
Chapter 59: It's all over...right?



<Robotic Voice>



Chernobyl, in the fight

Thinker was absorbing Victor's vital energy. Victor's heart rate and brain waves were slowing to drastic rates. Soon, he would be a mere vegetable with robotic parts. The only thing that indicated he was still alive was his slow rhythmic breathing and his blinking red eye, as if he were in hover mode. 

It had to be done this way, so that the Motherbox would stop protecting him. If Victor died, then the Motherbox would no longer have any users as avatars, and thus Thinker could become his new avatar. 

However, just as he was feeling his victory. Something strange happened. The red eye changed to a purple hue and, emerging from its body, wires were connected to the Amazo robot just as Thinker was doing. However, when that happened, Thinker's consciousness teleported right to a place he thought he would never see again. 


Thinker Consciousness

It was his old office when he was just a hapless accountant. When he only lived for his job and was a total failure. 

"What am I doing here?" 

"I was wondering the same thing"


There he was, in the same office, Victor Stone, looking like just a normal human. Actually, Clifford Devoe also looked like he did before he became The Thinker. Pale skin with wrinkles, even though he was only 40 years old. Bald, with an unathletic body. And zero attractiveness to the opposite gender. 


"I just defended myself. Or do you think I was going to let you throw my life away just like that?" 

"But how did you...?" 

"The Motherbox is something that, no matter how much you or I study it, we simply won't be able to understand it. A pretty advanced piece of technology for our time"

Like a virus erasing an operating system, the entire room and the surrounding landscape of where they were, was fading away, leaving a trail of '0's and '1's, indicating that Thinker's consciousness was mere computer code. 

"Why you... WHY IT CHOSE YOU. You don't deserve to have the power of something like the Motherbox. I DO. I became a machine so I could achieve that, and become a perfect being. And you, even though you have that power, you choose to remain human with many limitations and mistakes. What do you have that I don't have?"

Victor, instead of getting angry for this questions, looked at Thinker with pity. He understood very well why Thinker was angry. 

Life was not fair. Just as Víctor had come from a well-off, well-established family. There were people who did not have this privilege. People who had to struggle from the bottom to be able to have a little of what more privileged people could have without difficulty. 

Thinker was one of them. From a young age, despite his superior mental attributes, he was never recognized. He worked so hard and was never thanked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I think why it chose me is something I'll never get to know in my lifetime. But that said. I'm sure my humanity is a pretty big factor in it for choosing me" 

Victor looked at Thinker. The pity had faded from his face and a seriousness relieved him. 

He could understand what this man had gone through in his life. All those hardships. Victor could empathize with that. But, he hadn't forgotten that the rest of it was because of his ambitions. Going so far as to even want to kill him. That Victor would not forgive him for.

"That's the big difference between you and me, Clifford. I choose to be human because I believe that makes me strong. It makes me get better and better. You, on the other hand, decided to stop being human to become a machine to become 'strong', when in reality all you wanted was to run away from your OWN reality" 

"My reality?" 

"Yes. You just wanted to run away from what you are and what you will always be. A simple failed accountant" 


However, Victor didn't answer him. He just continued to stare at him earnestly as the entire room became a simple code. Clifford's body began to disintegrate as well. 

"NOOOOOOOOO" he cried out in despair. But it was already too late. Like a simple program, Clifford's consciousness was erased. 


When Victor woke up. He saw the Amazo robot, which was sucking his energy, totally shut down. He removed the wires who were connected to him, and said to the Motherbox.

"Motherbox. Scan Amazo"


With that said, Victor confirmed it. 

Clifford Devoe (The Thinker) was dead. 

However, all was not well. Victor was feeling extremely tired. And he felt he had no energy to fight anymore. However, he remembered the last thing Martian Manhunter told him. 

He reached the central command, and with the help of the Motherbox he started hacking every circuit and every program Thinker had, which frankly was a lot. 

Weapon activation codes, robot activation codes, activation codes for ships and other vehicles. However, searching, he stumbled upon what he was looking for. The commando radio frequency.

A locked frequency that Victor could not enter. An enhancement of the frequency he had hacked some time ago with full of counter-firewalls and protections. Thinker might be evil or he might have been crazy, but he was a freaking genius. That had to be acknowledged. 

