
Ch 53 Arrival At Uppsala

In the morning we loaded packs onto our backs and said goodbye to our men who would stay behind to guard the ship.

The captured pirates had served their purpose in helping us build the fortified camp so I dragged them to the beach while still tied to a rope then reached into each of their chests and grabbing their still beating hearts before ravenously feasting on them like a wolf.

Each one of the men cried for mercy as I moved on down the line.






Eventually I moved on to the last man who had soiled his trousers and stared at me with a pale face.

I knelt down as my mouth dripped in the flesh and blood of his comrades.

"Listen carefully." I spoke as my hand neared his chest and he trembled severely as tears ran down his cheeks.

"I am Thenn Odinson The One Eyed, Earl Of Kattegat.....And I will show you mercy." I spoke and pulled out my wickedly sharp dagger.

He cried out while babbling but I shut him up by pressing the blade to his face softly as the tip peirced into his cheek only a few milimeters.

"Don't move or i may cut too deep." I spoke with a smile and began cutting out his eye as he screamed.


Once I was done I removed his bindings and he just lay there trembling while looking up at me in terror.

"You are free to go." I spoke and walked away from the crying shit and piss stained man.

Soon after I cleaned myself off and joined the rest as we trekked deeper into the woods.

Floki and Ragnar had made the trek before so they led us forward through the thick forest for hours until we came upon a steep bank of cliffs which seemed to go on for miles.

I looked up at the mountainous area and Floki saw my expression.

"Hahahah....don't worry....hahaha....it will be more than worth it....the even if not for the temple then for the beautiful waterfall on the way there....hahaha..." He giggled out.

"Alright, let's get a move on Floki, there is still a long way to go after all." I spoke and he nodded before we all began climbing along the cliffside on ancient looking grooves and steps carved into the steeper areas.

This path must have been thousand of years old from the the erosion visible on the path.

We continued on for hours along steep inclines and hills before it evened out and we came across a beautiful Crystal clear river.

We all walked up and drank deeply from the fresh water to alleviate our thirst from nearly an entire day of walking.

Soon enough We set up camp while as Bjorn and Athelstan got a fire going for us.

We had smoked jerky and dried fruit for our journey, I wanted something fresh so I stripped naked and borrowed a spear from one of my men.

After that I walked off into the dark woods as the sun was just setting over the horizon.

Jarra watched as I walked out into the darkening forest, her body was tense as if she wanted to jump up and follow me.


"Yes.....You are right." She spoke coldly and sat down against a rock beside the campfire while oiling her sword and daggers.

Bjorn asked aloud. "Is Uncle Thenn human?....That thing he did on the ships.....it was like he was a demon from the stories." He spoke and shivered from fright.

Immediately Balgrud laughed heartily at his words. "HAHAHAHA!!!....HE IS A DEMON TO HIS ENEMIES..... I'VE NEVER SEEN HIM SO ANGRY THOUGH.....WHEN HE WOKE UP I FELT A SHIVER RUN DOWN MY SPINE..." He spoke and ripped into a peice of venison jerky.

Everyone around the large fire nodded shyly in a bit of embarrassment.

"Me too....It was like death loomed over my head with it's cold hands on my shoulders." Another of my warriors spoke.

"It was like a blood rage, only more terrifying." Another man spoke.

Thats when Jarra spoke up. "Master Thenn was upset because he was having a nice dream about Lady Althea and he was awoken from my thighs by the horn...." She spoke robotically and placed her sword back in it's sheath before grabbing some dried berries from her pouch.

"He did all that to the Viking because he ruined his dream?" Bjorn spoke with shock.

"Hahahaha.....you may think war is fun and glory Little Bjorn but battles are what you saw yesterday.....ahahaha... although that was a bit fun to see that raider screaming...the rest of them were quite useful in building that camp though...." He spoke and laid down to look at the darkening sky.

"LITTLE BJORN, WANT TO HEAR OF WHEN I MADE STEW WITH THE BROTHER OF A KING?" Balgrud spoke with a proud look on his face.

"I've heard the tale from my Mom, she said you placed onions and...." 

"CARROTS!!! MOMMA ALWAYS SAID THE BEST STEW WAS WITH ONIONS AND CARROTS." Balgrud interrupted and reached into a huge pouch for another peice of jerky.

Immediately my men laughed out loud at the boisterous Balgrud and relaxed as they warmed themselves by the large fire.

"How did everyone first know that Thenn was blessed by Odin?" Athelstan asked as he did his best to avoid looking over at Jarra, he'd been traumatized from the experience he had with her before.

"First it was only a rumor...A child of Sigurd born with one Milky Eye, The word was that Hilrae picked him up from Sigud but no one knew if it was true..." One of my men spoke.

"Aye....I remember, I didn't believe it at first, but years later word began spreading in town that he was only seven or eight namedays and bedding his Milkmaid for hours every day." Another spoke and they all laughed aloud at the memory of the rumors.

"I REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME I BELIEVED IT.....THE DAY OF THE THING WHEN BOSS WAS ONLY THIRTEEN..." Balgrud spoke and everyone nodded as Jarra, Athelstan, and Bjorn listened in carefully.

"I remember....hahahah....he beat Me, Ragnar, Rollo, and Torstein at tug of war by himself..." Floki spoke and they reminisced about the old days.

Athelstan kept asking questions for another half hour until they heard branches being broken and leaves being crushed from the dark forest.

Some of my men grabbed the hilts of their weapons until they saw my huge figure carrying a young brown bear over my shoulders.

Bjorn and Athelstan stared at the blood staining my mouth and right hand as I tossed the beast onto the ground and several of my men rushed to begin skinning and gutting the beast.

It's heart was already missing and everyone already knew why.

