
Communicating With Fist

~Omni pov~

Nobara seeing Megumi's arm fully grown just looked at it in awe. She started to poke it with a finger to see if it was real.

She looked towards Maki and with a face full of jealousy said "Ugh, you're so lucky, you have such a strong and hot boyfriend "

Maki then gained a smug expression, which just made Ash chuckle.

Ash then turned his gaze back onto Megumi and asked "So what really happened to you, I can get an idea but I want to hear the full story from you"

Megumi just sigh before recounting everything that happened earlier.

"I see, I see" Ash said before he proceeded to smack the back of Megumi's head with a bit of force.

"OW! What did I do this time!"

"The fuck was that pathetic display against the curse spirit"

"I was just testing the waters for a bit before Nobara came and told me to exit since Yuji was going to release Sukuna"

Ash's face then grew irritated "Testing the waters? You were testing the waters against a special grade curse?, did me hitting you to many time make you lose braincells.

You don't test waters with special grade curses you always aim to kill, only test and play around with your opponents when you reached the pinnacle of your strength.

And what about with Sukuna, why on earth did you think it was a good idea to go easy, with the king of curses"

"I didn't go easy and I was trying to make him grow Yuji's heart back"

Ash just looked at him without saying anything for a few seconds. Which made Megumi get fidgety the more Ash looked at him.

Ash proceeded to then smack Megumi even harder, which made him irritated and cause him to retaliated by punching Ash across the face.

Ash after taking the punch, punched him right back and sent him flying across the field. Megumi just clicked his tongue when he landed and sank into his shadow.

He propelled himself flying from the shadows under Ash, delivering another punch. Ash after getting punch took a hold of Megumi and kneed him in the stomach.

Which made him lose air in his lungs. But even without air in his lungs Megumi didn't stop attacking Ash and Ash didn't stop attacking Megumi.

Nobara was just looking at everything in confusion "What is going on, why are they fighting"

"Sighhh just boys being boys, basically since they can't communicate with words they're communicating with their fists, I'll try and translate what they're saying"

Nobara just looked at her in surprise "You can understand that?"

"Sigh unfortunately. Well basically Ash is worried about Megumi, Ash knows Megumi is strong after all Ash trained Megumi himself so he knows what Megumi is capable of. So hearing how Megumi handled the fight, it irritated Ash to no end.

Megumi keeps limiting himself for different reasons, it turns out that the reason this time was cause he didn't want to hurt this Yuji guy.  That's why his fight with Sukuna sounded so mediocre and it ended with him losing both his arms."

Ash was now on top of Megumi swinging both of his fist across Megumi's face while Megumi just laid there and took it without retaliating.

Nobara then looked looked at Maki and asked "Are they still talking or is he just mercilessly beating Megumi"

"Believe it or not, they're still talking"

"What! Ooooh this is like a show. So what are they saying now"

Maki just rolled her eyes but translated it anyways "It's pretty brutal but basically, Ash is saying that the only reason Yuji died was because Megumi keeps limiting himself, that Yuji would have still been alive if he just got his shit together. Megumi knows this too thats why he's accepting the beating.

He's taking the beating as a form of punishment upon himself"

Nobara started to then frown when she heard that "Wait isn't that going too far, I don't think it was his fault that Yuji died it was Sukuna's. Sukuna literally ripped Yuji's heart from his own chest, so how is it Megumi's fault"

"You're right and wrong at the same time"

Nobara just looked confused, so Maki elaborate.

"Your wrong in the sense that this is going too far. Yuji wouldn't have needed to bring out Sukuna If Megumi just went for the kill right from the start, so it is his fault.

But your right too that this is going too far, but Megumi wants to hear these words, he wants someone to tell him that everything is his fault that he's the cause of everything, so that he can finally accept it and move on"

"Wait,wait, wait, you really understood all of that. All of these pieces of information, you understood that just from them throwing their fist at each other."

Maki just nodded "Ash taught me that fighting is a way of communication, the way one moves can sometimes tell someone their whole story"

"I didn't know fighting was something so sophisticated"

"Ah, it looks like Megumi is finally ready to move on" Maki said as she saw Megumi retaliate.

Megumi already getting tired of just being a punching bag, enhanced himself with curse energy and punched Ash away from himself.

Enhancing himself once again he ran towards Ash and started swinging his fist, and started kicking Ash as well. Although none of the his hits were landing, they kept getting blocked by Ash and getting countered.

"I only let you hit me to get it out of your system now that it's out, Don't expect to be able to hit me again" said Ash.

With one final punch to the face Megumi was sprawl on the ground looking at the sky while breathing heavily and with a bloody face.

Blood just kept pouring down Megumi's face as he kept looking towards the sky.

"So we good now? No more bitching about?"

Megumi while still breathing heavily just nodded.

"Come get me when you stop feeling like a masochist"

Ash then went towards Maki and started to fake whine "Makiiiiiii look at Megumi did to me. Your future husband's face is all messed up and it can't be fixed." All Ash had was a bit of scratches and few spots that were black and blue with bruises.

Maki's face then started to blush knowing where this is going.

"Sigh i think the only way to fix this is with one of your kisses don't you think so cause I sure do"

Maki while still slightly embarrassed just grabbed his collar and kissed his cheek.

As soon as Maki's lips landed on Ash's cheek all of the previous wound he was holding back from healing, started to rapidly heal up on their own.

"Ahhhhhh, as expected nothing is better than your kisses, look my face is now all healed up."

Ash's expression then got serious and quickly hugged Maki and shouted towards Megumi "YOUR NOT GETTING ANY"


Ash then looked towards Nobara, Panda and Toge, while still hugging Maki and said "He so wanted one, look at how jealous he can get"

Everyone just gave him a deadpan expression.

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