'Okay, let's get this over with' Configuring all the transmissions. He spoke as clearly to the microphones as he could. 

"Rail, Three, Clover, Light, Power, Five, Punishment"

"Rail, Three, Clover, Light, Power, Five, Punishment"

"Rail, Three, Clover, Light, Power, Five, Punishment"

"Rail, Three, Clover, Light, Power, Five, Punishment"

This was not only being transmitted to the battlefield. This was being broadcast to the whole world. Every soldier of The Light and the Liberation Front was listening to it. After repeating it several times, Victor spoke. 

"Listen, this is Cyborg speaking to you from central command. The war is over. Lay down your weapons, raise your hands and surrender" 

With that said, all the soldiers who no longer had their orders, and seeing that they did not want to die, laid down their weapons, knelt down and surrendered. 

All over the world, the soldiers defending the Value Centers and The Light warehouses stopped and surrendered, which made it easy for people to take these places in protest. 

The revolution was over. The world had won. 

Victor was happy. He was very tired and wanted to go to sleep, but a transmission from Batman brought him out of his delirium. 

"Cyborg. are you in the control room?" 

"Yes, what do you need Batman?" 

"Warn everyone. Have them get out as fast as they can from a 200 km radius. It's all going to blow up in less than two minutes" 

'What the hell?'


Batman had reached the most remote lower area of the subway facility. Not without a cost, as soldiers and some robots interfered with him getting there first. But, finally, he saw what he was looking for. 

A giant machine full of wires, and computers that were connected to a central monitor, was operating at maximum capacity. Inside, Batman couldn't see anything, as a gray, cocoon-like mucus covered the machine's orifices. 

However, Batman did not need to have it explained that anything coming out of there would be a serious problem for everyone. 

[Project Cadmus Completion Percentage: 98%]

'Damn it' thought Batman. 

Approaching the computer, Batman was about to activate the activation code when a heavy push sent him rolling away. Batman couldn't even get up when a strong jaw embedded itself in his shoulder, severely injuring him. 

"Agh" Batman growled. It was Killer Croc trying to bite him with all his might. What was worse was that the force he was exerting at this moment, was greater than Batman had regularly felt. 

"Bat meat. My favorite" 

If Killer Croc was strong before, at this moment, Batman felt like his strength was double or triple what he normally acted upon. Something had given him The Light to boost his power.

Batman did not stand still. Grabbing an explosive batarang, he detonated said device in Killer Croc's mouth. Rolling, he moved away from his grip and picked himself up off the ground. The wound on his shoulder was beginning to bleed. This indicated that Killer Croc teeth had also been enhanced somehow.

The batarang exploded and left smoke on the humanoid crocodile's head, but when the smoke cleared, Batman saw that Killer Croc was intact. A maniacal grin even appeared on his face. 

"Bats, I'm no longer the same criminal you beat and frightened in Gotham. I've been upgraded. Now, you're no longer the Alpha animal in the place. I AM" 

With that, Killer Croc moved at a fiendish speed. Batman used his grappling hook to get out of there, but Croc held his leg just before he went, and held him in place. He then threw him hard into a wall, where several boxes broke his fall. Batman got up, wiped off some blood that had smeared on his face, and looked seriously at Killer Croc. 

"Vandal put me here, because he knew YOU would be the one to come and try to stop his transformation. He wasn't wrong. This is the end, Bats. It's all over" 

Killer Croc moved. He opened his maw and attacked Batman right in the head. With the strength he carried, he would bite his head off. However, Batman made no pretense of moving. On the contrary, he waited for Killer Croc, and when he was very close, he finally said. 

"Yes, it's all over"

Batman jumped just in time before being bitten by Croc. Croc turned and wanted to chase him, but there he saw Batman raise his hand and hold up a device with a red button. 

"What are you-" 

However, there he realized that in his mouth, stuck, was the whole belt of Batman. Batman pressed the button, and....

"BOOOOOOOOM" a small explosion detonated right in the humanoid crocodile's face. The worst thing is that black smoke started to come out, and said smoke started to enter Killer Croc who had his jaws open, where inhaling it was inevitable. 

There he felt it. His whole body felt lethargic. Killer Croc began to feel tired. 

"What... what did you do to me" was the last thing he said before passing out from exhaustion. 

"Sleep gas, capable of knocking out an elephant" 

Batman turned around, and made it right to the machine.

