
new mother, pretty sister

"And what was that about me working for you? That was so rude and disrespectful. People worked so hard to be able to study here, they burn the mid night candle to pass exams. I didn't want to tell you this but I will, I hate you. I hate that you use your money for everything. Do you even know what working hard means. I hate that you think your stupid money can solve anything. Did you seriously think you could buy my company, that's so absurd and ridiculously disrespectful"

Ella sighed recalling what Blue had said to her the night before. They had fought after paying the cab driver.

Blue thought Ella had no manners, just a silly rich brat who used her money for everything.

Blue also felt Ella got into HOPE through the back door, how insulting!!

Only God knows how hard she had worked to school here

The notification sound from her phone pushed Ella out of her thoughts, Blue had made her feel like she didn't actually know herself. Was she that spoilt!!!

It was a text from the group chat they created yesterday. They had scheduled a time for the the assignment.

'Your photos' another text from Dean…

Ella sighed, throwing her phone away. she wasn't ready to face the Blue girl.

Ahhh, why did she buy the bike!!!! The damned bike is at fault…

Nope, everything she had said that day seemed wrong.

'Work for me, I'll pay you. You need money, should I buy a car, house?'

Seriously Luella!!! Are you insane!!


As much as she didn't want to go, she had to, for the sake of school.

Everyone was already seated when she arrived. They chose a BBQ joint so they could talk over barbecue.

Ella's eyes trained to Blue who sat beside the excited looking Lucy.

"Hi guys" she waved while making herself comfortable

"Xup Williams" Lucy beamed

She was one hell of a happy soul…..

"You okay? You look dull?" Dean asked placing his palm on Ella's forehead to check her temperature

"I'm okay, just stressed and homesick" Ella shrugged eyes training to Blue who was acting like she was invisible.

Guess she really hated her….

Hell! She really wanted to apologize for whatever she did. Getting the cold shoulder from Blue was something she wouldn't look forward to. It felt scary and heart wrenching.

"That's understandable, guess you've never been away from home. Where're you from?" Mia was the one to ask

"Country A, was born and raised there" Ella said sipping the juice Dean passed to her

"Come to think of it. Have you heard of the Williams?" The tallest dude, Drake asked. He was French, really handsome.

"Durrrr, she was born there, why wouldn't she know them" Lucy commented

Ella choked, coughing.

"Drink slowly" Dean chuckled, patting Ella's back lightly.

He sure liked to touch her….

"Sorry, I'm fine" Ella said wiping her mouth with a napkin one of them passed to her.

"Shouldn't we be talking about what brought us together" Blue finally said "we should round up, I have a lot on my plate"

"Yea, we should" Ella smiled….

She wasn't ready for flabbergasted looks and malicious gestures. Blue was enough, she seriously didn't need another hater.

"What are you always so busy with?" Dean asked referring to Blue who just sat there sipping her drink

"Guess she's still being rebellious" Lucy shrugged eyeing Blue playfully

"Still have no plans to work things out with your dad?" Dean asked

Blue only shrugged "I'm no one's plaything"


"I think you should. I mean, your pretty sister seems cool with your new mother" Mia shrugged

Pretty sister? Cream?

New mother?

"Hell! That bitch looks sweet" Drake laughed

"Watch it bro" Blue faked a glare accompanied with a chuckle

"Chill ma'am, she wouldn't even look at him. Bitch is into girls. Damn, have you seen her girlfriend? Bitch really has great taste" Lucy commented

Was she referring to Cream as 'bitch' !!!

"Swears, that chick is cute" Dean commented laughing

Was Cream's girlfriend that beautiful?

"What's her name again?" Mia asked

"Ellie" Blue answered

'Ellie' oh…..

"Okay, that's it. The assignment please" Ellison, the only girl wearing glasses was the one to speak.

"Yea, the assignment" Jay said.

They had been quiet ever since so Ella hadn't payed attention to them. They kinda looked alike, Ellison and Jay.

"By the way, they're the Walter twins" Dean introduced

That explain it. They're twins

"So, the assignment" Mia said, opening her backpack to reveal few notes "I prepared something"

what do you think of Dean???

Rosiest_bluecreators' thoughts
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