke down into shadows and was absorbed into Raven.

"A job well done. The messenger applaudes yours work. Until next time my Brillaint Penumbra." A females voice said, and Raven turned around to see the same woman that Legion saw, but the being faded away, but he still managed to get a good look and memorize her looks.

"She was beautiful." Raven said as he reverted to looking. He looked around and noted that the area had changed to being the forest he saw in his memory, but it had large crystals with the glowing lights of his new power. Crows were sitting on them all around. The crystals and trees.

"What did she say? Brilliant Penumbra? Lame. Twilight energy? No. To bland and boring. Gloaming? Bleh. Dusk energy? Close, but no. Dawn energy? Why not, it'll work for now." Raven said as he held his hand against one of the crystals and smiled as he felt the energy in it respond to him.

"Things are only getting more interesting." Raven laughed to himself happily before he broke down into Dawn Energy and returned to the waking world.

Time to face the music.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know it was a bit anticlimactic, but I promise this topic will get revisited eventually to explain things properly and why they happened how they did.

I just hope I can remember to do so in the future since that will be a while out. Not concrete plans for sure, just ideas floating about alongside certain plot things I want to happen for the story.

Anyway I'll stop yapping now lol, I hope you all enjoyed. I know I did writing this.

Till next time, I need to get some sleep. I'm extremely tired and need to relax and fall asleep to the nice breeze of my fan and the weight of my blanket.

Hopefully my dog doesn't come smack me in the face for something lol.

Till next time!

-Voidy, The Insomniac

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