
Ch. 7 Delivery

Back at the farm in Georgia they are worried because Shane and Otis were still out there and it didn't seem like they would be back anytime soon, Glenn just got back with an injured T-dawg, and some medicine to hold Carl off but they don't know how long it can last. Half the group is still waiting on Sophia, while most have already started to list her among the dead, even if they never said the words. Lori was on the front porch pacing talking to Maggie, who was trying to convince her that Carl would be fine, that she wouldn't lose her son. As the ladies' hug through Lori's tears, they hear vehicle noises followed by lights. Maggie gets worried and runs into the house, but Lori recognizes that RV anywhere.

Most of the group have come out leaving Otis's wife Patricia to watch over Carl as the group reunites. The residents go to gauge these new guests. The first thing that Rick notices are the two newcomers one a teenager a healthy boy roughly six foot four or five, built for combat. He's not lacking any in muscle, wavy blonde hair with some strings hanging in his face and the rest in a high ponytail. He wore a purple kimono with a sword on his hip. A girl was with him light tan skin, with curly brown hair, and a cute but mischievous smile. She's wearing a purple and gold yukata, with a katana on her back she wanted it on her side as well, but it is still too big, so it drags. What bothers him is that he can tell that they are too clean! No one else cares but he is about to say something about that.

Before he could say anything he notices Sophia and smiles. Besides the shock he is relieved, he was the one who saw her last. No one, not even he knew the anxiety he carried until now as it finally fades away. As she runs into his arms, she begins to tell the group her survival story running alone scared, and then proceed to tells them the story of the arrival of these strange siblings.

"Hi man, I'm Rick I wanna thank y'all for saving Sophia… Gosh I'm so relieved, thanks." He says, extending his hand. Andrea, Dale, Daryl and Carol look on in fear, but contrary to their expectations Julius shakes his hand normally.

"How you doing Rick? Julius in case you have not heard, the strongest creature alive. It's no problem at all my little sister was getting lonely with just me, her, and nature so I was hoping we could join you all?" he says calmly and eloquently.

"Hell man I don't even know where we are going, or how we're going to survive but I don't see why not. You did us a solid, the WHOLE lot of us." Says Rick after pondering and gauging the eyes of his group completely ignoring what he assumes to be arrogant rambles of a cocksure child.

"Well…thanks, here goes our welcoming gifts." He goes back to the RV and pulls five bags. Two full of all types of amenities like toilet paper and toothpaste. Another bag full of weapons at least quadruple the bag Rick lost, plus plenty of ammo to boot. The rest full of them had canned food, and fruit.

"Phew now isn't that just lovely." says Glenn eyeing the food.

"Hold your horses, one more surprise." He goes to back of the RV where there was a small U-Haul trailer, he opened it and grabbed the rope dragging the hogs out.

"Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" T-dawg exclaims as he and Glenn hug happily.

"Brother…Medicine." Clementine interrupts him from enjoying everyone's reactions.

"Oh shit here." He slings a backpack to Hershel, the obvious one with medical knowledge.

"Th-this just may be able to do it he has a portable EKG and some IVs. We should be able to save the boy with this. I can use this right?" He inquiries again to the new kid thinking he doesn't know the value of medicine he gave away just now.

"Hey, go nuts if it can save a life, I'll get more. I have plenty of resources, I mean look my hair is still perfect and I smell like soap." Julius responds casually not realizing it makes everyone present want to slap him, but Hershel doesn't delay and immediately get to work. Patricia and Carl's parents Lori and Rick go too.

"So, I'm Julius and this is a lot of stuff help me please?" He asks in a playful voice Clem rolls her eyes alongside Andrea, but they begin to help sort the items.


"The new boy, Julius I think, seems to be very unique, a different sort than the other young lads in these parts. The boy appears to be a dunce, but I can tell from his eyes that he's far from stupid, how else would he have been able to so quickly discern I knew medicine, but if he wants to act simple, I'll just keep an eye on him. I have to say he has a lot of useful stuff, that we need, and that group could use when I'm done with the boy, and they leave.' Hershel muses to himself as he is looking into the bag that Julius brought dedicated to medicine.

"Hey Patricia go tell that blonde haired boy that we won't need all this stuff. I'll prep the boy for surgery" he says as he looks over at the sleeping Carl.

"Okay Hershel" Patricia says leaving the room. When she returns, she just told Hershel he said it was fine either way, he can only shake his head.

"Now get over there and make sure you hold this light here steady ma'am." He says as he begins the surgery.


Meanwhile while the rest of the group begins to pass around supplies, Julius eyes light up for a second like an animal in the darkness, he notices something and grabs an item from a bag. "Hey ma'am, here you go." He says handed the brunette known as Lori some prenatal vitamins.

"What's this?" she ask's looking quizzically and quite frankly a little offended.

"Oh sorry, you don't know yet huh well early Congratulations." He says with a smile and begins to walk away.

Now Lori was standing there puzzled, because she knew how she'd been feeling this last week, and only she knew how she felt. Even if he stalked the camp there's just no way, not to mention he has a child Carl's age with him. Lori was truly puzzled so she followed after the young man. "Hey um Julius." She calls out after him.

"Ma'am?" He questions.

"Are you sure? You are not just messing me, right? How would you even know?" She gets all her questions off her chest at once.

"Haha sorry if scared you ma'am, but it's a simple fact, you are indeed pregnant, I wouldn't joke about this, and thirdly I can see the transparent world. It comes from an ability I got from my gramps." He says nonchalantly like it was remotely normal. Before Lori could respond he lifted his finger.

"One sec," he runs to a smaller side pocket on a separate bag and pulls out what seems to be pregnancy test, condoms, tampons as well as general hygiene supplies. "Hey, don't look at me like that I just put everything in the hygiene sections for both genders." He says finally looking like a normal teenager blushing and uncomfortable. "Here" he says stuffing a pregnancy test into her hand. Lori immediately begins looking around and realizes that everyone is so occupied with their own things and putting up the stuff no one is near them. She reached up to grab it and quickly put it away.

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