
Moving Out

"So, did you get everything you wanted?"

"Yes! Look, Ichigo-san, I got this and this, don't they look pretty."

"Uh! They are adorable. What about you, Maki?"

"I don't need anything flashy, so I only got this."

Maki showed Ichigo the clothes she chose. They were relatively simple, nothing too extravagant. Ichigo, seeing their taste, smirked.

'Just like Karin and Yuzu, is this a twin thing?'

"Okay, where is Shoko?"

"She is trying a dress, oh! Here she comes."

Ichigo turned around and saw Shoko making their way to them. She was wearing a purple dress.

"What do you think, Ichigo?"

Shoko looked at Ichigo and asked for his opinion. Ichigo was quiet momentarily, and a small blush could be seen on his face.

"I-I think it looks wonderful."

"I-is that so? I like it too. Purple is my favorite color, after all."

"It suits you."




"Are you two done? I thought that only Ichigo and I were allowed to flirt with each other."

"Gojo-san, why did you ruin the mood?"

Mai, enjoying the show, complained to Gojo about destroying the lovely atmosphere. 

"If I can't find love, then no one can."

"A common loser way of thinking."

"Maki, even if Gojo-san is acting like a loser, you shouldn't say it out loud, it's rude."

"Mai, I think you are being more rude than me."

"You two did not take time to get comfortable." 


Jujutsu tech

Ichigo spoke with someone on his cell phone while Maki and Mai played with Nanako and Mimiko.

"Yes, I would like to find a place outside of Tokyo, if possible, an apartment or house close to an elementary school. I have two kids with me, so it would be nice if the place had three bedrooms. If it's a good neighborhood, that would be even better."

"Understood. I will contact you when I find a place, Kurosaki-san."

"Thank you."

Chew chew!

"Who was that?"

Gojo, who was filling his mouth with sweets, asked Ichigo.

"An Agent helping me find a place to stay."

"I have been thinking for a while, but it is vital to move out of Tokyo? It is not like the Zenin clan can touch you, plus no one has an issue with the girls staying in Jujutsu tech."

"I am not worried about the Zenin clan, and I know that everyone is okay with the girls being here, but I don't want their life just to be the jujutsu world; they already had enough of that. I want them to enjoy an everyday life while they can."

"You made it sound like they wouldn't be able to live a normal life."

"We both know they won't be able to escape the Jujusse world. Once you connect with this side of society, you can't get away from it, at least not for long, especially these girls, who are related to one of three clans. Mai already awakened her technique, and Maki has a heavenly pact."

"So, would you train them before they come to jujutsu tech?"

"Yeah, but it wouldn't be something too big. I will start training them seriously in their first year of middle school."

"I think Mai would be fine with that, but Maki seems eager to become stronger, hahaha."


"She has a good mindset, and with her heavenly pact, she can become as strong as Fushiguro Toji, but there seems to be an issue."

"So you noticed."

"Yeah, Maki, who is supposed to have a heavenly pact that enhances her physical abilities in exchange for her curse energy, even if she is a child, she should be stronger than she is now, and the amount of curse energy Mai possesses is too small."

Gojo thought about it and told Ichigo

"Usually, twins are viewed as unpromising in the jujutsu world because a cursed technique identifies them as one, limiting their potential."

"Yeah, and with these two, it is even more unique. Maki can't reach her full potential because her sister has curse energy, and Mai possesses such a small quantity of curse energy because her sister has a heavenly pact."

"So basically, Mai is also affected by the heavenly pact, and Maki's heavenly is affected by Mai's curse energy, eh, and how are you planning on strengthening them? Given their circumstances, it would be difficult."

Ichigo looked at Gojo with a smirk.

"Since when did something being difficult have been a problem for us?"

"True, so any Ideas?"

"I do have one. Do you remember when I obtained this body?"

"Yes, why?"

"Before that, do you know how a heavenly pact works?"

"Yeah, a heavenly pact is placed in the body at birth, but in exchange for gaining a powerful ability, the person who gets the heavenly pact also gets a limitation or weakness. In Maki's case, her limitation is her lack of curse energy."

"Correct, point to you, here have snack."

Ichigo tossed a candy at Gojo.


"Anyway, back to the topic, it was possible to get a real body because the world's will affected me, but in that process, my hollow side interfered not on purpose, but it did."


"So, since then, I asked myself, how is it possible for the world to affect a person? And have you ever wondered where the heavenly pacts come from? Who made them? So, I devised a theory: what if the world created heavenly pacts? That may be the way the world's will influence people, so maybe when my body was created because it was a new body, like a newborn, it tried to put a heavenly pact on me, trying to limit me."

"That is possible, but if it tried to give you a weakness, then it did a shitty job."

"Uh, but another question arose: how come the world could not place a heavenly pact on me?"

Gojo thought about it for a moment and came up with an answer.

"Because of your hollow's energy."

"You are in a row. Here another candy."

"Double yay!!!"

"So, to put it in simple terms, my hollow energy negated the heavenly pact, so basically, my idea is to use my curse energy that is mixed with my hollow one to try and do something about Maki's heavenly pact, but I am still not sure if that is going to work and I want to investigate a little more before doing anything, if I try acting without being prepared, I can cause more harm then good."

Ring Ring Ring

Ichigo's phone started to ring 


"Hello, Kurosaki-san, I have good news. I found a place for you."

"So quick!! Did you travel through time or something?"

"Hahaha, of course not. I had free time, and my colleague told me there is a place suitable for you. It is an apartment complex, but it has four bedrooms instead of three. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure, it is not an issue. Where is the apartment located?"

"Hmm, let me see.... oh! It is in a city called Sendai City. Do you want to visit and have a look at it?"

"Sure, I can go tomorrow if that works for you."

"That is perfect see you tomorrow, Kurosaki-san."

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