

Howls of joy rang out, singing to the cool, starry night sky. The song of the creatures outside told a tale of freedom paved from blood. Even an outsider could feel their joy.

A beautiful brunette with sun-streaked hair looked out of her window with a smile, her golden eyes shining brightly into the darkness as the moonlight from outside fell on her. There was a domineering air about her that forbade any sort of defiance and demanded respect.

Respect from anyone and anything.

Finally, all those that had wronged them had been destroyed. Never again would anyone have to be subjected to the same agonizing torture they had gone through. She would make sure of it, along with her people. None could stop them.

She turned towards the bald, wide-eyed minister in her office. The man seemed to be sweating profusely and reeked of high human society. A putrid smell rolled off of him in waves that only she and her people could detect. Fear.

Frankly, it disgusted her, causing her to crinkle her nose. Still, she kept her tone casual, "I take it the president will take us up on our little offer?" While relaxed, her question held an edge to it like the tip of a blade about to draw blood from one's neck. A threat. Clearly, there was only one person who held the power here.

The man, Rick, nodded profusely, "Of course, your majesty. You have our full cooperation!" Inwardly, he cried, 'Little offer?! It wasn't even an offer so much as it was a command! What else are we meant to do?'

The Council of Americas, two entire continents now lead by a council, was to secretly become subservient to Asura. No matter what he felt about it, he had no choice in the matter. No one did.

He had seen all that had happened first hand. This world now had a new leader—even if other major powers had yet to realize it. That leader could easily slaughter them all with the flick of her wrist, sending her beasts after them. But if she was truly angered, she might take care of the target herself. An easy death was not possible for such people. Perhaps it was fitting that the world, now shifted into what had previously been thought to be mere myth, had such a being at the helm. 

There was always some resistance though. People in power rarely wished for such change.

Pausing for a moment, the woman looked at him with a thoughtful look. The title sounded nice. On a different note, it brought an idea to mind.

"Yes," she nodded. "From now on, speak to me as 'Your Majesty' or 'Cardinal Majesty' unless given permission to do otherwise."

Inwardly, the woman was thinking to herself. 'If the other 'major' powers were to learn that the Asurians have a Matriarch rather than a Patriarch, they may look down on us and lead themselves to their own deaths. I'd like to avoid useless bloodshed,' She mused. Although she was now known for her ruthlessness, she wasn't senseless. Using an axe on a stump was hardly efficient. A different method was needed.

Some powers had already embraced female leaders of their own, but others were still clinging to their old beliefs of male supremacy. It was pitiful, really.

Her golden eyes seemed to gleam as she spoke once more, "Let others assume what they wish based off of this title. For once, maybe their simple bias will save them. No pictures or media of any kind are to be released about myself or Asura's capital. Now, go back to the Council of Americas and tell them this."

Rick quickly turned to leave, finding himself always fearing for his life when he was in this place. But he knew better than to actually run out of the room… 'Never run from a predator' they always said. Unlike the majority of the human population, he knew exactly how sharp the fangs of this country were.

The Cardinal Majesty was never to be disobeyed. The minister didn't even want to think of the carnage that would take place. Or rather, he didn't want to remember it.

He was sure that the prior government would never have proceeded with their inhumane tests if they had known it would be the end of the world as they had known it. If he could personally go back in time and wring the neck of that idiot scientist, he would gladly do so. Perhaps the world wouldn't have ended up like this.

With a hand now safely on the doorknob, his heart almost stopped when she called for him again. The bald minister just wanted to leave!

"Oh, also, tell your superiors to go through with the scholarship program. I have already sent them a list of those we would like to participate first."

Rick felt a chill go down his spine at the mention of the scholarship program. If the major powers didn't want to find themselves enemies of Asura, they would need to allow this certain 'fee'. A fee that was unacceptable to the masses of today.

On paper, they were sharing Human Resources as the Asurians helped them with the monsters in exchange, but in reality… words on paper always sounded nicer than the truth.

The bald man nervously faced the Cardinal once again and bowed his head, "This humble servant will gladly be your messenger." Then, the minister left the room in hurried steps, quickening his pace even more when the howling from outside got louder.

The Cardinal sneered, turning back to gaze out the window. She really hated dealing with people like him. They reeked of insecurity and fear more than anyone else. People like him reminded her of rats. Rats that scurried around trying to find the best food to nibble on only to find out that the best food belonged to a being that could kill them in a heartbeat.

Sighing, she pushed away her negative thoughts. Here she was, brooding, while her people were rejoicing in the night. It was a time of celebration.

The Cardinal opened the window and stepped on its edge. Her golden eyes briefly flickered and her body began to glow as she jumped into the sky, her form changing as she did so. What should of been painful was just another practiced motion.

Gold and brown hair turned into raven-black fur. Her muscles tore, her limbs broke, her body grew in size, and a muzzle grew from her nose and mouth. In less than a few seconds, she had grown into a massive black wolf with golden markings.

Her long, white canines glinted in the darkness as she raised maw to the sky, singing her own wolf song.

Soon, they would unite the world.

Soon, they would destroy those who hurt them.

Soon, they would get to meet them. Those they were soul bound to.

Their soul mates.

My first chapter for my first book! I wanted a somewhat vague prologue chapter to start us off. I hope I wrote it well enough!

amberphoenixxcreators' thoughts
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