
Facilities and skills...

(AN: Important note, Chapters will be edited, the story wont change, it's just the structure that will. finished chapters, 1,2,3,4,5,6

following changes:

Thoughts: italics

system: Bold

Removed some of the onomatopoeia

Thanks to: LolipoPReapeR : 's Advice from scribblehub!






"Are these two, your Pokémon?"

Mater, baffled by what that is, leaned in towards Toru and whispered. "What in the world is a 'Pokimane'?" his gaze still focused on the newcomers, trying to make sense of the term.

Toru chose not to answer just yet but was focused on the peculiar creature that was now perched atop the middle visitor's head. "No, one's a customer, and the other is our employer," he said, clarifying to the black-haired kid. He then addressed the kid's question, "By Pokémon, I think you're referring to that yellow rat on your head." He paused for a moment, studying the creature before offering his guess.

"Pika!" The small creature seemed to take offense at Toru's words,

Meanwhile, at Toru's location, a different scene was unfolding. Groans filled the air as Asahi and Akemi gradually regained consciousness, still dazed from their encounter with the extraordinary gauntlet. Asahi, in particular, seemed to be battling a persistent headache, his hands massaging his temples in an effort to soothe the discomfort. His eyes squinted, focusing on his immediate surroundings as he struggled to piece together his thoughts.

"Seriously, what's next? Some anime protagonist is going to show up?" Asahi half-joked; a wry smile danced on his lips as he spoke. The market had become a place of such unpredictability and wonder that nothing seemed too far-fetched anymore.

Asahi's gaze instinctively drifted towards the entrance, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of the new arrivals. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him, prompting a wry remark under his breath, "Why do I feel like I just jinxed myself?"

It was then that Kazuhiro who decided to step in. His voice cuts through the air. "Welcome to the Market," he said, addressing the newcomers with a professional demeanor. "How may we assist you?"

The newcomers, still adjusting to the surreal environment, couldn't help but stare in disbelief at Kazuhiro and the talking tow truck. However, it wasn't entirely new to see creatures speak their tongue as they had their own experience with a particular creature that can.

"Oh, um," the young kid in the middle stammered, slightly taken aback by the formal welcome. "We were on our way to get more Pokéballs," he then gestures to the person beside him." but washboard here, I mean, our friend Misty brought us here," he explained.

Misty, standing right next to him, couldn't hide her irritation at his comment. Her annoyance was unmistakable, with a prominent vein throbbing on her forehead. "Care to run that by me again, Ash?" she hissed, her words barely escaping her clenched teeth as she shot a fiery glare his way.

In the midst of this exchange, Mater, who had been lost in his own world, suddenly tuned back into the conversation with a realization. "Hold on a second. Weren't there four of ya's?" he questioned, his eyes scanning the group for the missing member.

The newcomers themselves seemed caught off guard by this observation, their expressions turning to confusion. It was only then that they noticed the absence of one of their members. Before they could voice their concern, Toru, still focused on his device, nonchalantly dropped a bombshell. "He's flirting with Akemi," he stated matter-of-factly, not even bothering to look up.

The sudden mention of Akemi prompted a swift pivot of attention. Kazuhiro and the rest of the group turned their heads.

Asahi, who had been nursing a headache, suddenly snapped to alertness at the mention of his sister. His protective brotherly instincts surged to the forefront. He swept his gaze across the room,

Meanwhile, Akemi was at her wit's end. With each word dripping with exasperation, she addressed the unwelcome suitor. "For the last time, dude, I'm. Not. Interested." Her voice was firm, each word punctuated with a hope that it would finally get through to the persistent 15-year-old. Her smile was strained, a thin veneer over her growing annoyance.

The young admirer, oblivious to Akemi's discomfort, continued his lovelorn spiel. "It's fate that brought us here, it's as if we were meant to be—" 

His romantic monologue, however, was cut short by an unexpected intervention. A firm hand landed on his shoulder, halting his words mid-sentence. As he turned, he was met with the stern face of Asahi, who stood behind him. Asahi's glare, mirroring Akemi's earlier expression, was a sign of his disapproval. Yet, there was a strained smile on his lips, revealing the effort it took to keep his anger in check.

