
Yuta's First Mission

(Omni pov):

With that Gojo decided to separate the class Toge and Panda would go together while Maki and Yuta would be together leaving Ash to do whatever he wanted since he was a special grade and didn't really need the training and as they were leaving Ash called out to Maki

"Hey Maki here catch" Ash then threw two green knuckle dusters at her which she caught

Ash then explains "Since I'm not gonna be with you, I don't know what might happen there, so take these knuckle dusters that are made out of positive energy.

Their effects, the more combos you land the harder and more effective the damage done will be towards the enemy but be careful once you get out of the combo the effects will disappear and you would have to start again"

(Knuckle duster pic)

Maki then smiled at the weapon which were now in her hands and thanked Ash before going with Gojo and Yuta towards the school

When they got there the entire school was filled with curse spirits

Gojo then wished them good luck as he got out of the curtain he set up

Maki started to give a run down on why the school ground was so infested with curse spirits "Places that have alot of memories and feelings seems to attract more curses, its kinda of like a hotspot" and as she finished explaining, 10 different types of curses started running towards her

She then tighten her grip on her naginata and twirled it around exorcising the curses that surrounded her

'In just one move she exorcised 10 curses, she seems powerful' were yuta's thought of her display of her power 'can I be as powerful as her' Yuta's confidence seems to worsen as Maki continued to exorcize the curse spirits

As they went inside the school building more and more curses started to appear making it harder for Maki since she was just using the naginata in a enclosed space and saving the knuckle dusters for emergencies

"What grade sorcerer are you at the moment" Maki asks curious about his grade and his inability to help

"Grade sorcerer?" Yuta asked confused by the new terminology

Maki just looked at Yuta for a bit before sighing "sighhh that useless teacher didn't tell you a thing did he, curses are graded in terms of power and curse energy and so are jujutsu sorcerers the weakest being a 4th grade sorcerer and the strongest being a special grade.

Special grade sorcerer are extremely rare in the whole jujutsu world, there's only 4 known special grade sorcerers and 2 of them are who we already know.

Gojo Satoru and Ash Fenix, their strengths and power can make them the strongest in the world."

Yuta was amazed at this new information and started asking questions one after the other "Wow are they really that powerful, how do I check what grade I am and how powerful are you based on your strength you should be a high grade sorcerer, right?"

While walking down the corridor of the building Maki just stuck her hand out infront of Yuta and said "stop asking me so many questions, you should have a student I.D right, your grade should be in it give it here and I'm a grade 4 sorcerer"

Hearing this Yuta gained a confused look while taking out his student ID and giving it to Maki.

'how can she be a grade 4 sorcerer are the standards really that high i thought with her strength her grade would have been higher' yuta thought while giving Maki a curious look

Maki who just took the looked at his grade froze, she just slowly turned to face Yuta 'How is he a special grade sorcerer when he looks so weak' Maki's thought were interrupted when she heard him calling her name in a loud voice

"Zenin-senpai!!!, behind you" said Yuta in a shaky voice.

With that Maki slowly turned around and found her self face to face with a grade 1 curse spirit who just attacked her but with her quick reflexes she managed to block it with her naginata but she was sent flying and breaking the walls from the corridor sending her outside

And when she got outside she found herself slowly surrounded by worm looking first grade spirits

Maki seeing herself surrounded just sighed before throwing her naginata into the air while the naginata was in the air, Maki just reached for her pockets in her skirt and while her hands were in her pockets the Worm like curse spirit opened it's mouth and proceeded to swallow her

"ZENIN-SENPAI!!!" Seeing Maki get eating left Yuta hyperventilating not expecting to see one his classmate get killed

After a minute the naginata that was in the air started coming down right on the head of the curse that ate Maki, due to the momentum the naginata ended going right through its head and the curse started turning into black dust and Maki started to come out

As she came out she was seen carrying 4 kids, two on her arms and two more on her shoulders

The first graded curse that surrounded Maki previously just roared seeing one of their own killed and started chasing Maki


Maki then continued dodging the curses and made it towards Yuta and screamed at him, the curses were slow so she had time to put the children she was holding on the floor

"While I was in there you didn't do anything!!!, these curses have kids inside of them, they have been eating the children.

Why the hell did you come to Jujutsu High, did you come to just sit there and do nothing"

Maki was just grabbing yuta's by the collar of his shirt with her green knuckle dusters on

Yuta while listening to Maki reprimanding him just got teary eyed and responded to her.

