
Ready Or Not Here I Come

Giuseppe: "I knew it, I knew you were a vampire and seeing my sons here with you, you must have turn them into vile creatures like you and no children of mime will live like that"

Giuseppe said as he ready his weapon and aimed at his sons.

Viktor: "drop the weapon, Giuseppe, you don't want to go down that route"

Giuseppe: "are you threatening me now, too late because I will eradicate your kind from the face of the world, starting with my sons"

Giuseppe said as he fired the wooden bullet in his musket at his favorite son, Stefan.

But before the bullet could get to Stefan, Freya destroyed it mid - air turning it into dust

Giuseppe seeing as Stefan was completely fine frowned as he knew that he just shot at him just now and from the looks of it, his target was never hit which surprised him greatly.

Freya: "thinking of what happened, if so I was responsible"

Giuseppe looked at Freya and shot at her but the same thing happened before.

Giuseppe: "what are you, you are not a vampire, no vampire can ever do whatever you just did"

Freya: "of course not, I'm not a vampire but that does not mean you can look down on me as that will be the very last mistake you will ever make in your life$

Freya said as she conjured a fire in her hands and burned the bodies Damon had feed on as a show of power.

Giuseppe: "so you are another kind of monster, well this changes everything we have planned but that does not mean we have lost our will to eradicate you monsters, you are not meant to walk the same world that we inhabit"

Giuseppe said as the founders appeared behind him and also the forces they have prepared.

Viktor: "this is going troublesome, you know, father?"

Mikael: "I know, a trouble I will love to handle, boy"

Mikael appeared with Esther in his hands while he stared at the fools invading his home.

An hour ago

???: "wait Giuseppe, I will join you, I too have my suspicion against the Mikaelsons, they are unusual since they arrived in Mystic falls and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it"

Giuseppe turned to see a tall man with a medium build, wearing dark-colored cloth of the time. He has short, blonde hair and blue eyes. He recognized him to be William Forbes, the sheriff of the Mystic Falls.

Giuseppe: "so you are the only one to have a brain among the rest of those fools"

William: "me coming to you does not warrant any insult to the council, for all we know, we might be wrong about the Mikaelsons and we will become the fools, so save your judgement for later"

Giuseppe looked at William before he said.

Giuseppe: "alright, whatever you say, but I will have you know that my gut feeling is always right"

William: "we will know about that later, but for now, we have somewhere to be"

Giuseppe: "yes but before that, when we get to Mikaelson's home, you will have to sneak in while only I will go in openly, so that if they were indeed vampires, you can inform the others"

Giuseppe laid out his plan to take down the Mikaelsons.

William: "ok, but don't do anything rash while I'm gone"

Both Giuseppe and William went the Mikaelsons Resident as William sneaked inside the compound unaware that his actions were already seen by Mikael who choose to let him be as he is going to have fun with them later.

When Giuseppe entered and saw his sons feeding off blood from humans and Freya by Stefan, he was angered at the monstrosities he called his sons.

William also saw the scene and he didn't wait any longer as he has gotten what he needed, so he left to get the other founding members.

Some moment later

Thomas: "are you sure of what you are saying?"

William: "of course, I saw it with my own eyes, how can you ask such a question, I saw Stefan and Damon feeding on blood, they are now vampires and the Mikaelsons were there watching them doing it, he even held his daughter in his arms, whom I'm now doubting if he is even the father of that child"

Thomas fell into a contemplative states as he thought of what he should do, this a founding member they were talking about here, they can't just go and try to kill him but he is what they are trying to kill here.

Thomas: "sigh, Jonathan, gather your gadgets that can make us stand against Viktor and his family, while you, William, mobilize your forces and equip them with wooden bullet and have them join the rest of us at the Mikaelson's Resident, the rest of you with me"

Thomas immediately gave out his orders as everyone went to do what they were assigned to and the rest followed Thomas.

Present Time

Viktor: "I see, you have thoroughly prepared yourself"

Viktor said as he faced the founders and the mini army they brought against him and his family.

Viktor: "what I've been desperately trying to prevent has happened"

Viktor handed Malia to Qetsiyah and turned to Freya as he continued.

Viktor: "take them to New Orleans along with Mother and Father"

Viktor called Mikael because he was the one who let this happen in the first place and he won't let him to do what he intended from the start.

Mikael: "don't you dare listen to him Freya, I want to join in the fun...NOOOOO"

Mikael didn't finish his statement before Freya got to him and they teleported to New Orleans.

Seeing as Freya just transported the others with her made everyone start to second guess their decision in coming here but they had a strong will so they remained firm in their earlier decision.

Giuseppe: "where did she take my sons"

Viktor: "you don't need to know that as you will be dead in a matter of seconds and there is this popular saying, dead men tell no tales but since I am generous today I will give each and everyone of you a chance to live, all you have to do us just to lay down your arms and I will make sure you don't remember this night or stand against me and die, your choice"

Viktor laid down their options for them as he just want to make tonight a little crazy.

Thomas: "you do realize that you are outnumbered, right?"

Viktor: "yes, by a bunch of ants, so that's no problem for me"

Jacob: "your overconfidence will lead to your demise, as you know even an elephant can be brought down by a colony of ants, so what makes you different"

Viktor ignored him and said.

Viktor: "seeing as none of you accepted my offer, just know there is no second chances after this"

Viktor said as his eyes turned reddish purple which scared the living daylight out of everyone as that was not the normal eyes of a Vampire.

Viktor: "Ready Or Not Here I Come"

Viktor voice became chill when he said that as it sent shivers down their spines as they started raining gunshots on him but he easily dodged them.

Viktor: "you fools, coming to my house and acting all high and mighty, who do you think you are, I have to show you your place if not, my name will never remain Viktor Mikaelson"

Viktor was furious at Giuseppe and the other founders as they dared to attack him even when he was just trying to leave peacefully.

Screams filled the courtyard as Viktor went on a killing spree as he mutilated the men brought by the founders.

Viktor: "now your turn"

Viktor faced the founders and walked slowly instilling fear into the founders who tried to run away but found out that their exit was sealed.

Giuseppe: "fire at him, I don't believe that he can't be killed"

Giuseppe said as he shot at Viktor while the others also joined in shooting at Viktor.

William: "it's not working, he is no ordinary vampire, he is something else, the devil"

William said when he saw that Viktor didn't even flinch from the injuries he received from their gunshots but instead they saw that he was healing at unnatural speed, even when they shot at his heart, he was still fine.

Jacob: "what are you"

Viktor smiled, it was time to leave a mark in Mystic Falls and he must do it in style.

Viktor looked at Jonathan, the only one that might survive the ordeal due to his Gilbert ring and also Viktor for going to let him use it so that he might spread what he was about to say and do.

Viktor: "you can call me La Bête Mystique Tombe"

Viktor said as he transformed to his new transformation form after the upgrade to an original wolf, a bipedal werewolf form.

He stood at a terrifying height of 8 ft 5 in.

He looked like a combination of a lycan from the underworld and the beast from teen wolf.

After his transformation, he stared at the founders and bare his fangs at them.


600 power stones - 1 extra chapter on Saturday

1000 power stones - 2 extra chapters on Saturday

2000 power stones - 3 extra chapters on Saturday

3000 power Stones - 4 extra chapters on Saturday and bonus chapter on Sunday.

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The Omnipotent System please for those of you who had been following this novel, I just want to say that it is finally released and you all can support me by adding it to your collection as I'm currently participating in the ongoing WPC, thank you.

My Infinite System

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Reborn in F. R. I. E. N. D. S

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