Asahi was conscious of the market's strict rules against hostility, especially towards customers. The last thing he wanted was to create trouble over this situation, but his protective instincts for his sister were hard to suppress. "My sister is not in the mood. How about I help you find something in here instead, hm?" His words carried an undercurrent of warning, a subtle hint to back off, though the meaning seemed to fly right over the young admirer's head.

The boy, unaware of the tension, responded with unbridled cheerfulness. "Your sister? Wow, I never expected to meet my future brother-in-law so soon!" he extended his hand for a handshake,

The room was a tableau of varying reactions to the boy's blissful ignorance. While Mater, Toru, and the supervisor remained unaffected, the others couldn't mask their astonishment. Their jaws dropped, a silent chorus of disbelief at the young admirer's oblivious persistence. Instead of recognizing the need to back off and offer an apology, he continued to extend his hand in greeting, adding to the absurdity of the moment.

Asahi, however, found his patience wearing thin. The boy's cheerful comment cut through his forced calm, igniting a spark of irritation. The throbbing vein on his forehead was a tell-tale sign of his escalating frustration.


The tension was soon abruptly cut by a sudden, resounding thud from the counter.


Every head in the vicinity turned to see that it was Toru, his hand firmly pressed against the counter. His face remained an impassive mask, betraying no emotion, yet his action was a clear statement. With this simple yet decisive gesture, he cut through the escalating tension, redirecting the focus of the room.

"Alright, you three. Come with me. You said you were looking for Pokéballs? It's this way." Toru announced, his voice calm yet commanding. He began to walk away, following the newly initiated dim route.

A few paces ahead, Toru stopped and turned back to ensure the group was following. His glance swept over Ash and the others, a flash of impatience in his eyes underscoring his question, "Are you coming?"

Ash, briefly startled by the appearance of the dimly lit path, hurried to respond. "Oh, uh yeah. Sure," he stammered. A quick, uncertain look passed between him and Misty before they both nodded, agreeing to follow Toru's lead.

The admirer, seemingly lost in his own fantasy, stayed behind. Misty, visibly irked by his lack of awareness, quickly took matters into her own hands. She reached out and firmly grasped his ear and tugged him along, ensuring he didn't lag behind any further. "Come on, Brock, snap out of it!" she scolded, her voice laced with exasperation.

As they ventured deeper into the aisles, the group, along with the yellow rat, couldn't help but be captivated by their surroundings. The aisles soon swallowed them up, their figures gradually disappearing from the view of those at the counter.

Asahi let out a relieved sigh, acknowledging the timely intervention by Toru. "I gotta thank Toru after this. Little dude saved me from a penalty. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling it might be bad," he remarked.

Kazuhiro, shifting his attention to Mater, inquired about his intentions. "Is there anything else you wish to purchase? That gauntlet you chose is quite expensive. Unless you have items of equal value for a trade?"

Mater, responded with his usual jovial tone. "Y'all said this place got everything, right?" That prompted a nod from the entity "Well, I always wanted to try them drinks from a fancy place, whats it called again?" He tried to recall the place. "Octane garden! Heard they're pricey over there, but I'm guessing you folks might sell 'em for a better deal here."

(AN: lol, couldn't think of a better name for cars equivalent of olive garden)

Kazuhiro gave a nod of understanding to Mater's request before directing his attention to the twins. "Asahi, Akemi, could you help and find what he's looking for?" he said, delegating the task with a calm authority.

Mater, ever the amiable character but struggling with the names, stepped towards the twins, his expression open and friendly. "So, which one of ya's is Akami and Ashi? Did I get that right?"

Akemi, trying to mask her irritation at the mangled pronunciation, corrected him with a hint of exasperation. "It's Akemi, and he's Asahi," she said, emphasizing the correct names.

