
Chapter 30: Combat Classes

"Well, you were doing great until that last part," Ariel remarked.

"Yeah, but I did what you wanted so you'll have to keep up your end of the deal."

"Yeah, I know, I know, it's good to know that my little brother can still converse with other people like a normal person, I can see that there's still hope." She expressed.

"Think whatever you want to think, I'll be heading to my class now." He retorted before walking into the building.

"Hey, wait a moment."


"The girl you were talking to just now, that was Claudia Hart, right?"

"Yeah, I wasn't aware you'd be able to recognize her by just her voice."

"Well, I watched the orientation you two gave to the first years the other day, you let her do most of the talking so her voice is still fresh in my memory." She disclosed.

"Oh, I see." He responded as he slowly made his up the staircase.

"She doesn't seem to be afraid of you or despise you like most of your classmates, she talks to you like a normal person. Also, I had no idea you two have been in a fight before and you supposedly beat her up."

"Well, she used to call me the Devil until recently but I could tell it was just a nickname." Arsha disclosed.

He was in the main hall of his class now and that meant that his class was close by.

He couldn't go into the class while talking to his sister especially when he was coming back from lunch break late so he took the right turn into the boys' restroom.

"Until recently? So, she stopped addressing you by the title?"

"Yeah, more or less, I can't say I know why."

'I absolutely know why.'

"Oh, I see. So she's the only one who talks to you with no hatred, malice, or fear?"

"Not quite, Claudia treats me just like she treats everyone else, like a person with rights but she's not actively trying to be my friend like her."

"Wait, there's someone trying to be your friend?" Her voice went up in excitement there and before he knew it, she was giggling.

"Yeah, and I don't like it."

'The fact that she looks a lot like Ava really unsettles me.'

__________ ___________

Combat classes were a necessity for the students of Aigis Academy, compared to homeroom, it had quite strict monitoring and any student who tried to skip it was severely punished.

There were three types of combat classes and the students were required to choose one among those three classes depending on what they wanted to improve and their fighting style.

There was the elemental class which was meant strictly for those with elemental abilities, this class was meant to teach them how to wield their elements in a formidable way and help them live up to their potential.

Elemental abilities were arguably regarded as the strongest form of abilities anyone could have so this class was quite necessary for anyone with elemental abilities, especially those with dual elemental abilities.

The next class was the stealth/spy class which was also known as the assassination class. This class dealt with teaching students with abilities suitable for spy work and how to properly use it.

That included those with abilities such as teleportation, invisibility, transformation, clairvoyance, and a couple of other abilities suitable for infiltration.

This class didn't really have a lot of students but one thing was clear, it had quite the talented students from the highest two classes.

The last class was the general combat class that dealt specifically with teaching the students how to use their abilities alongside their fists and weapons to fight their way out of battles.

This was the only class that openly accepted students could have been in either of the two classes so you could say there were a variety of students in the class.

The general combat class was the only class that really appealed to Arsha because it was the only one that could really help him improve the way he liked to fight the most, with his fist.

Being the only class where anybody could be in without really any requirements, the combat class ended up being the most populated class among the three.

Other than the various weapons hanging on the far end of the wall and the small ring close to the entrance, the large hall assigned to the combat class was mostly empty which was understandable since the students were going to be doing a lot of moving around in it to train.

At the moment, most of the students were busy training on their own as their instructor had yet to arrive but that didn't include Arsha.

He had his back against the wall near the entrance and away from everyone else, he had his arms crossed, and hanging down his left hand were both of his silver gauntlets being contained in some kind of rope bag.

"If I knew he was going to take this long, I would have taken my time getting here." He muttered under his breath before letting out a sigh.

He stood there for a while with his gaze on the floor before he decided to raise his gaze and see what everyone else was doing.

The only person in the room that could be said to be close to him was Jayden but that was only because they were roommates other than that, no one here ever talked to him.

The third years honestly hated his stuck-up attitude but after what happened the last time a couple of the foolish ones in the class tried to teach him a lesson, incurring the wrath of the storm queen was just something they would rather not do.

Other than Jayden, there was someone else he had gotten acquainted with just today.

The seventh-ranked third-year student, Rena Lawson. She was a level six which meant that when it came down to what they could do with their abilities, she was stronger.

She had her hair tied back just as usual and just like Arsha, she wasn't really doing much to pass the time until their instructor got there and that was because she was busy answering some of the questions the first years surrounding her had.

Just looking at her, the things she said to him earlier that day kept resounding in his mind.

"I have to say, I had no idea you could control water even after it has entered someone's body and I thought I was the only one who could pull it off." She remarked with a smile. "But using it to paralyze Aqua's left hand over a duel, that's quite cruel, is your heart really that dark?"


That came from a soft feminine voice and because Arsha seemed to be lost in his thoughts at that moment he didn't notice the person standing in front of him.

"Hello…." She called again this time tugging his shirt a little but before she could do more than that, he grabbed her by her arm and now he was staring down at her with those cold eyes.

The person calling him turned out to be a first-year student, that much was obvious from the green outlines on her uniform.

A silver-haired girl with blue eyes who was just about five foot eight.

It didn't take long before that cold look in Arsha's eyes turned to one of concern, it had to do with the way the girl was looking at him with a condescending smile on her face.

That was the moment he felt it, the hand he grabbed her with was getting cold fast and there was only one explanation for that, his hand was getting frozen.

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