
Chapter 70: Puppeteer



"Demonic Voice"

"Ghost Rider Voice"


Guanajuato, Mexico, May 7, 03:35, 2017

The city of Guanajuato, a beautiful city full of tourists, is characterized by having a great nightlife. That is, it was famous for hosting a large number of bars, nightclubs, and other night festivities, which made thousands of tourists annually come and enjoy this beautiful city.

Not only was it famous for its nightlife, but also for its beautiful architecture. Since it had a beautiful Spanish colonial architecture, where the streets, which were a network of alleys connected to each other, could bring you many shortcuts, or completely lose your destination, if you did not know how to move around the city.

The city had a high nightlife, yes, but that was on weekends. On weekdays, like any city where you had to work in the mornings, the nightlife was shortened due to the numerous laws prohibiting festivities after certain hours.

This turned this network of streets into a silent labyrinth, where not a soul could be heard in the wee hours of the morning. Today, like any other Tuesday, these streets were silent and empty. People were sleeping, enjoying the beautiful dreams that Morpheus had prepared for them.

However, said silence was broken when a man began to run through this maze of streets, running for his life.

"Ah, ah, ah, damn, he's too fast" muttered the man, with bated breath due to fatigue from the arduous exercise. He had been running for several miles, and had not been able to shake off his pursuer. 

The man looked rather ragged. His skin was brown, his hair dark brown, and his face, with no noteworthy features, showed an accumulation of sweat from the fatigue of this chase.

His clothes were no better. They were dirty. Full of holes. And he presented a rancid odor. In short, the man was like any street bum you'd find begging for money.

However, there was something strange about the man, for as he ran he left a trail of blood all over the street. That's right, this man was wounded in the side of his belly, making it even more difficult for him to escape. The strange thing is that the blood was not red like that of any normal human, but black, like crude oil.

But the man was unfazed by this wound. On the contrary, he kept running. His life literally depended on it.

Unfortunately, for him, his pursuer was relentless. An absolute tracking machine that did not prevent his prey from escaping. The advantage this man had over his pursuer was that he knew these streets quite well, the result of having lived in this city for several months.

The man took advantage of this knowledge. He turned and ran through this maze, trying to escape his pursuer. Left, right, the man turned so much, he could have confused anyone chasing him. After a while, he saw that his pursuer... was gone.

"Phew, I finally lost him-" he was about to express his relief, but he could not claim victory when, suddenly, a large shadow fell on him. The shadow, despite its enormous size, moved with a speed that was impossible to dodge. The man had to bear the full weight of this silhouette.

There it was revealed, that, crushing the man and holding him back, was a large wolf with fur as black as night. Its great fangs and blood-red eyes brought fear to even the bravest person. That's right, this great wolf was none other than Duke.

Maybe the man did know the streets, but Duke already had him marked by the smell of the blood he was shedding. In short, his capture was a matter of time.

When Duke caught this man, just then, an orange portal materialized. Out of it came Constantine, Bobo 'The Detective Chimp', Katana, and Edgar, who had created the portal. There the man knew that all was lost.

The one who spoke, was the little chimp dressed in his detective attire.

"Rakash, long time no see. You are missed on Thursday poker nights"

Duke stopped crushing the man, and moved to a corner so that 'the boss' and his group, could question him. The man, sore and wounded, struggled to his feet, and said.

"Sigh, I knew if anyone could find me it would be you, Bobo. But how did you do it, I hid well. I even pretended to be homeless to hide my demonic odor"

That's right, this 'man', was not a man, but one of many demons that inhabited this land trying to bamboozle and corrupt humans.

His name was Rakash, and, in terms of power, he could be considered quite weak. However, to Bobo, he was quite well known, for this demon was what humans knew as an 'information peddler'. 

Someone willing to sell any kind of information for a good price. Not only that, as he was also a dealer in products, both demonic and human. A trader, in short.

Bobo knew that, if anyone had information on the Obscurus, it was him. And that's why they searched for him for so long.

