
sealing death and creation of gigori

It's been over 200 years since the trial and the expulsion of Adam and Eve, and many things have happened during that period.

Such as the birth of Cain and Abel and the start of the knights of hell, I tried to stop Lucifer from corrupting Cain and possessing him. And I did expel Lucifer from Cain and with the hell of Michael, we sent Lucifer to hell.

However since he already had the Mark and had killed Abel with the First blade, I sent him to live along with a group of humans in a place called Nod.

And he was happy for a time until Seth was born and then he attempted to kill himself to stop his dark urges. From making him kill another Brother, with the blade, however, he became a demon and I had to seal Cain in hell for humanity's safety.

During that time me and death talked frequently every day, he was interested due even though I was an angel made from God, I was so intune with the natural order and survived the empty. I was so happy when we talked it was like we were old friends.

However, it came a time when death was upsetting the natural order with his presence, due to his powers affecting the physical world.

So I gave him a silver ring with a white gem on it. It regulated his power and channeled it making him able to kill others with one touch, turn him invisible, and give him the ability to teleport.

We devised a way that can help maintain order with his massive, amount of power with my grace we would create helpers, and split our power into their essence.

They would have a ghost-like appearance as their true form, with 90% of their essence being death, they could be Invisible, to teleport, they also had the killing touch, and had access to go to any dimension.

And with the remaining 10% of their essence being my grace, I gave them the power to control time, the power of possession, the passive power of all angels, and cosmic awareness of everything in the universe.

When the reapers were all created Death explained their roles, in the universe and how they must maintain order. And then he elected a head reaper named Tessa to lead the reapers and to report to me.

After that, I used the binding spell that Father created for death so that he could not affect the order on a massive scale.

The spell was in a white Coffin with Enochian runes covering the inside and outside of the coffin. After Death was in the coffin I read the spell to close and bind him to it, then I made the ground open up and dung Death 600ft under the earth.

I then made a separate dimension parallel between heaven and hell within Earth's plane of existence, it was a place for the reapers to convene and a place for the souls of the dead.

I then returned to Heaven and the reception that I got there was mixed, as some angels glared at me due to the serpent incident.

However the seraphs and some angels still respected me and were quite happy for my return, Gadreel met me outside Father's Throne room.

"Isaiel it's such a pleasure to see you again I wanted to thank you for saving me from my punishment and taking my crime."

"Relax Gadreel it's fine you were going to be wrongfully punished for something that wasn't your fault. I then went inside the Throne room and covered my eyes as I was standing in the presence of my Father. 

"Son, he greeted me warmly with a smile on his face it's been so long since you had come here, is there something you wish to talk to me about?"

"Yes Father there is I wish to create an elite squad that will protect humanity and oversee them, I have already picked out the angels for this task force, and with your permission, I would like if we could descend to Earth to acquire vessels for us to interact with humanity." 

"Who are the angels that are coming with you to Earth, asked Father." 

"the chief angels are Tamiel, Sariel, Turiel, Kokabiel, Ashel, Baraquel, Zaqiel, Asbeel, Armos, Samshiel, Penemue, Rahab, Suphlatus, Ananiel, Sathariel, Bezalel, Sachiel, Butator, Azrael, and Samyaza."

"Samyaza he was the first lower-class angel I created wasn't he?" Father asked "yes Father he was, I have made him my lieutenant and their leader." "I told him still covering my face with my eyes.

Hmm well I was thinking of creating some angels to interact with humanity, however I have rules about this squad." Father voice was completely serious in his voice.

Rule number 1: "Absolutely in no situation are the humans to know of their identity, or of heaven or to interfere on anything that would affect the free will of humans."

Rule number 2: " They are not to teach humans about anything that would change humanity's, plan for them."

Rule number 3: "They are not to kill humans under any circumstances, or show any evidence of the supernatural to humanity."

Rule number 4: " They shouldn't take any wives or having children, they are there to protect, help, and observe humanity only."

"Yes Father I will make sure that we will protect, help, and observe humanity. We will not stray from our mission." I said with upmost conviction.

"very well my son, I have just one question? What is the name of this elite squad? I smiled and with pride, i said the name is the Grigori .

Then I left my Father's Throne room and when into the section I created for the Grigori, and there they were, all of the chief

Angels and their 10 selected angels, making the total of the Gigori are 200 angels.

"Lord Isaiel you have returned, did our Father agree to the request?" Said Samyaza.

"Yes he did Samyaza the creation of the Grigori has been authorized, soon we will descend to Earth to begin our mission. I told them.

"However there are some rules that our Father has instructed us to follow, such as we are not to reveal our existence, not to teach the humans, not to kill or attack humans, and under no circumstances are we to mingle with the women of man.

The Grigori all agreed to the rules and I decided to gift them their new swords, as a sign of there membership. The swords were a 3-foot-long sword with three sides, and a rigid handle.

We all swore an oath on our blades and grace that we would stay on the mission given to us by Father.

We inscribed our names on the sword as proof of our oath, and I enhance their grace from lower-class angels to something similar to that of a seraph.

"What you are feeling is the power it will be unlike anything you've ever known, it will strengthen you but you are in control.

"The humans are our Father's greatest creations, and Azazel, the prince's of hell, Lilith and any other abominations are coming to destroy that."

"But there's one thing that stands in the enemy's way US and make no mistake we are one unit, one army, we are family.

We are the Gigori and we cannot and will not be defeated." I then sent all of them to be trained by the seraphs as a way to better adapt to combat, power, and knowledge.

Then I went to Adam's and Seth's heaven and when they saw me they we overjoyed as they told me stories about their descendants lives. After a while I look at them seriously and ask them a question. "How would you like to be angels of the lord?" I asked the two.

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