Mater, undeterred by his mispronunciation, chuckled. "I'll just call you A1 and A2. Sounds easy on the tongue," he declared, his toothy grin indicative of his carefree nature.

Kazuhiro seized the opportunity to step away as Asahi and Akemi began assisting Mater with his unusual request. He made his way towards his office.

Upon reaching there, he settled on his desk and looked around the interface again. His long fingers moved over the mouse, guiding the cursor across the screen to the skills icon. A recent mission had mentioned the acquisition of a new skill, and he was keen to see if it had been added to his profile or if he needed to manually claim it first.

The screen brightly displays the skills feature site.





● Passive skills:

︎ Swiping frenzy | Tier 1.

︎ Glide stride | Tier 1.

︎ Inexhaustible momentum | Tier 1.


● Activation skill:

︎ Omnisight eclipse | Cursed.




His attention was particularly drawn to the activation skill listed. The label 'Cursed' piqued his curiosity. Clicking on it, it displayed its properties.




Omnisight Eclipse:


The ability to enhance vision. Once activated, your sight will improve to the degree you desire, even allowing you to see a few seconds into the future or through multiple obstacles.

However, the skill comes with a significant drawback. Your sight will gradually deteriorate with each use, and the degree of enhancement will accelerate this process. The ability will become unusable if the user were to lose their vision, rendering them fully blind. There is no cure whatsoever.

Activation requires concentration and a clear intention of what you wish to achieve.

- Stamina cost: 4/sec. (Will increase depending on how enhanced it is)


Due to your recent failure, you have obtained a cursed ability. It offers great benefits but also carries a significant risk.

Use it wisely...




He contemplated the skill's strategic applications, weighing the benefits against the potential cost to his well-being. The skill's potential was undeniable, offering him abilities that could significantly aid in his duties. Yet, the risk of losing his sight was a heavy price to pay. The balance between the skill's power and its curse needed careful consideration.

Having come to terms with the reality of the cursed skill, Kazuhiro turned his attention to the other two passive skills. The Tier 1 designation piqued his curiosity. Were these skills part of a larger progression, each with its own unique development path?

He clicked on the downward arrows beside each skill, which later displayed a page about its description and upgrades.

His gaze focused solely on the upgrades.




Swiping frenzy | Tier 1:

Requirements for Tier 2:

Steal attributes from 1000 individuals: (232/1000)


Duration increased to 35 mins instead of 30


Glide stride | Tier 1:

Requirements for Tier 2:

Wander for 2500 kilometers in the outside world: (0/2500)


Increased movement distance.


Inexhaustible momentum | Tier 1:

Requirements for Tier 2:

Have your Stamina regenerate for three hours long while still in combat with an enemy in the outside world. (0/3)


Regen increased to 25/min instead of 20




his thoughts a whirlwind of strategies and possibilities. Each skill presented unique challenges and rewards, shaping the path he would need to take to unlock their full potential.

'Fragments, classes, and now skills are left with progression.' he mused quietly to himself, recognizing the multitude of opportunities available for his development.

With these thoughts in mind, he turned his attention to the last task with an exclamation mark that beckoned for his attention. Moving the mouse cursor, he clicked on the icon, curious to discover what lay within.

The screen transitioned smoothly, revealing the contents of his inventory.





︎ x1 Wind chant scroll.

︎ x1 Ethereal grasp scroll.

︎ x2 Facility chest.

︎ x1 Sniper rifle (extracted)




Looking briefly at the items stored, his gaze was solely focused on the chests. He began to wonder what the item's purpose was. That left him to ponder if he should use them.

Having made his decision, he clicked to open one of the Facility chests. A new minimized window popped up on his screen, revealing its contents.

The mystery of the chest began to unfold, and Kazuhiro leaned in closer to examine each item more closely.




1: The Multi-Passenger Cart.


This innovative cart is designed for both comfort and utility, and it is a better option for you and your customers to Traverse the vast market. It can accommodate up to eight individuals.


2: The Dynamic Mission Bulletin Board.