He used to live in Los Angeles, or Miami. But his trail had vanished a few months ago. Now, thanks to a meticulous follow-up, they had been able to find him in Mexico. Although it was difficult, since, as it was said, his smell and ragged appearance, hid him quite well.

No one had been able to guess that this indigent man used to dress in the finest silks and live a life full of luxury and excess. Quite a radical change in someone's life. Even if that someone was a demon.

"It was difficult, Rakash. You hid well. But you left traces. Minute, small traces. But for me, that was enough"

"Congratulations, Bobo. You made it. You're a great detective. But, I won't say anything. You can't make me"

"Maybe, he won't. But I can... Katana, do it", The one who interrupted was Edgar.

Giving Katana a signal, she moved with almost superhuman speed, and, with her sword, pierced his heart. However, the demon's life did not vanish or end as would normally happen when someone pierces your heart with a weapon.

On the contrary, just as the sword touched his body, it began to transfigure and reveal his demonic features.

The 'human' skin began to turn a sickly shade of blue, while the face enlarged and stretched grotesquely. Horns also emerged on its head. What remained was a slender demon with blue skin and rather stereotypical demonic features. A pair of bat wings also emerged from its back.

Katana held it back against a wall. Edgar approached the demon, and said with a strong threatening tone. The tone was such, that it sent a strong shiver down Rakash's spine.

"You feel it, don't you. You feel how your soul is being held and drawn by the power of the sword, making your body and power no longer obey you. Simply put, you became a puppet of this cursed sword. As long as the sword is in your body, you cannot run away. You are at our mercy"

"Ple, plea, please, I, I, I, I, I don't know anything. I, I, I, I s,s,swear" 

"Shu, shu, shu, shu, easy, buddy. I still haven't told you what I want to know and you already say you don't know anything. Look, I'll make you a deal. Answer a couple of questions from us, and nothing will happen to you. Or else..."


Edgar was transformed. There the demon urinated. It must be said that Edgar arrived as a human. The demon, as low in power as he was, couldn't even come close to guessing that this man, was a freaking Rider. The girl's sword was dangerous. But this man here was doom itself.

More because of his blue fire. A fire that, if it burned him, could destroy him completely, with no chance of recreation again. A total death.

"Start talking. Or I'll burn you slowly until there's not an ash left of you, you damned demon" 

"I'll talk, I'll talk, but please don't do anything to me" 

Edgar no longer threatened. He gave up his transformation and let Bobo do the talking. He was better at this interrogation stuff than he was. 

"Forgive my friend, Rakash, but you'll understand that we've been looking for you for months. He's very nervous. Now, if you would be so kind as to answer, why did you hide?"

"Why would I hide, Bobo, just so you wouldn't find me and ask for information. You don't understand, but my life is in great danger right now just telling you this"

"Sabbac, he's threatening to kill you if you talk, I'm guessing" Constantine added. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, an information bombshell was revealed right there. Something that completely changed everything that was known about the Obscurus organization. 

"What?, NO. Sabbac is strong, yes, but he is not able to threaten me or scare me as the true leader of everything. Sabbac is only the leader of the Earth faction. That resides here" 

"Wait, wait, wait, are you telling me that Sabbac is not the leader of the Obscurus?"

"Of course NOT. Not at all. Look, guys. In demons there are hierarchies. From lowest to highest would be: Baron, Viscount, Count, Earl, Marquis, Duke and Archduke. We all, and I mean ALL, demons want to become powerful and move up the ranks. That's why we trick, bamboozle and corrupt humans, because, in doing so, we become more powerful. But moving up the ranks, is VERY difficult. Some would think it impossible. I am a mere Viscount rank and yet it cost me a lot to get here. Despite that weakness I made a name for myself, as Bobo knows-"

"Rakash, don't get sidetracked, we're not interested in knowing your life story. Just go on"