"I came because I don't want to hurt anybody anymore, I try to seclude and get rid of it, but when I was told 'it would be lonely to be all alone' by Gojo-sensei, I couldn't come up with a response

I want to have a connection with someone, I want to be needed by someone, I want the confidence to feel like it's okay to live."

"THEN FIGHT, fight the curses, fight everyone and everything, confidence comes from winning against those you fight against so keep on fighting!!!, thats what being a jujutsu sorcerer is all about" Maki responded to Yuta's speech.

And with that the curses caught up with them and swallowed Maki again alongside Yuuta, while inside the stomach Yuta just stood quiet before looking at the other kids inside the stomach he then reached for his sweater and ripped the buttons off and took a hold of a ring hanging by a chain near his neck

"Rika-chan" Yuta calmly called while ripping the ring right off the chain

"Yeeess? " Rika responded

"Lend me your power" was all Yuta said before putting the ring the started glowing in his ring finger.

Silence was all that was leftt in the school field where you can see the first grade curses going for the kids Maki rescued


Was all that was heard before one of the curses exploded into bits and started turning into black dust

Rika-chan soon appeared coming out from inside the curse, followed by Yuta and Maki.

Maki seeing the other curses about to eat the children she saved started running towards them with a solid punch she pushed them back a bit

Punch after Punch her blows kept getting stronger and stronger as she started one shotting grade 2 curses the quickly appeared

Over next to Maki, Yuta can be seen with Rika chan and the kids, Rika was killing all the first grade curses while Yuuta was carrying the children to a safe location

Rika-chan with a bloody hands and face smiled and looked at Yuta and asked him

"Do you looovvveee me now yuta"

Yuta then turned to Rika-chan and smiled right back and said "Totally"

Gojo outside the curtain was leaning against the car they came in looked at their direction and said "Intense, so this is the special grade curse spirit Orimoto Rika in full gear. Hehehe Women sure are scary"

Yuta and Maki soon came out panting while carrying the children, although Maki had knuckle dusters on and they were covered in purple blood as well as her hands that didn't stop her from carrying the children.

Yuta then quickly put the children on the ground and said to Gojo "We got to take them to the hospital quickly they could die if we don't get them treated fast enough"

Instead of Gojo it was Maki who responded "Hold on we don't need to take them to a hospital, I know someone who can take care of them in a quick manner" Maki then took out her phone and went to her contacts where she clicked on the number that said "Ash🐦💜" and called the number, which quickly connected

"I need your help" Maki said while on the phone

"The healing kind of help"

"No I'm not injured I'm perfectly fine"

"Yeah kids are injured be here quickly"

Maki then hung up the phone and as she hung up a majestic bird noise can be heard over her head

*Majestic Bird Noise*

A bird made out of purple flames the size of a Eagle soon landed on Maki's shoulder and started rubbing its head on Maki's cheek, she just smiled and patted it.

Yuta just look at the bird in awe before screaming "YOU HAVE A PET PHOENIX" Yuta just continued to look at it in awe anticipating it's next move knowing that whatever it's going to do next was going to be Majestic

"Who the fuck are a you calling a pet you son of a bitch do you want to fucking die or something, I'll fucking burn you till your own mamma doesn't recognize you"

Yuta's brain just short circuited not expecting such a majestic bird to start cursing him out

"Wha..." Yuta now looked so lost

"Ash stop messing around and heal the children please" Maki said.

Ash just sighed before getting off Maki's shoulder and transforming back into his human form

Looking at Ash, Yuta got even more confused, he the looked at Maki and made an expression as if asking what is going on

Ash then ignored Yuta and kneeled next to the children, he then summoned his flames and started to cover all the children on the floor with his flames, slowly their wounds started closing up and their markings started to dissappear as well

Maki just told yuuta "Ash's curse technique lets him transform into a phoenix and that's one of the reasons he's a special grade sorcerer"

When Ash finished, Gojo called some people and sent the children back to where they belong and got inside the car with yuuta, while in the car Yuta expressed his idea on that maybe it wasn't Rika that cursed him but he cursed her.

Gojo then gave an idea of his own "This is just a personal theory but love is the most twisted curse of them all

Yuta with a determined voice just said "sensei I'm going to release Rika-chan from her curse in Jujutsu High"

While Yuuta and Gojo went on their way in their car, Maki went back inside the school and grabbed her Naginata.

When she finished getting everything, Ash grabbed her hand and they teleported back to her dorm where she took off the knuckle dusters and returned them to Ash who she sent away right after, so she can get herself cleaned.

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