[Project Cadmus Completion Percentage: 99%]

Putting in Samuel's destruction code, the machine began to shut down. 

[Deactivation of Project Cadmus. Successful]

'Finally- ' however, at that, the entire screen turned red and many ERROR signs appeared. 





[Self-destruct sequence activated]

Then, as if this wasn't bad enough, a clock appeared on the screen indicating a time of 2 minutes. 






Batman tried to deactivate this self-destruct mechanism, but to no avail. He realized that this machine operated apart from all the electrical systems in the place. It had its power generator set aside. It had its operating system set aside. All for one purpose. To prevent anyone or anything from disabling the machine.

What's worse, Batman realized that this generator that powered the machine wasn't just any generator like the ones outside. This was the main generator. Connected to the same power grid of the nuclear plant. So much energy was being taken up by this machine that they had to activate the nuclear plant again in order to power it. 

And, if Batman's thoughts did not fail him, and they never did, then this destruction code would not only destroy the machine, but the entire nuclear plant. Creating a replica of what Chernobyl was so long ago, only more powerful. 

Batman reached for his communicator and communicated with the only person who could help him at the moment. 

"Cyborg. are you in the control room?" 

"Yes, what do you need Batman?" 

"Warn everyone. Have them get out as fast as possible from a 200 km radius. It's all going to blow up in less than two minutes"

"Why do you say that?" 

"The deactivation code was a secret self-destruct code. It can't be deactivated. This place will explode in 2 minutes and the machine is connected to the nuclear plant. I'm not going to explain to you how dangerous that will be"

"...Damn it" This was enough for Cyborg to act. It didn't take a genius to figure out that everything would explode. Cyborg began to make calculations in his head. 

From the power of the plant and the power of the machine, the information of which Thinker had in his files, he quickly calculated the blast radius. 

'One hundred and fifty to two hundred kilometers. Almost the whole city…' 

Finally, activating the communicators, he addressed everyone on the battlefield. 

"Attention everyone on the battlefield. I have been informed that a self-destruct sequence will destroy the nuclear plant in less than 2 minutes. Please move out of a 200 km radius. It is imperative that you do so. I repeat, in less than 2 minutes, this place will explode. Get out of here"

The battlefield, which had calmed down, turned back into chaos. Everyone ran for their lives. The Justice League, and The Outsiders even though they were tired from the arduous fight, being the heroes they were, started to help the wounded who could hardly move to get out of there. 

However, this brought about that they could not catch all the enemy soldiers who were running for their lives, and who would surely flee to hide from their crimes. 

"Ready, Batman. They've been alerted and are starting to evacuate. What do you need from me, do you want me to come and get you?"

"Negative, Cyborg. You have another job. I need you to activate the generators that are still available and reverse their polarity" 

"I see…. You want to create a barrier that will catch the blast" 

The outer and inner generators activated the barrier that protected from missiles or other attacks coming in. But if the polarity was reversed, then it would create an electromagnetic net that would trap the blast, preventing it from scattering the area. 

"Right. It's to prevent the radiation from spreading to the next cities and cause problems in the general population of Ukraine"

"I understand... the problem is that there are not enough generators. They won't be enough to prevent the explosion" however, at that he remembered that Amazo was intact outside of the control room. "But there is no need for so many generators, just a battery to give them more power... I have the solution, but I need to go to the battlefield to set up the generators" 

"You do that. I'll get out on my own" 

"Fine, I'll see you outside" 

With that, Cyborg summoned a portal, taking Amazo with him. He had little time to do everything, if he wanted to avoid a major disaster. 

Batman, however, didn't leave, but put some devices in the capsule where Vandal was. They were thermal and electromagnetic sensors. 

Then, looking at the sleeping Killer Croc, he carried him on his shoulder, and started to leave. He weighed over 300 kg, but Batman was handling it to take it with him.


The battlefield was once again in chaos. Enemies and allies were running for their lives to avoid being caught in what could only be called a disaster. 

Heroes and some soldiers were grabbing their wounded allies and helping them try to get out of there, however, others simply took the opportunity to sneak away and avoid the punishment they would surely be given when everything returned to 'normal'. 

The heroes, who were hoping to catch the enemies and judge them with the full weight of the law, could not stop them from leaving because, at this point, they were all running for their survival. 

