Afterwards, every moment got awkward. He didn't want to speak to her, neither does she know what to say to him.
They went downstairs to eat breakfast. Both were served, and they started eating without talking to each other. Just like that, they were done eating breakfast, and they went back to their bedroom with awkward silence still existing between them.
They laid their back on the bed beside each other. Now, the silence was becoming suffocating for Izabelle. She just wanted to say something.
Soon, Izabelle's phone beeped. It was a message from Charlotte.
The message goes thus:
"Choose between these three clothes, I wanna go see a film in the cinema." And pictures of three clothes were sent.
As usual, she chose among the three clothes. While doing that, something struck her mind, and that's the fact that she has not gone for any date with Raymond ever since their honeymoon started.