
Teaching? No sir

Surprise chapter. I felt like it so ...


"You want me to what?"

"I wish for you to teach my grandson Zanjutsu."

"And how do you even come to think of me when you thought about a Zanjutus teacher? There should be others that are far more suited for the job. I mean you are also good at Zanjutsu no? Why not do it yourself?"

"I am getting older. Byakuya needs someone that is still young to teach him. Someone that can keep up and push him beyond his limits."

Ginrei Kuchiki was currently inside the 3rd Division barracks drinking tea with Toji. Since Yoruichi disappeared a year ago, he has been teaching his grandson Byakuya to the best of his abilities, but he couldn't push him as he wanted anymore. 

He was getting old and that's why he was looking for someone to teach him instead. 

"Yeah, I can see that you are old but how is it that you choose the worst Captain to train your grandson Zanjutsu? I'm sure there are others more suited, as I already said.", Toji said.

"I would normally agree with you. But when I asked Head Captain Yamamoto, he told me about you and that you are, and I quote, 'more than capable of teaching your grandson'.

I of course didn't believe it so I went to ask Captain Kyoraku and Captain Ukitake. Imagine my surprise when they told me that you were the most talented of Yamamoto's students.", Ginrei said with his stoic expression.

"Those traitors!! I worked hard on my reputation so that situations such as these never happen.", Toji said.

"So you are trying not to have a good reputation?", Ginrei was confused. 

"Eh? No, not actively. But I am actively trying not to work. Why else would I send my Lieutenant to another squad to learn how to do paperwork? I am a master delegator. I try to avoid any sort of work like the pest.", Toji said.

"... I see... so about you teaching Byakuya-"

"Not a chance. Why would I want more work?", Toji said in a bored tone. 

"I see. Well, you of course wouldn't have to do it for free. I am more than willing to-"

"Pass. If it was me, I would have stayed a Lieutenant of Squad 4 for the rest of my life. That's how much interest I have in glory and money."

"...Then ... why did you become a Captain?", Ginrei was very confused. He had never met someone like Toji. He didn't seem to have any motivation at all. He didn't know how to take him.

"Well, Yama-ji was the one who forced me to do it. 0/10 experience, wouldn't recommend it to anyone."

"I see ... well then I am afraid that Head Captain Yamamoto told me that should you not accept, I should tell you that you, and I quote again, 'will teach all the Academy students otherwise'."



"... that changes things. I guess I could have a look and see how your grandson swings his stick around.", Toji said.

"Great. How does tomorrow morning sound to you?"

"Like a pain."

"So not a good time?", Ginrei asked.

"No, it works. I'll see you tomorrow.", Toji sighed. 

"Very well. Thank you Captian Fushiguro."



On the next day, Toji walked to the Kuchiki clan compound and was stopped by some guards. 

"I'm expected.", he said. 

"By whom?"

"Ginrei Kuchiki asked me to come today."

"How dare you lie. Lord Kuchiki would never ask such a weak Captain to come here. Leave at once.", the guard said.

"You have quite the guts to talk to a Captian of the Gotei 13 like that. Are you serious?"

"Do you have a problem with your hearing? Leave at once! You are here on the Kuchiki clan compound."

"... ok", Toji said and turned around to leave.



(Toji POV)

The old shit thinks I'm stupid. This was so obviously staged that it almost made me laugh. 

He probably wanted to see how I would react to this blatant disrespect. But jokes on him, why would I work when I don't have to?

And the best thing... I now have someone to blame for not showing up. But if my guess is correct then the old fart will turn up at my barracks later today and ask for forgiveness for his 'insolent' guard that totally wasn't told to do that.

But there is no way I'll go back there today. Free time all to myself. Let's go. I might as well go and see how my good Lieutenant is doing. I haven't seen him for a while. 

Should I help him with some paperwork ... eh, I don't think so. He has to grow. Although there is someone that I should pay a visit to.



Squad 10 barracks.

I walked into the 10th Division grounds and looked for the person I came here to see. I'm sure that she wasn't working either, so she had time for sure.

I walked to the Captain's office and saw an orange-haired woman lying on the sofa. Just as I expected from my protege, she took after me. I am so proud right now. They grow up so fast. 

I knock on the door and wait for her to wake up fully and then slowly walk to open the door.

"Yes?", she says with messy hair and a tired voice. 

"I see that I taught you well ... Rangiku.", I say and that seems to wake her up.

She realised who it was and began to smile brightly. Then she jumped on me and embraced me. 


"Haha, good to see you Rangiku. I see that you took my teachings seriously."

"Of course. Ease the grind, let slumber soar, Delegate tasks, stress no more. Sip and savour, work a breeze, In tranquillity, find sweet release. I live by those words.", she said with a proud smile.

"Wait ... I told you those words? Don't tell anyone that. It is a secret ingredient to a happy life.", I nod sagely.

