
The Denatus Decision

~So much to do, so much to see~

~So what's wrong with taking the back streets?~

~You'll never know if you don't go~

~You'll never shine if you don't glow...~



"I AM GANESHA!" The elephant god yelled into the microphone. "And now ladies and gentleman, we move onto the final part of this event. The votes are to be cast into the box, and Hermes is going to pull out one lucky person's suggestion. Who might it be I wonder? Well let's find out. Drop your pens and toss them right in!"

Most of the gods agreed excitedly, hoping their suggestion would be the one picked out while some just grumbled as they had not finished formulating their ideas. It was quite a big event this particular Denatus vote. Because it was not just any Familia participating in the War Game.

It was to be the most powerful Familia in the world at the current moment, versus an adventurer who was supposed to be the most powerful one to have ever existed in history. And that idea was adopted simply because of what Loki's children had to say about the boy. There were very few in the city who would doubt the honesty and credibility of Finn Deimne the Braver.

Hermes walked between each aisle holding out a ballot box as gods on all benches either leaned back and dropped them in or leaned over their tables to drop their pieces of paper in. As Hermes passed by Loki, he noticed that the paper she'd folded in was one that had quite an extensive piece of writing on it. He looked over at her and they locked eyes.

Noticing her smile and the look she gave him, Hermes received the message she was trying to transmit. He was a messenger god after all...

He took note of this exact piece of paper and shook the box a bit to drive it into a specific corner he would remember it being in. Like this, he went around all the gods taking their votes and placing them in the box before he came to the War Table. He set the ballot box on the table in front of Ganesha.

"And now for the moment we've all been eagerly awaiting for!" Ganesha said. "Hermes, make your choice!"

The foxy messenger god looked to Ptah, then to Freya as the Egyptian Primordial drummed his fingers on his biceps (he'd crossed his arms) and tapped his foot impatiently on the ground. Freya simply sat elegantly on her seat as if it were the throne she had on top of Babel and awaited patiently for the result. Her Familia had experience in many kinds of War Games, so perhaps that would give her some edge over Ptah's powerhouse.


Hermes meanwhile fumbled around in the box in the specific corner he'd tilted Loki's piece of paper into. When he thought he'd got it right, he pulled it out a bit to see that the colour of the paper was indeed the one that Loki had used. Praying that this was the right one, he pulled it out completely.

Usually he would not play things like this. But this was a very big occasion in which the major parties had some stake in the matter. Why not have two powerful groups clash with each other on the terms of another powerful entity that was friend to one party and a rival to another?

It was bound to cause chaos, and given Loki's way, the format she'd provided would most certainly be cunning. Especially when Hermes could only draw once. The moment he pulled it out was the moment it became the upcoming War Game's format and protest from either side of the contestants would not be permitted, let alone accepted. In a War Game, anything was allowed...even killing participants. It was the one instance where adventurers could fight and kill one another outside of the Dungeon.

Hermes read the paper with his eyes widening as he absorbed the contents. The gods noticed this and began turning impatient at the suspense he was brewing.

"Well spit it out Olympian!"

"The hell does it say!"

"Hermes...always loves the drama!"

"Is he just going to stand there?"

"Maybe it's something bad?"

"Hurry it along moron!"

"We're waiting!"

"Your hat sucks!"


Hermes pulled away from the parchment and raised an eyebrow at the god who made that last statement.

"What's my hat got to do with anything?" He tilted the said accessory. "I'll have you know it was made with love and care out of the finest material and it does its job quite well in protecting me from the sun and the cold."

"Boy." Ptah grumbled. "We don't have time for your fashion choices. Just spill it already."

"I AM GANESHA! Come on Hermes, what's taking so long?"

"Well..." Hermes rubbed the back of his head. "It's just that there was a lot to get through...and honestly this suggestion is quite outrageous. This type of War Game has rarely ever been used...or rather the specifics."

"Well?" Freya urged. "Please do enlighten us."

"Well put simply, it's almost like a battle royale." Hermes said. "However, this person has gone into quite the detail. WE don't even really need to deliberate over the rules for this format since it's practically been given. It goes like this. A battle to restore honour. If Ptah and his Familia have offended any god and they feel like their personal honour has been slighted, they may join Freya at the War Table and oppose Ptah alongside her." The messenger god read out.

A collective gasp resonated throughout the Denatus chamber before it was replaced with excited trembling as they realised that the numbers participating in this War Game had just grown significantly.

"Well this would be acceptable under normal circumstances." Ganesha said before he turned to Ptah. "But my dear uncle only has nine members in his Familia. They are already up against quite the number with Freya's Familia alone. I would push for the motion that this vote be overhauled."

A boo of disagreement sounded in the chamber.

"Come on, where's the fun in that?"

"If they think they can beat the Freya Familia, then what's the problem with adding a couple more?"

"You can't do that! It breaks all decorum and...and...rules have to be followed!"

"Surely that level 9 could just slap everyone else aside. Why should we not send some more?"

