
It's Only Been Seven Hours!!

After spending a night in the House of Hearths, Sibley woke up and got ready for another day, "After yesterday I really needed some sleep." She told Akemi, "I didn't even realize that I defeated the Electro Archon and dealt with being shrunk all in one day." She brought up, realizing it was all one day.

"It was a shitshow..." Akemi agreed, "You think Aether and Paimon actually kept their promise?" She asked.

Instead of answering, Sibley went to talk to one of the children of the orphanage, "Do you know where Arlecchino went?" She asked.

The child thought about it, "I remember seeing a blonde haired guy and a pixie coming to call Father regarding something about Lyney and Lynette." He recounted.

"Thank you!" Sibley thanked before turning to Akemi, "Does that answer your question?" She told the spirit with a very annoyed face.

Learning that made Akemi facepalm, "It's been seven hours tops..." She lamented, "Let's go see what they got themselves into." She relented, ready to head out.

"No." Sibley said, "We said we're taking a break? We're taking it!" She exclaimed, "Let's go see if there's Scaramouche or Columbina around." She said, heading out of the House of Hearths.

A few minutes later.

Sibley and Akemi went to lay down on a field just outside of Fontaine City, "It's a lot better doing this than to deal with whatever those two are doing." Sibley commented.

"I do wonder what they are doing though..." Akemi admitted, "Maybe they're on trial for murder." She suggested.

That made Sibley let out a laugh, "Come on! I know I say they're accident prone, but to that point?" She defended.

"Are you two talking about the trial they're covering today in Opera Eclipse?" A voice asked, prompting Akemi and Sibley to turn to her.

Profile 36

Name: Furina de Fontaine.

Age: 500+

Occupation: Opera Director/Stage Performer.

Element: Hydro.

Looking carefully at Furina, Sibley decided to give her a quick scan, which didn't go unnoticed, "Is that a-" Furina was saying, but was interrupted by a screen opening in her face.

Sibley gave a look at the scan and was immediately confused, "Your picture doesn't match..." She commented, noting how the clothes were different.

"If I knew I would be meeting a Dawn Breaker I would have postponed the switch for the week." She commented, "I'm Focalors, the God of Justice and Hydro Archon." She properly introduced herself.

Profile 36 (Fix)

Name: Focalors.

Age: 500+

Occupation: Hydro Archon.

Akemi looked at Sibley, "How did you figure out that something wasn't correct?" She asked, genuinely curious as to how this guess was right.

"We met four Archons so far, of course we would meet a fifth." Sibley explained, "By the way, switch?" She asked Focalors, having taken note of that part.

Knowing that this question would have been asked, Focalors sighed, "This is an arrangement I made with 'other half', basically I split myself in me, and Furina and we switch roles sometimes, it's to take a break from the monotony you know?" She explained.

"Yeah, I'm also taking a break here, from those two that are currently on trial." Sibley responded, "Also I guess they managed to somehow break a law or something." She added, not all that surprised.

Focalors sat near Sibley and Akemi, "Luckily thanks to our alternating Furina has two hundred fifty years of experience, so it shouldn't be a problem." She reassured.


"So in conclusion, there's no way my son could have done it." Arlecchino finished her explanation to Furina (Disguised as Focalors.)

Profile 36

Name: Furina de Fontaine.

Age: 500+

Occupation: Opera Director/Stage Performer.

Element: Hydro.

Furina sighed in response to that, "You make a fair point Lady Arlecchino, more than one actually." She complimented the Knave, "But this just leaves us with the problem that we still have no clue on what's causing all these attacks..." She brought up, understanding that Lyney isn't guilty of killing the man in the tunnel underneath the stage.

"That is an issue indeed." The Iudex commented, "I was hoping this trial would have least given us a lead, but alas..." He lamented.

Profile 37

Name: Neuvillette.

Age: ~10000

Occupation: Iudex of Fontaine's Court. 

Element: Hydro.

Neuvillette shook his head to get his thoughts back on track, "However it may be, with the conclusion of this trial, I hereby proclaim that Lyney is not guilty." He said, passing on judgment.

Right as he finished saying that, a machine under his position activated, surprising everyone in the building, "Why did the Oratrice activate?" "Did the Iudex activate by mistake?" "Could it have detected the ending of the trial and activated on it's own?" The people shared these thought.

"Order! Order!" Neuvillette exclaimed to calm down the crowd, in the meantime the Oratrice finished it's judgment.

Aether and Paimon looked as a verdict was sent to Neuvillette, "Does it say that Lyney is not guilty?" Aether asked, knowing that the Oratrice should be giving the same judgment.

As Neuvilette read the verdict, his face grew more and more confused, "This... Doesn't make any sense..." He muttered, "It says that Mr. Tartaglia is guilty..." He said loud enough for everyone to hear.

That revelation made everyone only more confused, Childe wasn't even part of the trial, and the Oratrice gave a judgment for him, in the confusion everyone turned to look at Furina for an explanation.

The Archon stand in looked around in equal confusion as everyone else, not knowing what just happened, "...The only thing I can think of is that the Oratrice might have completely disregarded the trial e just had and instead focused on a crime Mr. Tartaglia did in the past and it appears that he's guilty of it?" She said clearly unsure of it.

"I don't remember ever coming in Fontaine for long, much less committing a crime!" Childe exclaimed from his seat in the crowd.

This information troubled Furina, "...I'll have to check the Oratrice's register to see what crime it accused Mr. Tartaglia of... In the mean time we should... Keep him in check?" She instructed, never having experienced something like this.

Seeing this moment of awkwardness, made Arlecchino give Furina (Who she still thinks is Focalors) a good look, making her realize that something might be wrong, glancing at her children to signal that she wanted to talk to them later.

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