
I'm not gonna die, I'm gonna go crazy

She was finally getting better.

She'd been bedridden, but her strength was coming back, slowly.


She was thinking this.


Positive...not confession, because she wasn't saying it out loud but!

Positive thinking!

A-and also it was definitely true this time!

Her body still hurt.

Her muscles ached. But she could stand.

She could walk, and move.

She wasn't just lying in bed.

And she had energy.

She'd been stuck in the infirmary for...two weeks?


Now she could walk around.

She'd finally been given permission to leave her room and move about the palace. As long as someone accompanied her.

She'd insisted she didn't need it.

She didn't want someone to watch her every movement, as though she was an invalid. It was irritating.

She didn't want someone following her everywhere.


It seemed like she didn't have much of a choice.

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