
Chapter 902 Pirate Tactics

"This... you are making it very difficult for me, Long Yi said with a smile still on his face. "What if one day I lose my senses, and without a second thought, decide to just get rid of the key, my memories, and just wipe you and your broken spaceship out of existence? What then?"

"But at least you're not planning to do that now," Elma said.

"Fine, you win. I'm indeed in a hurry. I think you should start praying now because I'm also researching how to enter the middle planes with magic. And once I succeed, trust me, Mr. Elma, no matter where in the universe you hide, I can find you in three minutes. Then I'll turn you, your Ancient Mage Tower, and all the Crystal Poison creatures on that broken spaceship of yours to dust," Long Yi said.

Elma believed that this wasn't a mere threat. From past examples, it was clear that Long Yi was indeed a man who held grudges. And once he set his mind on something, it would never end easily.

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