
I'm not wasting time, I'm smelling the roses

The weather was cold, windy, and rainy.

Thus, she had Snowball bundled up, warm, safe, and dry, in his little sling.

He could stay cuddled up to her chest as she walked without shivering, getting cold, or being tempted to jump out of her arms and go exploring through the royal garden.

Rather than a fussy crying kitten, she had a bundle of purring up against her chest.

She smiled as she tore up small pieces of meat from Snowball's snack box and held it out to the entrance of his little blanket cave.

His cute little muzzle would poke out just enough to snatch the juicy meat bit for himself, and then he'd disappear into the burrito again, and the purring would continue.

She continued her stroll through the grounds, visiting various places and enjoying the beauty of Nevremian scenery.

She hummed quietly as she carried Snowball along the palace courtyard, where the flowers seemed to flourish brilliantly.

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