
Chapter 294: Who Said I Only Have One Core Card_2

"Player Henry Thompson is not in a disadvantageous position,"

"The only loss he has is his Golden Bell Messenger's health."

"But we can't really confirm if his King Card is in this column."

The 3rd round ends and the card face of both sides are as follows:

Mage Tower

140 points, 5 remaining cards equal to 160 points

[Set Card][Ice Magic]3/5[Squire]2/3

Empty Slot[Gold Essence]2/3[Empty Slot]


[Golden Bell 45][Empty Slot][Empty Slot]

[Set Card][Female Thief][Male Thief]

[Set Card][Set Card][Sect Leader Frog]

160 points, 4 remaining cards equal to 140 points

[Sword Soul Palace](11/15)

"This means, your Big Core Card could only be revealed in the middle column next turn."

"Oh, no, one Set card is exposed, you'll have to reveal that card."

"This would mean that the revealing of the Big Core Card will have to be postponed by one round."

"You can't possibly put a 0 point card on a Set card and then discard it."

Knowing the card face, Ree Shil said leisurely.


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