"So what brings you here today Ni-san?"

"What else, I am clearly here to see my favourite little sister."

"That's nice. So what did you do in the past couple of weeks?", she asks me.

"Nothing much ... oh Yama-ji wanted me to teach the grandson of Ginrei Kuchiki."

"Really? Byakuya? He's so arrogant though. I don't like him."

"I am not surprised. He's a member of one of the 4 noble clans. He is bound to be arrogant. But does he have the strength to back up that arrogance?", I ask her. 

Rangiku is a very good source for gossip. And every once in a while, I would come here to either train with her or to exchange gossip. I really like Rangiku. 

When I found her and Gin in the Rukongai, I had to help them. So I used to bring them food and spend time with them whenever I had time. And since I had a very competent Lieutenant I had a lot of time.

I would have adopted those two. Although I loved them both, Gin started to get weird after a few months. I thought it must have to do with those f*ckers that demolished Rangiku's home back then and took part of her soul.

But I got that piece back as soon as I noticed and the differences are obvious. She was far more talented than she was in the story. I believe that she could give Gin a run for his money if she would try more. But sadly ... I think I am the reason she got so lazy. 

I was the one to show her how lazy I was and she picked it up. But I still trained her from time to time. There was no way that I was going to see her be as useless as she was in the story.

No one messes with my little sister, Rangiku. Especially not those 'tres bestias' in the Arrancar Arc. I will have her wipe the floor with them when the fight takes place. Or at least defeat one or two of them. 

Haineko was a gorgeous Zanpakuto and her Zanpakuto spirit seemed to be similar to Rangiku. This made sense of course, because Zanpakutos ARE the Shinigmai.

"Well, he is very talented. But not as talented as Gin.", she said.

"Oh, you are taking Gin as a measurement to decide if someone is talented?", I asked her surprised.

"Yeah. Gin is very talented and has finished the Shin'o Academy in only one year."

"You know that you could have done the same thing if you tried right. I told you that you should come to my Division."

I told Rangiku to come and join my Division, but she didn't want to. She was still running after Gin and just like Gin, she wanted to be independent. She wished to do things on her own and show Gin that she was also as strong as he was. 

While Gin was trying to distance himself from Rangiku ... for whatever reason. What does it help her if she is unhappy because she misses him? I tried to talk to him but it was no use. Maybe I should try again? 

Izuru has been getting very close to Gin later. That might be because he is spending more time with Aizen and Gin than with me. 

Hahahaha, Aizen what a sneeky man. Trying to manipulate my Lieutenant and taking advantage of me for taking advantage of him. The joke's on him though ... I don't need allies, especially not one that is unsure of himself and has so many doubts. 

I agree with Aizne on many things. For one I agree with his statement: All creatures want to believe in something bigger than themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher than themselves. And then those people in turn look for someone even stronger. That is how all Kings are born.

This is true for most beings. It is especially true for those who are weak and powerless to change anything. 

I also agree with his statement about trust. He mentioned that it takes strength and power to not trust someone because you would have to fight them sooner or later. But that takes strength and those who don't have that strength would rather trust them than not. 

There is however a fundamental flaw in his thought process. It is true that most don't have the necessary strength to distrust someone like Aizen, it is only those who hold true power that have the privilege to trust others.

What I mean is this. I trust Rangiku, Yama-ji, Shunsui, Jushiro and Yachiru. Why? Because I can and it matters little to me if they ever turn against me. I am just that powerful.



I conitnued to talk with Rangiku about many htings and also a lot of gossip. She loves that topic and I also enjoy to see her talking about something that she's passionate about. 

We usually have a nice drink of my own creation. I make sure to keep her as sober as possible and then leave when she is too drunk to continue forming coherent thoughts. 

I think about what I should do now. I might have to go back to my barracks but then I might meet Ginrei Kuchiki. And I don't want that. I just got myself a free day and that was not to be wasted.

I stood up and exited the Squad 10 headquarters. 

Once outside I met the Captain of Squad 10, Isshin Shiba. He looks surprised to see me and then understands why I must be here and smiles. I enjoy Isshin's company. He is a very friendly character and happy most of the time. 

"Oh, Captain Fushiguro. Nice to see you here.", he greets me.

"Captain Shiba, how are you? Already up and running all sorts of tasks?"

"Haha, no I try to avoid those as much as possible. I took your advice to heart and chose a very capable third seat that does that for me now.", he says.

"I ... I'm so proud of you Isshin. You have come a long way.", I say and wipe away truly real tears. 

"Haha. Well by the way I just saw Captain Kuchiki on the way here and he is looking for you. What is that about? Did you disrespect the Kuchiki clan again?"

"Surprisingly ... no. But now that you mention it, I should do that again. It's been so long since the last time."

"Oh well, good luck with that.", Isshin says.

"Sure. See you around Isshin and tell Rangiku that I had to leave sadly."

"Of course. Goodbye."

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