
My Wizarding Career Starts with a Loan at Gringotts

Having settled the issue of money, Professor McGonagall took Kevin to a nearby alley.

The Lark Orphanage was already situated in a remote location, and this alley had no signs of human presence. Kevin immediately felt something was amiss.

Then he heard Professor McGonagall say, "Mr. Kevin, to save time, we need to use magic to reach our destination. It might be a bit uncomfortable; please bear with it."

"Alright... I'll do my best," Kevin replied, realizing what he was about to experience.

"Then, please hold my hand... Disapparate!"

Kevin suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable, as if he were being stuffed into a washing machine's drum and someone had chosen the spin cycle. One second felt like a century.

When Kevin felt his feet back on solid ground, he nearly collapsed from weakness. His stomach was churning, and he almost threw up the poor-quality bread from breakfast.

Professor McGonagall patted Kevin's back and handed him a Chocolate Frog. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kevin, how are you feeling? We have to accommodate a lot of new students these days, so I had to use this mode of transportation. Eat this; it will make you feel better."

Kevin placed the cold Chocolate Frog into his mouth. He could feel the legs of the frog jumping and the cold sweetness, which immediately outclassed all the low-quality sweets he had ever eaten in his eleven years. Indeed, he had to attend Hogwarts, even if it were just for the food.

[Having experienced Apparition firsthand, you find it painful, so you gained the spell [Dimensional Anchor].]

[Dimensional Anchor: This spell can temporarily imprison space, preventing others from using space-altering magic.]

Kevin suddenly regretted that he hadn't experienced Apparition with enjoyment rather than nausea; he might have mastered this incredible transportation technique by now. Then again, Dimensional Anchor, which could prevent all space-altering magic, was certainly more useful than a countercharm specifically for Disapparation.

Lifting his head, Kevin saw a tiny storefront, about a third the size of the orphanage's main door. Someone unfamiliar might have mistaken it for a public restroom entrance. The signboard had a distinct and quirky style—just a wooden board with no words, only a picture of a cracked cauldron. Kevin felt like he could crawl into it.

"This is our destination, the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley," Professor McGonagall explained. "This place has been Concealed from Muggles. Only those versed in the magical world can see it."

Leading the way, she opened the door, and Kevin followed. Inside the pub was dimly lit with oil lamps, a surprising choice of lighting. With this brightness, they could have added light bulbs to turn it into a nightclub. Unfortunately, the wizarding world used electricity.

The establishment was well-known but incredibly messy and disorderly, filled with long, square, and round wooden tables. Some wizards were drinking and chatting, looking oddly strange and fitting for a pub.

As people noticed their entrance, many greeted Professor McGonagall.

The balding bartender, Tom Abernathy, set down his glass and waved to the pair. "Oh, Professor McGonagall, it's been a while since I've seen you. Is this the new student you're taking to Diagon Alley?"

Professor McGonagall nodded. "Yes, Tom , a young wizard from a Muggle background. I'm taking him to buy supplies for school." Turns to Kevin " Kevin this is Mr.Tom Abernathy the owner of this fine tavern"

"Welcome, young man," the owner added. With a friendly demeanour, he continued, "Look at what a fine young lad you are! By the way, my granddaughter is also starting at Hogwarts this year; you'll be classmates."

Kevin felt that his passive ability, [Charming Humans], had come into play.

"Hello, Mr. Abernathy, I'm Kevin Green, and it's an honour to be classmates with your granddaughter."

After exchanging pleasantries, Professor McGonagall guided Kevin through the Leaky Cauldron's back door. They found themselves in what appeared to be a dead-end alley with a large trash bin on one side.

Professor McGonagall led Kevin to the wall. "Remember the sequence." As she explained, she demonstrated, "Start counting three bricks up from the garbage bin, then go two bricks to the left and tap it with your wand."

In the next moment, the seemingly solid brick wall began to transform.

I know this chapter is a little bit short. So I'll make up for it in the next chapters.

Translation is hard, cheer me up!

Mustafa_Ecreators' thoughts
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