
Chapter 517: Jiang Yuan's Banquet, Gorgeous Woman in Palace Dress!_4

Additionally, her undulating figure was filled with a unique charm.

When she saw Jiang Yuan, she immediately halted in her steps and performed a curtsey.

"I've seen Daoist Friend Jiang!"

Jiang Yuan nodded slightly, "I've seen Pavilion Master Lin!"

"That Daoist Friend Jiang knows of me, this is truly an honor for me!" The woman clad in palace attire immediately beamed with a smile.

Jiang Yuan was somewhat speechless upon seeing this.

He had recognized this woman in palace attire from their first encounter.

She was none other than the Pavilion Master from Treasure Pavilion, a being within the Saint Realm of the Eight Heavens.

It seemed utterly nonsensical that a supremely powerful King of Saint would refer to herself as "nujia" in her speech to him.

Afterward, Jiang Yuan nodded, "Let's talk inside!"

The woman clad in palace attire instantly understood Jiang Yuan's intention.

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