But well, first they had to stop the explosion from reaching them. And that task was destined for Cyborg. 

"Let's hope this Works…" Victor muttered, as he configured Amazo and connected it to the 2 indoor generators and the 4 outdoor generators left on the battlefield.

The idea was to set up the Amazo robot, which was a robot that could absorb the energy, and which in theory would be like a super-powered battery, and boost the remaining generators by giving them more energy, so they could withstand the blast. It was risky, but it was the only answer Cyborg had. 

According to his calculations, this would work. But there were many factors that could cause everything to go wrong when the explosion occurred. For example, that the explosion would be more powerful than Cyborg calculated. Or that the material of the generators, which were made of very strong metal, would not withstand the nuclear energy and would be destroyed in the explosion. 

However, Cyborg at this moment, was having faith. That was the only thing he could have now. Setting up the generators, and connecting them to him, he set up two electromagnetic barriers. One covering the first 50 km and one covering the other 100 km. 

Connecting everything together, he finally finished. His watch told him that was less than 40 seconds before the explosion happened. However, he saw that many people were going at a slow pace and would not be able to make it. But he had a solution to avoid this.

'Motherbox, configure portals to Lian Yu. At least 100 portals' 


'I know the risks, Motherbox. Just do it' 


Dozens of portals materialized throughout the inner zone of Chernobyl. Allies who knew whose portals these were, entered immediately, without hesitation. However, the enemies, fearful that it was a trap, preferred to continue on their way and leave the city.

Victor began to feel lethargic when he opened these portals. However, he tried to stay awake so that he could activate the barriers. Good thing that, at that, Vixen came to meet him and helped him up. 

"Victor, are you okay?" 

"Marie, I need to stay awake until the explosion happens. It's imperative that I do" 

"Don't worry, I'll keep you from doing that"

At that, more and more heroes began to arrive in the safe zone (outside the city). The Amazons, the Atlanteans with Arthur at their head, and some captured enemies who had surrendered to their fate. 

There were even the wounded heroes like Green Arrow who was clinging to the body of his dead ward, and who brought a rather heartbreaking image to anyone who looked at him. And Black Canary, who Duke had left safe outside the city, and who had a broken leg. Every hero, both Outsiders, and League had arrived. 

"10 seconds" 

There was nothing more they could do. There were many bodies still scattered around the place. Unfortunately those were the dead and they couldn't waste time bringing them in. It was sad. But that was the situation. 

However, at that, they realized that the only one missing was Batman.

"Hey, where is Batman?" asked Selina who didn't see him in the whole group that was in the place. 

However, it was Diana who answered her. With her great vision, she saw in the distance as the Bat came out of the subway area carrying Killer Croc. But, at the rate they were walking, they weren't going to make it.

"They won't make it!" 



"I'll go" said Shazam who was the fastest in the place. 


However, he didn't have to move when a blur came speeding in and went to meet the bat and the villainous crocodile.


Flash grabbed him and sped away to safety.


"Just in time, Flash!" 


Time was over. However, the long-awaited explosion never came. 




"Maybe it was a false alarm-"

Black Lightning commented, however, he could not finish when at that moment, a light illuminated the whole place. For a moment the place seemed to light up as if it were day. This phenomenon might astonish everyone when they looked at it, but what followed next, brought the heroes back to reality. 


"Victor, NOW!" 

"On it!" 

The explosion finally appeared. A wave so powerful that it threatened to destroy everything in its path. The earth shook, as all the surrounding buildings began to collapse. But, as the blast was beginning to reach 50 kilometers, Cyborg's first barrier was activated. 

However, Cyborg began to decay. 

"Don't go to sleep, Victor. Come on, you can do it!" Marie encouraged him. However, his eyes were beginning to close. Mentally he had already used up all his energy. That he was still awake was by sheer force of will. 


'I know that'

Unfortunately, the blast was harder than Cyborg thought and the first barrier decayed easily. 

'Come on. Don't decay' 

The outer barrier activated. The generators were beginning to shake and threatened to destroy themselves, but, thanks to a miracle from heaven (AN: from the author, cough, cough), the explosion began to decay. The energy began to diminish and the radiation began to recede. The barrier had held. 

"You made it, Victor!" 

