

HEART was nowhere to be found, and Lux was feeling down and nervous. He couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes as he walked towards Katy's room. Elisa had mentioned that there were pregnancy test kits in her sister's room, and she had asked for one for his plan. He would proceed with the plan despite his anxiety over Heart's disappearance.

He had already instructed Vandros to go to the police, even though it hadn't been twenty-four hours since she went missing to declare it. He based it on her last text to him at around nine in the morning, saying that she was going to the doctor.

"This is a generic test kit, elder brother, but it works like magic, too. The results are fast, just a few seconds. And Kuya, Ate Heart is really not responding, she's out of the coverage area," Katy explained as she handed him the kit.

"Let's hope nothing happens to her, Katy," he replied to his sister.

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