Jarra Kept staring at my swinging cock so I made a gesture for her to follow as I moved to wash myself in the river.

Jarra used a cloth to clean my face and hands before wiping down my entire body thoroughly.

When she knelt down to wash my legs my cock quickly swelled and poked into her face.

She looked up at me for orders and I responded by guiding my cock toward her lips.

She let my cock inside and began bobbing her head back and forth skillfully as she dropped the washcloth and grabbed my legs while facefucking herself on my meat like a good slave would.






Jarra continued skillfully sucking arms slurping greedily as I looked to the dark skies and gazed at the beautiful stars that glowed brightly.

After a half hour of Jarra sucking out my soul I felt my cock throb and swell inside her throat.

Jarra locked her lips to tip and sighed hard as ropes of thick hot cum shot into her mouth as her cheeks swelled like a chipmunk while working hard to swallow it all down.

I gave out a few pleasureable grunts as the last of my cum was swallowed by my slave then patted her head as she slurped the cum that still remained in my tip.

"Good Work As Always Jarra." I praised her and she my cock out of her mouth and spoke.

"Master You Are Still Erect...Do You Need My Other Services?" She asked coldly.

I laid down on the soft grass and she Immediately stripped off her leather pants and climbed onto my lap without a moments notice.

Jarra guided my cock into her hole and slipped it inside until it was kissing her cervix.

"Go slow, I want to enjoy your hole until the bear is done cooking." I spoke.

"Yes Master." She responded coldly and began slowly rocking her hips on my cock as it was slowly and methodically massaged inside of her tight wet pussy.

I held onto Jarra as she rode my cock gently for an hour, her pussy had quivered and orgasmed eight times and her face had long since turned completely Red while her eyes became hazy as she panted heavily from the pleasure.

Most women would have collapsed but Jarra jerky l kept riding my cock even through her orgasms as she squirted heavily onto my lap.

After enough time had passed I grabbed her hips and pushed deep into her ass my cock slid into her Womb and began shooting thick spurts of cum directly into her womb.

Jarra's body tensed up as her legs trembled from the feeling of having her womb filled to the brim with my baby batter.

Her eyes rolled back and she squirmed strangely as her insides were completely painted white.

I grabbed into her and pulled her down so she laid on my lap with my cock shyly l still inside of her pink hole.

We laid there for another half hour as I let Jarra recover from the experience while I just enjoyed the feeling of her for pussy clamping down on my meat and the fresh forest air that filled my lungs with every breath.

Eventually we cleaned up and headed back to Camp as Jarra limped a bit, I'd fed her a recovery pill since we would march in the morning but it would take time to fix up her trembling legs.

When I got back the men were already tearing off peices of the slow Roasted bear meat with ravenous smiles.

I let Jarra sit then walked over to my clothes and began dressing myself.

After I was done I sat beside Jarra as she began placing morsels of the salty tender bear meat into my mouth as we chatted with everyone around the fire.

"Uncle Thenn....How did you become so strong?" Bjorn asked nervously.

I just smiled at his question and reached into my pack that sat nearby and rifled through it as I took my old necklace from my inventory..... Hundreds of Wolf and Bearteeth were threaded on it.

I tossed it to Bjorn and he stared at it in wonder.

"I stopped collecting the teeth when I turned thirteen.....All were hunted the same way I hunted now." I spoke and his eyes widened in amazement.

"But How...." He spoke while staring at them sadly, he knew even one of these animals would tear him to shreds.

Ragnar snatched the necklace from his fingers and tossed it back to me.

"Do not worry about it Bjorn, your Mother would whip you black and blue if you tried to hunt anything more than a rabbit." Ragnar spoke and patted his son's head.

Everyone continued chatting for a another half hour before tucking in and going to sleep, I held Jarra closely as I drifted off.....

 . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... . . . .

(Three Days Later)

We walked along a small trail, lined on its edges were huge pine trees inscribed with Runes for the last mile.

Our group ran into other Travellers to Uppsala but all shied away from us due to our intimidating demeanor and full armor and war worn helmets.

The forest around us seemed endless as we crested over countless hills on our walk until we reached a particularly large slope.

I heard Floki gibbering madly to himself as we climbed up.

When I reached the crest I saw a beautiful sight ahead.....A huge glimmering temple in the distance which seemed to jut out of the large hill where it stood.

Surrounding the temple was a grove of massive thick trees which were twisted and gnarled in strange but beautiful ways.

"Hahaha..... we're here!!!....ahaha....It is more beautiful every time I see it...ahahh...." Floki giggled and I patted his shoulder.

"Aye, it's breathtaking my friend....Let's go on ahead." I spoke and he giggled and we moved on forward toward the Holy Site.

We trekked down the path and saw dozens of people here for the Sacred Ceremony.

They set up small tents or huts at the foot of the temple as they prayed and hung their offerings to the Gods.

There were several armored guards for the few nobles or wealthy men but none equivalent to mine so far.

I looked around at the trees, each was covered in small offerings and totems of bright colored cloth and carved bones.

I patted two of my men and spoke. "Go hang up these offerings, we shall head to the temple and greet the Gods." I spoke just as the clanging of a great bell was heard.





Immediately hundreds of people began making their way toward the sacred Grove around the Temple.

I left a few men with the slaves and walked up with twenty of my warriors and a few of Ragnars men up the long winding path.

Soon we reached the large dark doors of the temple where people began filing in slowly at the command of pale bald priests with scarred wounds all over their heads and faces....each of them painted their eye lids black and their skin was rubbed with white ash.

All the priests wore the same roughspun undyed wool tunics that Billowed in the breeze as they stared at every visitor with cold dead eyes.

I walked up and I saw the priests eyes widen upon looking at me.

Then he let out a deep smile and bowed his head humbly and let my group inside...

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