"Yes..." with a smile, Victor's energy could take no more and he passed out. Marie held him in her arms and snuggled him to rest better. With a smile, she thought. 

'I'm proud of you, my love' 

Victor had been the hero at the end. The explosion would have destroyed everything in its path, and even hit those present there. 

"It's all over" 


However, the only one who didn't believe this was Batman who was still looking at his sensor controls he had left on Vandal's machine. There were no unusual readings, but, still, Batman's instincts were telling him that this was not the end....


"Hestia's lasso tells you to tell the truth - where is Harley Quinn?" 

When the explosion was over. And the heroes were starting to catch the enemy soldiers to lock them up, Diana, who was about to leave to check on Edgar, stopped when she saw one of the enemies she most wanted to see. 

She looked for him all over the battlefield, but what she didn't expect was that he had been strategically placed to stop Batman. That's right. She was waiting to see Killer Croc. 

At this moment, Killer Croc had awakened from his slumber and, to everyone's surprise, Diana didn't hesitate and caught him with her lasso. At this moment, she was asking him the question she and Edgar had been waiting for the most.

Where the hell was Harley Quinn?

The bite marks on the orphanage victims indicated it had been Killer Croc. There weren't many enemies in The Light who were capable of doing that. However, Vandal in their conversation had even claimed that Harley had been helpful. 

Wonder Woman wanted to gut her like the pig she was. Both of them. But, no matter how hard she looked for her, she never found that maniacal clown.

"I don't know. That's the truth. I swear. Vandal was supposed to have put us on to cover him, but she never showed up. I don't know where she is"

'Damn you, Ares' 

Diana could only curse. The lasso ensured that everything this human crocodile was saying, was true. 

"I didn't see her either" contributed Hawkwoman, who saw this whole interrogation. 

"Neither did I"

"On my side, she wasn't there either"

Each one of the heroes began to claim that they had never fought with her. This brought no good for the heroes. Someone just as maniacal as the Joker on the loose, and not knowing where she was, was bad news for everyone. 

However, to everyone's surprise, Diana released her grip, and with her sword she skewered Killer Croc, severely wounding him in the shoulder. Blood began to ooze from this wound, as the croc groaned in pain. 

"Agh, you damned witch, what do you want to do to me?" 

"Isn't it obvious, I want to kill you" Diana drew her sword and aimed for its neck. Everyone tensed at this, but no one stopped the Amazon from doing her bidding. There was a lot of resolve and seriousness on her face. 

"However, I will not do it. That job will be my beloved's. And believe me Croc. When Edgar is done with you, you'll wish I had killed you right now"

With that said. Diana flew off at full speed. 

The tense atmosphere finally relaxed. However, the last words Batman spoke brought the heroes back to reality. 

"Deathstroke, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Shiva, and 578 other enemies have escaped. The world has also lost many of its leaders for their corruption. This war is over, but the situation is not over. There is still much work to be done" 

The war was over. Despite the odds, they had won. But they still could not afford to rest. 


"pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip, pip"

"Doctor, again the pressure is dropping!" 

'Damn it' thought Helen as she attended to Edgar. Since he had arrived at the Lian Yu medical bay, he had been unable to stabilize. His heart rate was still irregular. His pressure was dropping. That he was still alive, was by sheer force of will, because Helen couldn't describe it any other way. 

"Paddles, charge to 100 Volts, charge, again, charge, again, charge, again, charge"

"Pip, pip, pip, pip" the heart rate returned to normal. Which made Helen relax again. This was already the fourth time it had happened to him and it was getting harder and harder to keep it alive. Turning to her colleague, she said. 

"I don't know what's going on, but this can't be attributed to anything physical" 

"You're right, in fact, this is due to something magical"

Helen's colleague could not even answer when an ethereal voice was heard in the operating room. There, a golden portal materialized and out stepped Doctor Fate. Well, actually, this was a different Doctor Fate, as the avatar of Nabu, who was currently using his powers was actually, Inza. 

Kent had predicted that perhaps the reason he could no longer see into the future was because no matter what happened in this war, he would die. 

(AN: something like The Ancient One who foresaw her death in Doctor Strange Movie)

 So he made or left a set of instructions to his wife in case that happened. Inza found out when the helmet would come towards her. This made her sad, but she would follow his instructions regardless. Because, the first task was to magically treat Edgar due to the excess power he had exerted. 

