


Philip is standing at his room looking surprised at his parent who are infront of him as he holds a cup of Tea.

"What are you both doing here". His looking at Philip with his eyes wide

"Son, Can we come in please". Mary say as she looks at his flatmate who just passes.

Inorder to not create attention to himself , He tells them to come inside, He just wasn't expecting them today or any other day..

Philip goes to sit on the bed still not knowing what to say, while his parents sits on the couch.

"Son, I and your mom are truly sorry, but I want to say all these is my fault, not your Mom". Dave goes over to Philip on the bed.

He looks at Dave, he drops his cup of tea on the table, as he glances away, his eyes wonders to Mary. "Yunno I had overheard y'all taking about making your own babies, Since then I had never been able to shake it off my head". Philip looks at the Art hanging in his room,

Then he continues "I really just don't know what to say here".

"Philip, I really understand you, trust me I do, We really just wanted to protect you". Mary goes over to him too, places her arm on his shoulders.

Philip shrugs her gesture off, he looks her dead in the eye " That's not true, y'all lied because the truth might cause me to make a choice that y'all don't like".

Philip notices as Mary gave Dave a perplexed look.

"What's with the look, Is there something I should know about?". Philip inquires

"Yes Son, there's something we think you ought to know". Dave goes back to the couch.

Philip stands up, "Another one of your secrets". He was almost shouting "This is unbelievable, the last time we talked, why didn't you mention this".

"Son, please calm down". Dave says gently, Philip goes over the bed and sits, "The thing is your mom, your biological Mom, she handed you to us, She said she didn't want to be involved in your life".

Philip looks at Dave, he couldn't and wouldn't accept that story.

How come his own Mom didn't want him?, What did he do?

"I don't believe this". Philip says as a tear drops off his eyes.

Mary, who has been sitting on the bed, tries pulling him into a hug, Philip stops her and begins to sob really hard and loud,

She goes closer to him againabd begins to pat him gently on the head. "

"Why, what did I do wrong". Philip stammers in-between tears.

Dave goes over, "You didn't do anything wrong Son ,It wasn't your fault, neither was it hers".

Philip goes on crying, as Mary goes over to get him a bottle of water. Leaving him and Dave together.

"She was raped son, She couldn't bear looking at you, She said it reminded her of the man who did it to her, So the best thing she could do was give you away". Dave pauses, as he hugs Philip tights.

" You just have to understand her point of view". Mary added gently.

Philip sniffles, as he collects the bottle of water from Mary. "It wasn't easy for her Son, You know, any Sane Person in her situation would do that". Mary sits close to Philip patting him gently on his lap.

Philip stand up, leaving his parent on the bed and goes over to the couch. "Has She ever gotten in touch since then".

Mary shakes her "No she hasn't, but she kept a letter for you to read, So you could understand why she did what she did".

Philip rests on the couch, looking at the ceiling, His biological Mom, didnt want to be found, She didn't want to have anything to do with me.

He had to face reality now, and be grateful for his Parent for never making him feel like he didn't belong.

"How about the Man that raped her, Was he put into Jail". He asks as he looks at them both.

"She never revealed him to us, She never really talked about him". Mary answers, while Dave places his hands on hers.

"That letter, I want to read it, Did you bring it along with you". Philip turns his head to Mary, who looks into her bag and places it on his table.

Philip eyes the letter which was in an envelope, He looks over to his parents, he knew they were truly protecting him.

He didn't know how he could have reacted to this news back then or if they had told him earlier.

He goes in-between them, and hugs them deeply. Dave and Mary actually welcomed him arms open

" I really do love y'all, you know we never keep anything from eachother". Philip says as he takes a deep breath,

"We are deeply Sorry" Mary and Dave chorus

" Hope y'all not keeping anything at all from me again". Philip inquires as he comes off the embrace, Searching in their eyes, like he was gonna get anything there.

" We promise you, there's nothing else" Dave says smiling, Mary nods agreeing to what Dave said.

Dave sighs deeply, "Any news on my sister?"

" Nothing yet, but it's been taken care of, we have an investigator on the case". Dave answers him

"Hopefully we find her, and bring her back home". Philip says with a smile on his face, knowing that would make the whole family happy.

"We will, let's be hopeful". Mary chips in and takes Philip's hands.

"We gotta go now, But Philip we would like for you to come home Next Month". Dave chips in as he goes on to carry Mary's bag.

"We miss you at home". Mary agreeing to the statement. Her eyes wanders to the letter, She goes over to Philip.

" You know you don't have to do this yourself, Any questions you have concerning the letter, We don't really know much, but we could be of help". Mary says as she kisses the top of Philip head deeply.

"Please don't push us away again". He goes over to Philip amd gives him a warm embrace.

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