

"Quinn! No!"

Cornelius laughed low, walking to Quinn, "Such a waste."

My head was forced up to see a smiling Megan. She looked crazed.

"You did this. You lead your friends here."

She kicked me forward, nearly squishing Quinn.

They were all here, at the Abbey.

Seri was forced against the wall, her skin covered in her own blood. Two people fed from her, holding her still against the wall.

"Quinn!" Deven was desperate; he tried to fend off the four on him, only to be forced down a few meters away, and iron chains were forced around his legs and hands.

Lathen lay near the iron cage, his eyes wide open, staring. He is already dead.

Where was Leo?

I prayed he wasn't here yet but still looked around for him.

The ruins were swarming with vampires. Cornelius had raised his army, and the witch stood beside him. There was not a mark on her; her hood lifted slightly to show a sadistic smile.

Crows surrounded the old structure, watching noisily.

"Found him!"

"Here is the Loverboy..." Cornelius sauntered forward.

"No. Please," I whispered, begging.

"Please, what?"

Two boot-covered feet stood before me; I followed the legs to the ominous hooded face above me, the witch.

"Don't do this. Not him."

"This,"–she gestured around– "Is your doing. You lead them here like lambs to slaughter, all because of your selfishness," she spat.

I shook my head, not willing to listen. She grabbed a fist full of my hair, forcing me to look as they practically ripped Leo into pieces.

"Leave him."

"NO!" I leapt forward, desperate to get to him.


"Hey, shh... It's just a nightmare."

I jumped from his sudden cool hand on my back. I was panting as I swiped at my forehead and upper lip. Wet.

I was drenched in sweat.

My head fell into my hands, and I combed through my hair.

Leo's cold hand rubbed my back and shoulder in comfort.

"I think you have a fever."

He leaned forward, touching my forehead and cheeks.

"I do feel a little... off," my voice was scratchy sore, it made me hack up a cough.

"Soona," Leo coaxed.

His magic was cold. It made me shiver.

"You're freezing." I huffed out, teeth chattering.

Tap, tap, tap.

We both paused and looked towards the closed window. Neither of us could sense anything out there.

"Stay here." Leo moved from the bed, glancing out of the curtain.

"It's Henry... and a letter," he explained, opening the window. Once the letter was given to him, Henry left quickly.

"Is it from my uncle?"

I laid back, pulling the covers up as I shivered more. I certainly had a fever.

"I don't think so," he replied, looking at the front, "It's got two weird names on it..."


He passed it to me before going over to the bags. He retrieved some tablets and water.


"Thank you." I took them greedily as I read the front of the letter.

There was no signature on it; It had the typical 'M' stamp and calligraphy.

"Must be important," I guessed.

We had told her we needed a break and alone time. Either she didn't take the hint, or something urgent. I passed it back to Leo, who promptly opened it.


Dear Leo and Lexi,

I neglected to tell you about the third lifetime I had found.

Anabel and Carmilo.

When you are ready, see if you can dive without us there and let me know how it goes.

Hope you have a great break.



My eyebrows scrunched together as he read aloud, "She couldn't wait to tell us this?"

Leo groaned and threw it aside, "Great timing as always."

I continued to shiver under the covers, and my eyelids grew heavy. I vaguely felt a hand brush my forehead and hair as I drifted back to sleep.



He waited as the morning sun rose. The first ship was about to dock; this one supposedly held the dame. He pulled out the photograph he had been given by the Fae, John. He watched as bodies slowly started to leave.


Dressed in black with sunglasses. Her blonde hair was tied back, and she had two men acting as bodyguards.

Jack cleared his throat before following a little behind the three. He announced his presence.

"Victoria Selvaski?"

It caused all three of them to pause as the two men stood more in front of her, blocking his view.

"Who's asking?" Her voice was like honey.

"My name is Jack. One of your children has been causing a stir." He eyed the two men; they were not as tall as him and needed a workout.

The dame's hand touched either shoulder, pushing them apart. He could finally see her pale face.

Her sunglasses were removed, revealing strange golden eyes.

"What kind of stir?" Her eyes narrowed, not liking what Jack was saying.

Jack hushed his words, "The treaty is broken."

Her eyes widened in shock momentarily before scorn took over the beautiful features, "Which one."


"Little brat," she spat and turned away, waving to Jack to follow her.

"Come. We will find somewhere to talk privately."



The detective knocked on the white door, and he leaned back when it opened.

"Oh Gods. Now what?" Isobelle asked.

"Hello, Mrs. Langton. May I come in?"

Her eye twitched, and she slowly stepped back, opening the door wider. He entered and was surprised by a familiar face.

"Mr Greenwood. Hello," he greeted the brother.

"Detective." Keiron gave a slight nod.

Shutting the door, Isobelle offered Tea like she did the first time he was here. This time, he took the invitation.

Isobelle gestured for him to sit and gave him a full cup.


"So, what can I do for you detective?" Isobelle asked. Her mood sour.

He cleared his throat, "I want to thank you for your cooperation, and I'm sorry."

The room was silent, and the air was so tense that it made Magnus awkward.

"What are you sorry for?" Keiron asked, leaning his arms onto his knees.

Magnus swallowed, "For the truth spell...and..."

Isobelle's eye lifted at the 'and' her eyes narrowed slightly.

"And for what is going to happen next," he finished.

"What?" Isobelle whispered, "What will happen next?"

Sighing, he prepared himself for the shouting, "The council want to Hunt."


"What?!" Keiron shouted, "She has done nothing wrong!"

Isobelle's eye widened and went glassy, "Why a Hunt?"

"I don't know," he admitted, "They were surprised to find out she is still alive. They initially wanted it public, but I objected. You've been through enough."

"Been through enough?" Isobelle whispers, tears spilling over, "I'm living a nightmare. It has never stopped."

She looked away and was distant from her shouting brother. She felt helpless. She could no longer protect her daughter. A hunt was called; in human terms, she was a wanted person with a reward for capture.

Lexi would no longer be safe in Scotland. She wouldn't be safe anywhere.



He finally sat in front of the mysterious dame, Victoria. She lit a cigarette before talking.

"Are you Council?" She looked at him up and down.

"Ex-council." Jack kindly took the beer bottle with thanks.

"How are you involved in this?" She asked, confused.

"Long story short, the person he killed is a local."

"Did he kill a wolf?"

"A witch."

Her eyes widened a fraction. For a moment, she looked scared.

"Tell me everything you know," she demanded, "I will bring him in myself if I have to."

"Victoria!" One of the men interrupted the meeting, rushing forward, out of breath.

"David? This better be important."

"I found this."

He placed two pieces of paper on the table, "Cornelius is hunted."

Victoria swiped the top piece of paper, revealing the other.

"No," Jack whispered.

A photo of Lexi stared back at him.



The order came through, a fax showing two different pictures.

One of Lexandria Langton. A small fee for her capture with a small note: 'Must be alive. Wanted for spell malpractice.'

The other featured Cornelius Selvaski, whose reward was more significant, wanted dead or alive. The note read, 'Wanted for breaching the treaty and killing a witch.'

Both were packed in letters and shipped by carrier pigeons, one to every known supernatural household, bar and Fae portal.

The hunt begins.

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