

Zack counted the weapons Luck showed one by one to make sure again, "You want Desert Eagle Mark XIX as a pistol, MXM49734 semi-automatic weapon, sniper rifle, Barrett MK22 and C4 with fragmentation effect?"

Looking at Luck, Zack said, "Can you even use these weapons? These are not like the rail guns you've used before! The recoil is too strong!"

Luck nodded his head in agreement "Yes I can, can you provide me with these weapons?"

Zack shook his head regretfully "No, if you cause trouble with these weapons, you'll not only get yourself in trouble, you'll get me in trouble too."

Luck faltered, not expecting Zack to oppose him.

Luck tried to convince Zack, "I'm not planning to attack anyone with these guns, I swear."

'At least not in this world,' he thought.

Zack looked at Luck sceptically "What, are you going to hang these guns on the wall and keep them as decorations? What about C4? What do you think this is, play dough?" 

Luck shrugged "That's my job, tell me if you can supply me with the weapons."

Zack said firmly "The pistol is no problem but the others are impossible, you'll get us in trouble."

Luck realised that Zack was determined and played his last trump card "I'll go and buy guns on the black market then" 

Zack suddenly got up from his seat and said, "Are you crazy? Even if you take the guns, they'll find your corpse in the dump the next day! Do you think the black market is a joke?"

"You leave me no choice, I need those guns."

Gritting his teeth, Zack said, "Are you serious about getting these guns? Are you really going to the black market?"

In all seriousness, Luck said, "I'm serious, I'm going to buy those guns from you or someone else."

"If you go to the black market, you're dead. Goddamn it, you better not get us in trouble." Zack jotted down the guns Luck wanted on his phone.

"Desert Eagle Mark XIX 100 thousand dollars, Semi-automatic gun MXM49734 200 thousand dollars, Barrett MK22 1 million dollars... As for explosives, 1 kilo C4 500 thousand dollars." 

Luck sprayed the water from his mouth in Zack's face.

(☉ε ⊙ノ) Wiping his face, Zack said, "Are you serious?"

Luck was shocked "Are you taking revenge on me? You want 1 million 700 thousand dollars!" 

Zack nodded his head "Yes, that's it except for the ammunition, if you buy some ammunition, it will cost you 2 million."

Sighing in despair, Luck said, "Well, when can you deliver the guns to me?"

Zack took out his phone and showed the bank account number to Luck "You send the money first and we'll get the guns tomorrow."


After the two agreed on guns and money, Luck realised it was too early to go home and went to the mall to relieve boredom and to buy a new phone.

After buying a medium model phone from an electronics store for 50 thousand dollars, a store caught his eye before leaving the shopping centre.

Plastic Make-up and Wig Paradise.

In the mid-2000s, thanks to the plastic make-up used only in high-budget films, people could change their face shapes and even be transformed into an orc by covering their entire face with a plastic mask, but now in today's world, the plastic make-up technique has become a tool for people's entertainment or fantasies.

Do you want to look like an elf? No problem! Don't like the shape of your nose? We'll fix it! Do you want to look just like your mate and play a prank on his girlfriend? OK, that's a weird request!

'Luck' had an idea, "If I look like someone else, it's okay for me to walk around, right?

In today's world, with infrared cameras instantly detecting the plastic makeup on a person's face, it would be impossible to falsify one's identity in any way, but in a place like Gliese, it wasn't that difficult.

'Even though I'm still in trouble with the ID card, at least I can walk around the town freely, do whatever I want, and buy star beast meat if I feel comfortable!

"Sir, how can I help you?" The employee, realising that Luck had come in, greeted him.

Looking around, Luck said, "I need a plastic mask that will completely change my face shape."

A broad smile appeared on the employee's face "We have face masks in any shape you want! Do you want to look like a celebrity? Or a mannequin? An elf?"

Not wanting a face that was too conspicuous, Luck pointed to the face of an old man who caught his eye

"I think this will do, do you have one for my face?"

"Ah... you have an interesting sense of taste, sir." The employee paused for a moment when he saw the plastic mask Luck pointed to.

"Isn't that the mask that the boss modelled his father-in-law's face on? Whenever he gets angry, he slaps that mask..."

"That mask is one of a kind, sir, if it fits your face, you can buy it." Thinking for a moment, the employee decided that selling the mask would not be a problem. After all, his boss could make another one of the same mask.

"Hah, I see, let's try it then" Luck thought that the face mask with very ordinary facial features was very suitable and wanted to try it.

The face mask did not just cover the face, it was a whole face, covering the neck and shoulders as well as part of the chest.

The employee started to introduce the mask "Sir, this mask was made by our boss with his own hands using completely first-class materials, I guarantee that it will feel exactly like real skin!"

After taking off his clothes, Luck, wearing the mask, was surprised for a moment and thought 'as if it was specially made for my face' because the mask fit his face perfectly. 

The employee smiled strangely when he saw that the plastic mask was perfect for Luck. 

'It's a good thing the boss isn't here, otherwise I doubt he'd be able to restrain himself from slapping you.'


Leaving the shopping centre wearing a plastic mask, Luck began to plan what he would do the next day.

Firstly, I need to stock up on some more star monster meat and if there is an inn outside of town that I can get in and out of, I don't need to stay in town, I can just walk in and out of town through the gates without having to show my ID.

Luck also thought about the weapons that Zack had promised to give him the next day and thought, "I need to test the effects of the weapons, I know Aden Star is a starfighter but I have no idea how strong he is... If I can at least damage a 5-star star monster with the weapons, I will have enough confidence to kill Aden Star.

Now Luck's plan was clear.

1. Stock up on Star Beast meat 

2. Check if there is an inn outside the town that he can use without showing his ID card.

3. Test the effect of weapons on star monsters.

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