
Ch 38 Black Sails

My men all sat around their campfires laughing and chatting as they waited patiently until one of the lookouts shouted.


Immediately they all stood up and placed a hand on their weapons just in case, after thrirty seconds the lookout shouted again.

"ITS THENN!!! HE HAS THE PRINCESS!!!" The man shouted with joy in his voice.

Immediately all my men let out a fearsome cheer as they smacked their shields with their heavy fists and roared in approval.

Before long they heard the heavy hoofbeats amd saw me riding through the woods with Judith in my arms.

I stopped the horse and everyone swarmed around me while cheering and singing my praises.

I raised one hand and immediately they all quieted down to hear what I would say.

"I know you all waited far longer than expected...but it is for a good reason....Please Welcome My New Wife Judith whom i married just an hour ago." I spoke and their eyes widened and they raised their arms and jumped for joy.




"HOW MANY MORE TIL YOURE DONE!!!" One man yelled and everyone laughed heartily.

 I dismounted and set down Judith, she shrunk back from the Vikings but they kept their distance and bowed their heads out of respect.

She turned at me a bit confused but I just smiled and whispered in her ear. {"You are my wife now, that means you are important to them, they have sailed with me for years and we are like family."} I spoke and she nodded cutely.

Then I turned and unsaddled the big horse that served me so well.

After I was done removing the saddle and bridle I patted his thick neck and spoke to it. "Thank you, you were a good mount for the short time we were together." I told it and it licked my face once and whinnied befire trotting off into the darkness.

I turned and wrapped an arm around Judith who was still a bit shocked then we walked past the Men and toward Ealhswith.

Then Judith saw her Mother she ran forward and wrapped her arms around Ealhswith and cried into her chest as my Beautiful Queen ranger fingers through her hair.

"There...there....Mommy is with you my love, no need to cry now." Ealhswith spoke with her honey like voice as Judith cried in her arms.

I walked up to Ealhswith and leaned in as she gave me a tender and loving kiss on the lips.

Her tongue slipped into my mouth and loud cloppy sounds were quickly heard by everyone nearby.

Judith who still had her head buried In her Mothers chest looked up and froze when she saw me and her mommy sloppily kissing, She was shocked that Ealhswith did it so freely....it was as if her Mom actually wanted to do it.

I continued kissing the milf for a few minutes as I pushed Judith aside and wrapped my arms around Ealhswith's soft hips and pulled her close to me.

Once we separated a trail of spit stretched out between us and Judith stood dumbstruck at what she just saw.

Ealhswith saw the shock in her daughters face, she smiled softly and rubbed her head as if she were a little dog.

"Don't be surprised daughter....you will feel the same way once he puts a baby in your belly~.....just as he did with me~" Ealhswith spoke and placed her hand over her belly then looked at me lovingly.

I saw Judiths eyes roll back and she began dropping for a split second before I grabbed her soft body and picked her up.

"Perhaps she is a bit faint of heart my Love." I spoke and Ealhswith giggled and nodded.

Then I set Judith down on a thick blanket next to a campfire and spoke aloud to my men.

"ALRIGHT CUNTS, GET YOUR COCKS OUT OF THOSE SLAVES, THROW ALL YOUR SHIT ON THE BOAT, WE ARE GOING HOME!!!" My deep voice reached everyone around, even those fucking slaves in the bushes some distance away.

Immediately they pulled out and put their cocks away before rushing back and grabbing their small packs and anything they still had in camp.

I carried Anna and Ealhswith at the same time onto the ship then returned for Judith who was still fainted.

After grabbing her I hopped in the ship and set her down beside her mother and the Cute Maid.

My men all smoothly loaded on and Floki pushed us away from the waters edge with a long wooden pole.

When the longship got enough distance from the riverbank we began paddling steadily, I looked around and every single one of my men had a wide smile on their faces, they were finally going home after so long.

Judith woke up soon after and immediately saw she was in her Mothers arms as the ship rocked gently on the waves.

She looked around and saw only open water, she panicked and rushed to the edge of the deck and looked back to see the coasts of Northumbria dissapearing in the distance.

In that moment it really sunk in.....After Today her life would never be the same. 

But then she felt a warm hand on her shoulder and turned to see me standing there. 

She looked up and I saw the tears forming in her pretty eyes.

My arms wrapped around the little Princess and I spoke softly. {"Do not think of this as the end of your old life, This is the beginning of a new one."} I spoke and kissed her cheek once.

I could tell she still wasnt comfortable with me, but apart from her mother I was the only person she could trust....even if Judith feared and disliked me, we were now Married under Christian Law.

Then I guided her back to her seat {"Don't walk to the edge silly girl."} I spoke as I set her down beside Ealhswith.

She looked at me cutely and asked. {"Why can't I go to the edge?"}

Immediately Anna reached over and grabbed Judith's arm and spoke. {"Princess there are Krakens and Sea Serpents as large as castles in these waters.....if they see a pretty girl with perfect skin and wide hips they will emerge and drag you under to feast on your flesh."} Anna spoke and immediately Judith's face turned pale in fright.

I just smirked in amusement at the Maid who loved to terrorize people with her tall tales.

After that I slipped an Enchanted Ring onto Judith's finger.

{"If you take it off I'll punish you with a hundred spanks on that fat bottom of yours....And trust me, I will know."

I told her with a serious face and she turned bright red from embarrassment while Ealhswith giggled at her.

After that I headed back to my spot near the prow and sat down, We had long since raised the sails so paddling wasn't needed.

Most of my men were chatting happily about what they'd do once they got home with all that plunder, we also had the stash from our raid on Lindsfarne so we'd each be monstrously wealthy compared to all others in Kattegat.