Fate summoned a seal and began scanning Edgar's entire dying body. All the doctors were shocked by this, but did not intervene or interrupt. 

"It's worse than I thought" said Fate. The wounds on Edgar were terrible. Much more than she had anticipated. Summoning all her power, she materialized a healing light that completely illuminated Edgar.

When that happened. Edgar's pale countenance and vital signs improved dramatically. In reality, Fate had not strengthened his body or his mind, rather his spirit. It was what caused Edgar to be on the edge of death, as his spirit was so weak that it was barely clinging to life. 

"Rigorous treatment has to be followed with him. While you are monitoring him physically, I will be healing him magically for a week. This is the minimum time for him to start getting better on his own" 

"Understood" Helen nodded. Even though magic was very new to her, and she was only a scientist. She understood that there were powers that she could not manage to understand.

Besides, what Fate did actually helped Edgar. Helen was only grateful for this, because frankly she had no more answers to what to do about his dying state. 

However, at that, a hurried voice came in and, ignoring the rules, she walked into the operating room. It was Diana. Superman wanted to stop her, but Diana, anxious, could not resist any longer. 

The surprise was when they saw that Doctor Fate was there. Well, a female Doctor Fate. The surprise was bigger when Inza took off her helmet.

"Inza... you came" 

"Yes, and I know of your concern. Don't worry. He'll be fine" 

"Thank the gods. And thank you, Inza... and I'm sorry about Kent. He was a good friend" 

"I'm sorry too, Mrs. Nelson" Superman didn't know this woman, but when Diana said the last thing to her, he realized that this woman was Kent Nelson's wife 

"Call me Inza, Superman. And I appreciate your words. Actually, Kent and I foresaw this was going to happen. As sad as I am, this is not the end of us. Actually, our funeral will be held a month from now"


"They say love is till death do us part. But I will be with my Kent even in death. That's something we promised each other a long time ago. He's waiting for me. I just need to fix a few things and I'll get everything ready for our departure" 

"Inza, but-" Diana wanted to retort, but Inza cut her off. 

"Take it easy, Diana. We've long since made peace with that. For us, death is only our next adventure. But you, Diana, and you, Superman, live to the fullest while you can. Believe me, every day is a gift" 

"We will, ma'am" Superman tried to say, but corrected when he saw the menacing look she was giving him. "I mean, Inza" Inza smiled when Superman called her name. Ma'am made her feel very old and she was only a few hundred years old. She was still young in spirit.

"Well, I have to go. I'll be back for Edgar's treatment. Don't worry. But Kent told me to tell you something important.... This isn't over" 

With that, Inza put on her helmet and left the scene, leaving the heroes there with many questions.


The heroes left, taking the enemies with them. Although many soldiers and villains had fled, the heroes managed to catch many and lock them up. There were so many that Aquaman had allowed them to take a few with him to Atlantis.

Hippolyta had also allowed to take some prisoners with her, but only on the condition that they were women. Which, surprisingly there were a great many in the ranks of The Light. 

These weeks would be very busy in the world. Many changes would happen because of this, both for better and for worse. The world would no longer be the same. The heroes knew this.

However, something that did not change, or rather, something that remained the same and even returned as before was the city of Chernobyl. If before there was a stigma not to be in that city due to radiation, now it was a fact that one should not go near due to the high radioactive measurements that were present. 

The radiation had remained in the inner zone (100 kilometers) but, even so, the authorities had closed the city completely to avoid disasters in the next cities. 

Batman had left worried. His sensors had never warned him of anything unusual. But he would prepare himself in case the worst happened. And, unfortunately for him, his instincts were right. 

Right in the underground of this ghost city, where a landslide was located, and where debris was crushing a machine, which, thanks to its durable materials, could withstand the pressure of the crushing and the explosion.

Just inside that machine was a gray mucous membrane covering a humanoid body. The humanoid body lay there, inert, with no sign that it was alive. Its breathing was nil. Its heart rhythms as well. This thing was dead. 

But, just at that, a heartbeat began to emerge. Then another and then another. Breathing began to emerge in this being, as its lungs, which had undergone a complete transformation, began to work. 

When that happened, eyes as red as blood opened. 

Doomsday had awakened...



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (11 chapters ahead)

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