"It'll also make the Game a lot more fun! And longer!"


"Let us not forget friends." Dionysus called out as the chamber quietened down to hear him. "If these people were to join the War Table, they would be subject to the same conditions that Freya has agreed to put herself under. Any wagers she put down are also ones they'll have to put down. I commend Freya for her bravery but I'm not sure anybody else is quite safe enough to do that."

"That is true." Dian Cecht called out before he grinned and chuckled. "But hey, where's the fun in throwing that option out? It's the best one I've heard in a long time." He then turned to Apollo who was sitting next to him. "They both name-called you and ridiculed you at the party last night Apollo. Why don't you step up to the plate?"

"Well urgh...I'm not really certain that-OOF!" Apollo began but he was sent out of his seat as Dian Cecht gave him a clap on the back. Since Apollo was seated at the end of a bench, he was made to stumble out onto the stairs. 

"Stop being such a sissy." The bearded god said. "Prove that your Familia is not just a weird harem and that they are actually worth something!"

"How dare you!" Apollo thundered at him. "I'll have you know that each and every single one of my children are talented warriors who specialise at fighting in their own ways. They might not be high levelled yet but they certainly have the best qualities to go far!"

"Then prove it nitwit!" A god called out. "Or have you spent too much time under the sun that you just delude yourself?"

The gods began chanting and prompting Apollo to go down and join Freya at the War Table while the sun god got redder and redder in the face as he even heard some people ridiculing him.


"Well what do the contestants themselves think of this suggestion I wonder?" Hermes asked as he looked to Freya and Ptah.

Freya was about to say something but Ptah cut her off by waving his hand.

"Meh, whatever." Ptah said. "If he wants to join the lambs then let him. We might even be doing some people a favour. I've got no objections."

"You realize that will mean you get outnumbered even more right?" Hermes asked, raising a brow. But to be honest, he wasn't surprised one bit about this response from Ptah.

"Outnumbered perhaps...but never outclassed." Ptah said before he looked to the crowd. "Anybody else wants to join the band-wagon? First come first serve. Come and get it while we're still open!" He jeered.

Freya just simply shook her head. She could tell that this was something the entire assembly wanted so she guessed she could go along with it for now. It wasn't like she couldn't force her own models and objectives onto Apollo and anybody else who joined through her children. At the end of the day, if victory was to be against the Ptah Familia, then it would be hers alone and Steve would be her prize. She wouldn't let anybody else take him.

Apollo's face was so red with anger and embarrassment from the ridicule he was getting that he finally breathed a heavy sigh and made his way down the stairs, standing by the War Table as he crossed his arms. Many noticed though that he did not make eye-contact with Ptah once and did everything he could to avoid it.

"Well I guess Apollo's joining the party." Ganesha said before he looked to the crowd. "Anybody else feel like they need to get one back at the Ptah Familia? Or is is it to be just Freya and Apollo?"

"What about you, you old fart?" Somebody asked the elephant god. "We've seen how many times Ptah has wacked you over the head. He did it right as he came into this room. Don't you want a piece of him?"

"(gasp). How could you suggest such a terrible thing?" Ganesha said dramatically as he put his hand on his heart, as if the greatest blasphemy ever had just been imposed upon him. "I AM GANESHA! And I would never turn on my dear beloved uncle like that! Ganesha NEVER turns on his dear family!"

The crowd slumped at that while somebody muttered 'Spoilsport' beneath their breath.


Now there weren't many that either Steve or Ptah had offended. Perhaps Loki could be an option but of course, since it was her suggestion (as Ptah eyed her very obviously and she shrunk back) and because her children were friends of the Ptah Familia, it made no sense why allies would be opposing one another in a War Game.

But just as it seemed nobody was going to come forward and Ganesha was about to close the case, somebody at the top of the benches stood up. Everybody eyed the head of purple hair and the solemn expression on Ishtar's face as she considered her options. On one hand she hated the fact that she would be having to fight alongside her worst enemy.

But what Steve had said to her in front of so many at the party last night grated on her nerves so badly that she would do anything to play a part in making sure that boy ate his words again. And it also provided an opportunity. That perhaps using her children, she could do something underhanded to the Freya Familia while on the battlefield...and even pin the blame on that fool Apollo if all things went well.

The downsides was that she would be subject to the rules of the War Game wagers and she would become subservient to the very boy who'd insulted her if she lost. There was no way that could happen though...and it was not like people actually knew who was in her Familia. She could put her members out on the field...but not all of them had to fight. And with the odds stacking so much against him, Steve could not win this War Game surely.

Her 'associates' would certainly not appreciate a demonstration like this...but who cared what they thought? Her dignity was at stake!

"I will also join this War Game." Ishtar announced with as much pomp as she could muster. "I too find myself at loggerheads with Ptah's brood. That boy hurled some filthy insults my way last night, foul language that no dignified and beautiful woman should ever find herself besmirched with at any point in time. So forgive me if you do not like the fact that I too am eager to reap the spoils."