I oversaw the sailing and relaxed my mind as the ship cut through the waves, I didn't like this ship like I did my old one but it would have to make due.

Just the thought of Magnus and Sven burning my black ship made me want to go back in time and torture both of them some more....but those days had passed and I must focus on the future.

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(Elsewhere The Next Morning) 

King Aelle woke up with an absolute whopper of a hangover.

His head was pounding and his stomach churned as he made his way to the chamberpot and began to vomit liters if half digested food and dark red wine.

After a few minutes he opened the door to his room and shouted. "I NEED A BATH NOW!!!" He roared out and then realized half of his court was sitting just outside his bedroom.

He looked at them strangely before His Chamberlain walked forward and showed a rolled up parchment.

"From Thenn Your Majesty." The Older Man Spoke seriously.

"What the fuck does that bastard want!!! I thought he already left!!!" The King shouted but his courtiers were not afraid or impressed.

"My King, we tried to wake you for hours last night.... Thenn set fire to the town.....He sneaked into the castle and slaughtered thirty three of our guards two maids and twelve servants...Then he forced all the noble Lord's and Ladies to attend his wedding while I oversaw the extinguishing of the Fire...after that he killed fourty six guards and soldiers during his escape.....He left this letter for you." The Chamberlain spoke seriously at the Fat King who stared at him with an ever reddening face.

Before long the King exploded in anger.

"I VOW!!! ETERNAL WAR ON YOU THENN ODINSON!!!! I SHALL RETURN THIS INSULT A THOUSAND FOLD!!!! FUUUUUCK!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The Fat King roared out and then became dizzy from shock and dropped hard on the floor.

His guards quickly dragged him into the bedroom as the nobles watched on in dissapointment and shame that they served such a man.

"Can you open the letter? We want to read it...." One Noble lady spoke and the Chamberlain sighed and broke the seal.

He then unrolled the scroll and began to read.

["King Aelle, Don't forget that I asked nicely before you forced my hand."] The Chamberlain spoke.

"I thought it would be more scary." One woman spoke.

"He doesn't need it to be, I am going to begin training troops in my lands..." Said one short noble with a thick moustache.

"Thank God My lands are away from the coast, I won't have to worry about that giant beast and his hellish warriors." Another spoke.

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(Two Days Later)


I Roared out as our ship was battered and tossed around the waves by a powerful storm.

Thunder and lighting crackled as we were drenched in rainwater and violent waves that tossed the ship around.

I heard the screams of Judith and turned around but she was still tied down to her spot, after the storm began I tied down all my women to keep them from flying overboard in this mighty Storm.

"DO NOT BE AFRAID!!! THIS STORM IS A TEST OF OUR WILL!!! WE SHALL RETURN VICTORIOUS AS LEGENDS!!!!"} I Bellowed and all my men shouted their approval.

"MY WORDS RING TRUE!!! MY WORDS RING TRUE!!! ROLLO HAS ANGERED THE GODS AND THIS IS THEIR RESPONSE!!! BUT ONE TRAITOR SHALL NOT CAUSE THIS SHIP TO SINK!!! THENN SAILS WITH US AND THE GODS REJOICE AT OUR VICTORIES!!!!" Floki roared out as he stood up in the storm and raised his hands to the air as Lighting struck all around us.

The screams of Judith and Anna pierced through the rain and winds but we continued on through this Madness.

I had them wrapped tightly in waxed cloth and unter a tarp to keep them dry but the violent rocking of the ship and constant striking of lighting made them fear falling into the Sea.

Ealhswith held them both tightly in her arms but she had no fear, She knew Thenn was blessed and a storm like this wasnt enough to stop him.

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(Three Days Later)

After three straight days of weathering the storm my men laid collapsed on the deck as our boat was gently rocked on the waves....we had fought the storm for so long and barely gotten any sleep that now everyone was slumped over sleeping from pure exhaustion.

The only reason we didn't get thrown of course and gotten completely lost was my System Map, without it we would have surely died.

I walked on the deck checking on everyone, I reached my women and found them cuddled together sleeping deeply with exhausted looks on their faces.

Then I walked over to where the slaves were and found four of the thirteen we had brought were dead.

I undid their shackles and tossed them overboard as the others slept, it was a loss of some money but the weak ones always died on our trips.

Then I continued on and found Rollo staring out at the ocean near the back of the ship.

He turned to look at me and asked. "No sleep for you brother?" 

"No Rollo, I don't need all that much.... What keeps you awake? I can clearly see the tiredness in your eyes." I spoke and his face hardened.

"I fear Floki is right....I fear the Gods really have cast me away." He spoke with pain in his voice.

I say beside him and stared out where he was looking. "Do not believe what others say about you and the Gods..... If the Aesir and Vanir truly despised you then you would know by now, and if they do hate you then you must bring yourself back into their favor." I spoke.

"You are right.... Why should any man care what others say about what the Gods think of me, that is between my and the Gods." He spoke with a little smile.

After that we continued staring of into the Sea as he asked me. "When do you think we shall be home?" He asked and looked around the open Sea.

"If I were to eager I'd say one full day and we'll sight land... Good thing to since we're running out of water." I spoke.

"The men say they owe you a life debt after that last battle....they were loyal before but now they seem fanatical." Rollo spoke.

"so long as my command are followed when I give them I Don't care what they believe." I spoke and he scoffed 

"Will I really not be allowed on your ship?" He asked.

"You denied raiding with me for years while Sigurd still lived, if you had come join our crew at that time, my men would have likely disregarded your baptism... But you didn't, to them you are as much of an outsider as Ragnar or Kauko..... But if you ever get a ship of your own I would not mind sailing alongside you." I spoke and he smiled.

"I understand.... But don't forget that offer brother." He spoke and we continued chatting for hours as snores were heard throughout the ship.

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