"Right, sorry, sorry, sorry. As I was saying. There are well-established hierarchies. The more powerful, the more demons and territory at your disposal you have. And it's very difficult to move up the ranks. But despite that, we can say that the only one who surpasses that hierarchy is Trigon. He is the only one we can consider King rank. But, in spite of that, he does not rule us or we are not loyal to him, because Trigon does NOT want our welfare. On the contrary, he only watches over destruction. He is separate from the other hells, because when he was in the same hell with us, he made whole massacres just for... fun"

"But what does that have to do with it, Rakash. We already know Trigon is powerful, that's nothing new"

"What I mean is that there are two factions in hell. Those who want him to rule us despite the fact that he is pure destruction, because he is the most powerful, that is, the Obscurus. And those who don't want him because he would break with the established order. I am of the second one. But, I'm hiding because all the demons from his faction, have been hunting and killing us since the beginning of this year. Even saying this already puts a big target on me. And it's all because of the leader, the true leader, of the Obscurus. Someone the demons fear because of his tremendous power to alter reality" 

"And who is the leader?"

"The only demon, in all of existence who has been able to achieve the impossible. To reach Archduke rank by his own hand. Someone who has the power to rival Satan, Beelzebub, Belphegot, and Astarot. A demon with the power to alter reality itself if he sets his mind to it" 

"Tell me the damn name, Rakash"

"The demon I speak of... the demon that I am so afraid of... his name is..."

But just as I was about to say it. Then something strange happened. No one knows how it happened, but just as he was about to speak, the demon's head began to enlarge like a balloon. The veins in his body began to swell and bulge.

After a couple of seconds, with a loud "SPLASH" Rakash's head exploded. Everyone had the same thought in their head.

'What the hell just happened?'


Tower of Destiny, May 7, 04:10, 2017

In the Tower of Destiny, the group that had gone to talk to this demon was gathered while drinking a strong liquor to calm their nerves. Even though it was the wee hours of the morning, this did not matter, for the events that had just transpired had made the group no longer tired and sleepy.

The image of the demon exploding like a balloon was a grotesque image for everyone.

More so for Edgar, who felt the whole process with his senses. The worst thing is that it was very strange. And the fact is that, if his senses did not fail him, the demon exploded by 'natural' causes.

What happened was that, strangely, the air breathed by the demon began to seep completely into the head, as if the head itself were the lungs. However, the head did not have the function of lungs at all, and quickly began to swell from the excess oxygen administered, causing the veins in its body to bulge and protrude.

Worst of all, the accumulated air had no way of filtering out so, like a balloon with an excess of air, it just... popped.

(AN: this isn't scientific, I know, but it's a fic, let's just say this can happen)

There was no magic involved. There was no magic seal. It just seemed like the demon's bodily functions were changed. As if reality itself had been altered.....

"Nobody is going to talk about how grotesque it was, because I am. That was so grotesque. Hell, I'm going to have nightmares about that image for a month" Constantine said, while drinking his liquor

"I envy Fire, Ice, Deadman and the others who didn't come on this mission. They will rest easy tonight" added Katana. She was an assassin and had killed many in very grotesque ways, but watching this demon inflate and destroy itself was another level. What was worse was the rancid smell that left his destroyed flesh. A smell that almost made her vomit.

The only one who did vomit was Duke. The dog was sadly savoring a big plate of cookies, trying to eliminate the horrifying smell of the demon's blood.

He was thrilled when Edgar asked him to join him. Now he knew it was a mistake to accept. For the other one he was going to refuse when the boss asked him for another mission.

'For the other one, I'm going to stay with the boss woman. She doesn't have these disgusting missions' he thought.

"It was disgusting, yes, but I figured as much. Sabbac, no matter how strong he was, wasn't capable of hiding for that long from us. There had to be someone else. And now we know he's just as powerful as those who rule hell" Edgar commented, as he sipped a bit of his drink, "But who is it?"

"I have no idea, my friend. I didn't know there was another archduke rank" Constantine added. "By the way, don't you have something to eat?"