"Thoughts you two?" Ganesha turned to the two contestants. Ptah shrugged his shoulders while Freya said nothing, indicating she was okay with it. "Well I guess that settles that. And since nobody else came forward, the results are this. It will be the Ptah Familia against Freya, Apollo and Ishtar. A round of applause everybody!"

The gods cheered and clapped as they found themselves pleased with this outcome. Both Familia had a considerable amount of members which would stack a lot against the level 9. Some were there to see Steve getting beat down, while some who genuinely believed that Steve was level 9 wanted to see him slaughter all these people. Bear in mind that many among the gods did not particularly like Apollo or Ishtar for their own reasons...a slight chance at seeing them humbled would work so much in their entertainment.


"Well Hermes, what are the rules on that card then?" Ganesha asked the messenger god.

"Well simple really." Hermes answered. "There shall be an all out battle between the Familia in whatever order or formation they'd like. However, to compensate for such a large difference in numbers, there is a little kink in place to spice things up a bit. All Familia shall bring their flags and place them wherever they like. If the Ptah Familia's flag is captured, no matter how many of their opponents they take out, then they lose. The Ptah Familia must ideally capture all the other Familias' flags to win, but since they are so few in number, if they manage to get the Freya Familia's flag since they are the original opponents, then the Ptah Familia wins the game. Of course the only other way to win this for either side is to subjugate each other until either one side surrenders or are they completely decimated." Hermes dropped the card on the table. "And that's basically it."

"Which idiot put so much detail onto one card? They were supposed to just write a suggestion." Ishtar asked as she looked at the little paper. Loki stared daggers at her.

Hephaestus put her hand up for all to see and she cleared her throat. At this, Ptah lost all boredom and sat apt at attention to her.

"I have a proposition." Hephaestus said. "Since the format of the game is so clearly stacked against Ptah, and since he was the one that was actually challenged in the first place and not the challenger, I say that we let him decide where the War Game shall take place."

That statement was met with unanimous agreement, and nobody could really find themselves thinking otherwise. When one really thought about it, as the Familia that would be outnumbered about a thousand to one, it would be balanced to let them fight on terrain and grounds advantageous to them. They say that 'All Is Fair In Love And War', but it hurt nobody to have a bit of consistency.

"Well Ptah?" Hermes asked. "What do you say?"

Now this was actually the part of the meeting that Ptah was dreading for. Steve had pushed and emphasised on him the importance of Ptah being the one to choose the place they'd fight in (or rather the place Steve chose to fight in), so the gamer had told Ptah time and time again to figure out a way in which he could do that. Ptah had been wrestling in his brain for ideas on how to convince these people to give him the prerogative but here Hephaestus had just delivered it to him.

Hephaestus did not see the love hearts aimed at her from his eyes and he was so tempted to blow her a kiss. But poor Ptah, as mighty and great as he was, crumbled like a little girl before the prospect of such a bold act. Instead he asked for a map to be placed on the table and he searched for the place that Steve had insisted on.

"Here." Ptah pointed. "At Lolog Lake, where the mouth of the lake hits the sea. There's an old fort there that used to be used by the old kingdom, and there are some large storehouses here and there for imported goods that used to come by the old trade ways. This is a perfect spot."

"But that is a little close to Melen." Freya raised her brow. "The Poseidon Familia will not be happy knowing that a War Game is taking place near his base of operation."

"Then you can tell the shrivelled up old seahorse that I expect him to bite my brown buttcheek." Ptah said indignantly as he thumped his finger on the map. "That is where I have chosen and that is where it will take place."

"Am I to assume you want to take root in the old fort?" Ishtar asked. To her, it would be the perfect way to swamp such a small Familia and corner them. It would be very similar to a siege. And it would also be a good place to put their flag too.

"No, you lot can take them to put your flags in." Ptah said. "We have our own ideas."

"If that is the case, then my Familia shall be taking the fort." Freya said firmly. "I care not for where you two make your bases but the castle is mine alone."

Finding themselves unable to argue with the more powerful woman, both gods kissed their teeth and conceded reluctantly. They would just go for the old storehouses. It would be less ground to guard anyway.

Ptah however just smiled cruelly on the inside. These idiots were in for a nasty surprise. Most likely they would expect that Ptah's children would be moving around to attack three different bases...they didn't know just how right they were.

"And with that, this Denatus is concluded!" Ganesha shouted. "I AM GANESHA! Have a great day everybody!"


Steve pulled his earpiece out and mimed fisting a ghost momentarily.

This had turned out better than he had expected. He'd been hoping to perhaps make use of some people in the Freya Familia...but with these two new Familia joining the fray, not only would there be more meat for him to chew, but he would also be able to squeeze out certain individuals from all those Familia...and scratch out some others too.

And as he stepped down the stairs to see Alex getting her citizenship and guild card, and both his girlfriends rushed to greet him, he smiled a big one. Whatever force out there was looking over him was just pushing his luck to great heights. Much of his plans would be realised...real soon.


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