This bulletin board contains all the information you seek in a mission. Simply pull the note off, and you'll be assigned to it. Instead of manually assigning World missions, they will automatically display themselves and be an option for those seeking compensation rewards.

Workers and customers can participate, but only workers can gain abilities while customers receive monetary compensation. Both parties need to be supervised and assessed for eligibility.

Customers can also commission tasks by writing on an empty note and placing it on the board.


3: The Knowledge Room.


Enter the sanctuary of wisdom, where knowledge transcends worlds. The Knowledge Room, a serene haven, offers a blend of texts, literature, and knowledge about culture from many different worlds.

The extention of the library will cater to the curious minds of every universe. As you step in, a sense of tranquility washes over you, enhancing your focus and eagerness to learn. While there is a modest fee for this gateway to enlightenment, the riches of knowledge within promise an invaluable return.


4: Universal Facility Upgrade Component.


The Universal Facility Upgrade Component is a marvel of engineering, capable of transforming any facility into a beacon of efficiency and advancement.




Kazuhiro's gaze was fixed on the contents of the facility chest, His hand was steady as he maneuvered the mouse, the cursor floating over the myriad of options displayed on the glowing screen.

'Out of all the choices, two distinctly stand out,' his mind meticulously balancing the advantages and drawbacks of each.

'The bulletin board,' he pondered, 'presents an efficient, essential tool. It could offer a way for workers to select missions, offering them a choice. Additionally, it provides a unique opportunity for customers lacking traditional currency or valuables to trade within the market.'

He then shifted his thoughts to the knowledge room. 'It's straightforward: pay the entry fee and access the wealth of information. It's bound to attract a crowd of curious minds, later choosing to stay longer, engrossed in learning. It's a simple yet effective concept.'

Weighing both options, 'both can significantly enhance the market's vibrancy, drawing in people with the promise of missions or knowledge.'

 With a final glance, he closed the window, resolving to revisit this pivotal choice later when his thoughts were clearer and his decision more resolute.

"I'll revisit this later. For now, I'll shift my focus to the present." His intentions were specific: Toru, the youngest yet remarkably stoic worker under his supervision. As Kazuhiro selected Toru's name from the list, a live webcam feed flickered to life on the screen,

The webcam offered not just a visual insight but an auditory one as well, allowing Kazuhiro to listen in. He watched and heard Toru interact with newcomers, guiding them through the aisles.



"Here we are, Which one are you particularly interested in?" Toru voiced, his eyes keen and observant, flicked towards Ash, noting the group's awe-struck silence as they took in the shelves lined with an array of Pokeballs.

From the commonplace to the extraordinary, each Pokeball was a marvel in its own right. Some glowed with an inner light, while others were adorned in hues unseen in conventional spheres. It was a collection that spanned the spectrum of imagination, some familiar, others bordering on the fantastical.

Brock, caught in a moment of wonder, couldn't help but voice his amazement. "Wow... I never knew such Pokeballs existed." His gaze fixated on one particularly mesmerizing orb, radiating a magical glow and adorned with colors that danced in the light.

Toru responds after studying their astonishment, delivered in his characteristic monotone, "I've figured as much," he began, his words slow and deliberate. "These Pokeballs, they're not just from your world. They're likely from various realms, perhaps even alternate dimensions. It's a theory of mine that multiple worlds exist, each similar yet distinctly unique."

A hush fell over the newcomers at the mention of different worlds and dimensions. Their gazes shifted, now locked onto Toru, as if seeing him in a new light.

Misty's voice cuts through the air, tinged with curiosity and disbelief. "Different worlds?" she echoed, pausing as she tried to wrap her mind around the enormity of what Toru had just said.

Ash, equally baffled, chimed in with a sense of wonder, "Alternate dimensions?" His words were accompanied by a soft, amazed "Chu..." from the yellow Pokémon who was equally captivated by the conversation.