"Like those muffins you gave us the other time" said Katana tasting her lips. Those muffins tasted magical.

"And some tea. That tranquilizer, you know how to make, if you don't mind" added the chimp dressed as a detective.

'Damn, they only come to this house for the food'

"Fine, but something light. It's already night and we need to rest. And don't make so much noise, please. Diana is asleep and she had a hard day today" Edgar said, as he got up and went to the kitchen.

The Tower of Destiny was set up to look like a simple home. A normal home where there was a living room, kitchen, bathrooms, etc. Sure, the house was huge. Filled with dozens of rooms with all the luxuries, but, still, retaining its homey feel.

And that was because Diana and Edgar wanted just that. A home. A home for the family they were planning to have.

Edgar grabbed some snacks like muffins and cookies, and began to heat up some tea to offer to their guests. However, just then, hands embraced him, restraining his actions. It was obvious who it was. The one person who could sneak away like that with Edgar.

"I didn't want to, wake you up. It's too late now"

"Relax, I wasn't that sleepy" Diana said, as she blew a kiss to her beloved. She was wearing a sleeping robe. And she looked quite sleepy. Clearly, she was lying. But Edgar, she didn't say anything. Right now, he just wanted to feel her warmth.

"I'll guess, they had a rough day"

"Sigh. Again, nothing. Seems like the closer we get... something slows us down. how about you, how was your day?"

"Heavy. Being a leader is very difficult. Batman was helping me the first few days, but at this point, I'm the one coordinating everything. And all the responsibilities fall on me. The hard part is that the team works as one. There's a lot of variability of personalities, which sometimes clash with each other"

What Diana was talking about was the Justice League groupings. They had already separated into territories and she, as an original member of the old grouping, and for someone with extensive experience, was put leader of one. Specifically leader of the Justice League of Europe.

Although the Watchtower was the League's main base. There was a Hall of Justice type branch in London. This served as their temporary 'home' where they could rest, live, and where members had to go to report on their missions.

The members of the Justice League of Europe, which Diana commanded, were: as old members, Green Lantern John Stewart (when he was available and not patrolling the universe, as he was currently on Oa), Zatara, Firestorm, who preferred to become a member of the regular Justice League, and leave the Outsiders, and Green Arrow.

Adding to the team, as new members were:

Crimson Fox (Vivian D'Aramis), whose power allows her to release sex pheromones to attract men, similar to the deceased Queen Bee.

Huntress (Helena Bertinelli), who has no powers, but has expert fighting skills, with the crossbow being her primary weapon. 

The pair Hawk and Dove (Hank Hall and Dawn Granger). Hawk had superhuman strength, speed and endurance. And Dove had a strong sense of danger and can fly.

And Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny), someone who had the powers to stretch his body to incalculable lengths, but had more limitations than Plastic Man. However, he was the brains of the outfit, since, before becoming metahuman, he was a renowned private investigator in Europe. And with his metahuman gene awakened, his powers of deduction had skyrocketed. It was said that his detective skills could rival the Bat himself.

They had been grouped together for over a month, and even Diana found it difficult to lead them.

By now, the world had returned to 'normal'. Or as normal as a world full of superheroes and villains could be considered.

Crime did not rest and new threats arose every day, derived from the new metahumans that had emerged. The Justice League was more active than ever. And Edgar knew it. Diana told him it was a busy day and they prevented a lot of crime. That's why he didn't want to wake her up.

"You will make it. I'm sure you will. At least, you don't have to look for an organization that's like a needle in a haystack"

"You'll make it, too. Now, let's stop talking about work and bring desserts and tea to our guests"

"Okay, love"


"So, it blew up?"

"Yes, like a balloon!"

"Like a balloon with the smell of brains and rot"

"Wof, wof" (it was horrible, female boss)

At this point, they were explaining to Diana what had happened. And frankly it disgusted her. Hearing this, she decided to stop complaining about her busy day avoiding metahuman robberies and the occasional murder. Her beloved had it worse than she did.

