

"I love you ayra, I have always loved you Jack said looking into her eyes like she meant the whole world to him and when she continued to stare at him breathlessly without saying a word he muttered ain't you gonna say anything? 

Oh am - I -

Ayra calms love how do you feel about me? 

I feel- (omg he called her love) I feel the -

The loud buzzing of the alarm succeeded in jarring ayra awake, she woke up with a start and pulled a hand to stop her heart from beating so fast. "it's just a dream girl ,calm down she muttered to herself and yelped the next instance she saw the time on her little clock. 

OMG for the first time ever she was going to be late for school scrambling out from bed she blamed herself what the hell was wrong with her dreaming about a guy that have probably forgotten her existence? Ahhh ayra get your shit together she shouted at herself in the mirror while furiously brushing her teeth. No it was jack's fault for being incredibly handsome and talking to her the previous day like she mattered to him, no the one to be blamed is Ella ayra decided she filled her head with a lot of nonsense now she couldn't stop thinking about a certain someone and even dreamed about him. Gosh was she even normal? Of course not she wasn't sane she replied herself two different worlds existed in her brain and sometimes she couldn't escape her thoughts. 

 Before the blinking of an eye she was done and all ready . 

"Oh love you are a little late today" Catherina enthused. 

"I know mom, good morning mom she added quickly and made her way to the exist". 

"Wait ayra ain't you gonna have breakfast? I made your favorite and you didn't have anything to eat the previous day". 

"Sorry mom but I gotta run I will take a rain check on the breakfast but thanks for the effort and turned again towards the door". 

"Ayra you are my daughter and no matter what you think I love you very much remember that". Catherine said remembering the event of the previous day and recalling how ayra had accused her of favouritism.

Ayra groaned inwardly "not today mom am late she cried". 

"No I just wanted to remind you I love you no mother would hate her child it's impossible". 

"Well there is an exception to every rule and it's not my fault I don't feel your "love " for me" . 

'But I love you ayra and it breaks my heart when you compare my love for you to Alice" . 

"Mom can we not discuss this today you are upsetting me and I really have to go". 

"Okay ok if you wish we would continue this conversation some other time but before you go first check in with your sister I think she needs your help with a little something". 

"Mom am late!! Why does she always need my help? She screamed at the top of her voice" . 

"Hey young lady you would watch your tone and do as I say this minute". 

Grudgingly she walked to her sister 's room stupid her for a min she had actually believed that her mom meant her words when she had declared her love for her but it was all false, she merely said it to alley her guilty conscience and butress her for the task her "favorite daughter" was about to assign her. 

Ayra though mad didn't forget her manners she knocked twice on door and only entered when she was asked to. 

"What do you want?"she asked plainly

"Hell ayra is that a way to greet your sister on a bright morning why are you always mad at me? "

"I am late to school and I hate that so the sonner you spot your request out the better for you". 

Oh Alice felt scared for a moment at the emotions she saw in her sisters eyes without teasing her or beating around the bush she got to the point." Well am genuinely sorry you are late but it's not my fault you woke up late today and unfortunately I can't make it to school today so you will have to submit my assignment for me in my class" she stated. 

Done she muttered in disgust stalking away. 

"Wait wait ain't you even curious why I am not going to school today? I could be dying you know". 

Ayra turned back stared her right in the eyes and said "you could drop dead right this minute I don't give a flying fuck!! ".

Gosh you are one angry bird sister and - before she could complete her words she suddenly shouted and ran to the toilet while groaning Oh my tummy hurts so bad. 

Unable to stop herself ayra asked "are you okay? Do you want me to call mom? "

I thought you said you didn't care? Alice asked smiling for the first time that morning. 

"Right I don't care "she snorted imperiously. 

"Bye honey don't forget my assignment". 

"Like I could" she was already out but impulsively she came back to Alice 's mirror stand , took a shiny lipstick and applied it generously to her lips. She looked at her reflection in confusion why didn't it have the same shiny,beautiful appearance it had on Alice on herself?Did she apply it the wrong method?scared of being caught by Alice she quickly cleaned it with a tissue and ran all the way to school. 

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