
Chapter 85: The Appearance of Lin Hao! (Please Subscribe) _2

This was the Surging Wave Palm which had given birth to spirituality beyond perfection!

Why on earth...

A sense of powerless despair arose in his heart.

Jiang Yuan's palm strike shattered all his hopes!

The next moment, his figure was heavily shot flying by the massive wave.

In mid-air, a glimmer of hope for survival sparked in Lin Hao's heart.

He actually showed mercy! I can survive!

As soon as Lin Hao landed, Jiang Yuan appeared in front of him.

"The future you saw, didn't include this scene, did it!" Jiang Yuan laughed.

At these words, Lin Hao, who had already thought out his words, was instantly thrown into chaos.

Pure fear filled his eyes.

This sentence from Jiang Yuan completely broke his psychological defenses.

Living again in this world was his deepest secret.

He had never hinted at it.

Why would Jiang Yuan know this secret?

Jiang Yuan continued, "My little maid, isn't she a heaven genius who will shake the world in the future?"

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