"Let's stop talking about it, please. Bobo, tell me what you think about all this. What have you deduced" Edgar cut the conversation short and started the debate with Bobo. He didn't regret hiring him as a detective one bit. He was a bloody genius at deduction. Maybe not on the level of Batman, but a genius in his own right.

"More than the obvious, not much. We don't know who's behind it, and we don't know how it might affect the demons. But, Rakash was right. Demonic activity has decreased in these few months. I see now that the reason is the demons themselves. An internal war is brewing among them. And that's good. As long as they attack each other, they won't do anything against humans. Besides, Sabbac told you. They will not move until the conflict with the gods is settled"

Diana intervened in the conversation. That was another delicate subject. For, the gods, they had not even left a trace.

"The gods aren't doing anything. There is no movement from them. My sisters, who were hunting Ares, said he went into hiding, but he hasn't moved. No one knows where he is. The other pantheons have also shown no activity of moving against the humans. In short, Sabbac lied about this. Yes, my brother Ares is dangerous, but he is alone. And he is wounded. He is not a threat"

But Diana was very wrong. Very, very, very wrong. Yes, Ares was hurt. A shadow of his former self. But he was not alone.

In the shadows and in a quick and calculated way, he had acquired a small group of gods who were willing to do anything to acquire power....


Valhalla, just at that time

In an unknown place, a city, which could only be described with the word 'impressive', stood.

The city was enormous. Hundreds of houses built with mithril, gold, silver and other minerals, which would be the envy of even the most millionaire, were built. And the streets only highlighted the beauty, for, the composition of these streets was of a reinforced crystal material that refracted the sunlight and made it shine like a rainbow in the daytime.

Right in the center, there was a great castle that not even fairy tales could have imagined. It was made of mithril like the city, but bathed in imperial gold. A reinforced gold stronger than diamond itself. This castle was enormous and majestic. Worthy of housing even the gods themselves.

In fact, this was its function.

This city was Valhalla. The city of the gods. A city created by Odin, Zeus, Izanagi, Ra and other leading gods of their respective pantheons, to house the great community of gods. A city created for these beings of immense power to live in peace and harmony.

Although this could no longer be seen. The city was beautiful. Lost in time. And impeccable as if not a second had passed since its creation... But it felt empty.

It felt so empty, that the shining city, ironically, felt dull. As if the gold and mithril were not enough to make it shine. And this city, it was no longer home to anyone. The gods... were gone.

Some died in the Ragnarok. That great struggle between gods, titans and other mythological beings to obtain the position of absolute leader. A fight where the Norse gods perished, and where the Greek/Roman gods rose as champions and leaders.

Those who survived had to follow Zeus and his rules, including the most important rule and the one that, for most of this race of supreme beings, was the determinant of the extinction of the age of the gods.

The rule was: 'No intervention in human affairs'. And to this day, it continues to be fulfilled

But that had already happened. Even Zeus and the others of the Greek pantheon were dead. Most hibernated or continued their divine duty without intervening in earthly affairs. Others hid among humans, living a quiet and peaceful life. And some simply perished for lack of divine power. In short, the race of gods was dying out.

This city was empty, well... that was not entirely true. For at this moment, it was hosting its first visitors in hundreds of years.

Right inside that mythical castle. In the main hall, where thousands of chairs stood to house the myriad of gods that existed, 15 people were seated right in the center, in the main chairs. 15 gods who harbored immense power.

These gods were few compared to the great number that was in the past, but they were powerful. They were all elder gods. Beings who, even in their respective pantheon, were to be held in respect.

Right in the center, stood Ares, wearing obsidian black armor. His skin had also darkened, and his eyes glowed red in a sign of power. This was his true form.

Ares stood up and looked at each person in the room. Despite the small numbers, he was very happy for the recruits who had heeded his call. Everyone gathered here was, as the saying went, the crème de la crème.

Satisfied, he nodded to himself, and said.

"So, shall we begin?"



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (10 chapters ahead)

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