
Semi-Finals Draw

[Pinnacle Academy, Stadium 1 - Arena A: Outside Of The Presentation Room]

[Wednesday, 1:55 PM]

Rel and Jan reached the doors of the presentation room, the 2 were frozen in place. Standing across the hall, two familiar figures stood opposing the two: Louise and Valencia. Louise's face was between the lines of anger and a disgusted look directed at Jan. Valencia shot an intense gaze at Rel, showing hostility and twisting her usual serene features.

Confused silence was what passed between the two. Jan and Rel exchanged panicked glances. Had they woken up in some bizarre alternate dimension where their enemies were suddenly teaming up?

Jan, noticing the tense atmosphere, decided to break the ice. "Hey everyone! How's it go–"

Louise cut him off. "Shut up, Jan." His voice dripped with venom. When Rel saw this, he knew he shouldn't be caught in the crossfire and knew he had to get to the room ASAP.

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