
I'm not weak, I'm easily swept away [R18]

"Good morning, little empress..."

That seductive murmur, whispered in her ear...

Isabelle could not help the small shudder that ran down her spine in response to it.

She couldn't be blamed for it, she didn't think. Anyone who heard that voice, whispered so rough in her ear, just as she awoke...

Anyone - no,. No one could resist.

Alexander, whose head lay tucked in the curve between her neck and shoulder, pressed his lips gently against her bare skin there. "Did you sleep well...?"

She gave a soft, sleepy hum of satisfaction in response, which made his arms tighten around her, tugging her form ever closer to his own. "Yes..."

His chest rose and fell as he inhaled deeply, breathing in her scent.

She could feel him place another kiss on the nape of her neck, then on her shoulder, while his hands slid over her body, resting possessively on her breasts, kneading them gently as his erection prodded insistently at her ass.

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