Toru, sensing the need for clarification, mentally braced himself for the explanation. "Yes, Different worlds, exactly. Consider my own world, for instance. Where I come from, we don't have creatures like yours that battle alongside us. Instead, we've been facing a dire crisis, a plague, you might call it. It's something that turns people into monsters... monsters that prey on us humans." He paused a hint of solemnity in his voice. "That's all I can say for now."

As he took in their appearances, a realization dawned on him. "Judging by your... let's say, gear, it seems we're operating on a low budget here."

The trio, Ash, Misty, and Brock, couldn't help but react with a comical sweat drop at Toru's blunt assessment of their financial status. It felt like a humorous yet somewhat stinging jab, the kind only a candid child could deliver.

Misty, trying to process the overwhelming concept of multiple worlds, rubbed her temples, a slight headache forming. "So, that explains your unusual questions on the way here. We almost thought you were out of touch. But the idea of different worlds... it's a lot to take in.".

With a resigned sigh, Ash moved towards a Pokeball that seemed ordinary, its colors and design similar to the one he owned. "This is what we're here for," he declared, holding it up for examination.

Toru nodded and chose a meticulous approach; he needed to verify its details. He pulled out a handheld device, swiftly navigating to the Appraise application. The following action caught the trio off guard; he aimed the device's camera at the Pokeball in Ash's grasp, a process they hadn't anticipated.


A melodious chime emanated from the device, signaling the completion of the analysis.


Toru's eyes scanned the information on the screen, his expression shifting as he read. Suddenly, his eye twitched a subtle but telling reaction. He looked up at Ash with a seriousness that brooked no argument.

"No, you won't be able to afford this one," he stated bluntly, his voice devoid of warmth, implying they should opt for a less expensive option.

Ash, taken aback, stammered, "Huh? What? why?" His confusion was quickly echoed by Misty's rising indignation.

"What do you mean we can't afford it?! This is just an ordinary Pokeball! So it must be-" Her protest was abruptly cut off by Toru.

Choosing to offer an explanation, Toru first posed a question, "What do you know about your Pokeball?" His inquiry seemed irrelevant at first, leaving Misty bewildered as to its significance.

Misty, momentarily caught off guard and was slightly taken aback by Toru's unexpected question, responded with a puzzled, "What?" Her confusion was evident; she was unsure of how to address his inquiry.

Toru, sensing her bewilderment, slightly irked at the lack of understanding, decided to reframe his question for clarity. "Your current Pokeball," he began again, his tone more pointed, "its properties, what does it do?"

Misty's response was tinged with hesitation, revealing a sliver of doubt in her voice. "I- It's used to capture Pokémon," she stated, her tone reflecting a hint of uncertainty.

"Is that all?" Toru pressed, to which she responded with a simple nod.

With a thoughtful look, Toru elaborated, "I see. Well, the Pokeball you're holding is not what you're accustomed to. However, a chance of it may exist in your world but remain undiscovered, or, tracing back to my earlier point, it could originate from an alternate dimension. There are numerous possibilities beyond these two theories, but these seem the most plausible."

Brock joined the conversation, his demeanor shifting to one of earnest inquiry. "But how can it be so different? It looks just the same as any other Pokeball we've encountered." His expression was serious, brows furrowed, arms crossed, as he sought a deeper understanding of the item's unexpected value.

Toru's explanation continued, methodical and revealing. "As Misty mentioned, your Pokeballs are designed specifically for capturing Pokémon," he began, pausing to gauge their reaction. As his words sunk in, he noticed their eyes gradually widening, a dawning realization creeping into their expressions.

He then delivered the crux of the matter. "The Pokeball in hand," he said, his voice steady, "is not limited like yours. It's engineered to capture any living thing it comes into contact with, and that includes humans."

This revelation hit the trio like a thunderbolt. A collective gasp escaped their lips, a mix of shock and disbelief rippling through them. The very idea that a seemingly ordinary Pokeball could possess such extraordinary and potentially dangerous capabilities was beyond their wildest imaginations.






(AN: sorry for the wait and wait whats that? A poll? damn, let's see if democracy is good or not. i'm fine with either pick.)


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