

Day 3 of the grand magic games, and this was the score.

1st: Infinity Guild with 31 points

2nd: Shadow Garden with 24 points

3rd: Fairy Tail Team B 20 points

4th: Mermaid Heel with 19

5th: Sabertooth with 17

6th: Lamia Scale With 15

7th: Blue Pegasus With 13

8th: Fairy Tail Team A With 12.

This year was a first, everyone at least won a match, allowing everyone to at least get 10 points. The Infinity Guild gained a shocking 31, Ling Han gave them 20, Astaria gave them and Ji Ning gave them 10.

the game for the 3rd day was called Boom. a weird name, but once everyone was picked, the game was explained. it was a race. a mountain appeared in the middle of the arena, everyone had to race to the peak. 

"so, what's your plan for this time?" Huang Xiaolong asked with crossed arms while looking at Wendy the Wind Dragon Slayer. She was from Fairy Tail Team A, and Mira, the she-devil was from Fairy Tail Team B.

the two said nothing, it would be foolish to give their plan to the enemy. Huang Xiaolong shrugged while looking at the other 5 who were taking part. no one seemed to have the ability to fly, Risley was there. her power to go from fat to skinny, and even control gravity might be troublesome.

"ready... get set, go!" the race began. instantly, Mira jumped into the sky, Using her take-over magic to transform into a devil with wings. Huang Xiaolong's eyes narrowed, as Wendy jumped up, grabbing into Mira's hands and flying off.

"Looks like your team isn't getting first place again." standing there, a member of Shadow Garden said with a smile. she was called Number 3,

"You're an odd one to be picked to come here... you thought the boom was raw power related?" Huang Xiaolong asked calmly, but after a moment he shook his head and shot up. using his spiritual sense he flies off, leaving Number 3 in shock.

She panicked and pulled out her sword, while everyone had already run off, she was the only one there. she tried to run. but she tripped, Huang Xiaolong looked at her weirdly, before ignoring her.

members of the shadow garden all looked away, a look of embarrassment which luckily couldn't be seen appearing on their faces.

"tripping me before you went? playing dirty?" Number 3 said leaving Huang Xiaolong speechless, he flew up before she even took out the sword. shaking his head, he ignored her. but Number 3 got up, and began gathering energy into her sword.

But as she ran forward, she tripped once more, causing the sword to slip out of her hands, and go flying off into the air. Huang Xiaolong suddenly looked back, just in time to dodge the sword, which only exploded, sending him flying off, but he quickly to the ground, where he landed on his feet.

'such power... and she using it the best way she could use it, recklessly.' Huang Xiaolong thought while looking at Number 3 who was standing up, flooding dripping from her forehead which no one could see. She fell face-first

" you're bleeding." Huang Xiaolong said calmly, to which Number 3 ignored, while a prideful look appeared on her face.

"thats my special move, now we're even." She said with a nod of her head, making everyone have a weird look while seeing the blood which just kept coming and coming. since the blood was coming from her forehead, she was bleeding heavenly

'their luck is clashing. her reckless luck, and Huang Xiaolong's overpowered luck. whose luck is more impressive.' Ling Han thought while looking at this. Number 3 was powerful, but she was reckless. She couldn't run without tripping. but her attack would always someone hit her target out of pure luck.

'Wendy also boosted her luck... these fairies are going all out to win. what deal did they make with shadow garden?' I thought while looking to the side, to look at the smirk Erza had, which bugged me.

"..." Huang Xiaolong shot towards Number 3, making her quickly pull out her sword to block, but at the last moment, Huang Xiaolong disappeared, shooting off towards the mountain. Number 3 was powerful, it was like all of her magical power was too much, making her seem reckless. but she simply couldn't control it.

'Her magical power... is all of her mind focused on trying to control it or what?; Huang Xiaolong thought while his spiritual sense was on Number 3, he would dodge if she attacked, and once he was out of her range of attack, he would fly off. but he was fast, quickly escaping Number 3 sight while shooting up the mountain

"w-what? get back here." She cried while running forward, only to trip once more and fall face-first. sensing this, Huang Xiaolong shot up into the sky. but at that mountain, the air turned, shooting down a huge spinning air blast towards him which was mixed with devil magic.

Huang Xiaolong moved, blocking the attack, but it was super effective on him. he was sent rocketing black, slamming back down to the bottom of the mountain.

"... well, this is not so boring.." Huang Xiaolong said his eyes locking with Wendy and Mira. those two didn't fly up. they went to wait to set up an ambush for him. He smiled slightly, he had to get past number 3, and also those two. at the same time, there would be others on the way to the peak of the mountain who might attack him... this would be fun, and the perfect moment for his Dao of Invincible Conqueror, which he was struggling to turn into a Dao.

So with a smile, he shot forward toward Number 3. The fairy tail guild watched in shock as Huang Xiaolong's magic was quickly formed, increasing his strength to the point that Wendy and Mira were unsure if they could hold him back. luckily, enough people were reaching the peak, so they shot off, planning to take first and second place, while Huang Xiaolong took 7th place.

seeing this, XIaolong exploded with everything he had. bursting into the sky with shocking levels of power. Xiaolong clapped his hands, causing countless avatars to appear in the air, which all attacked him, shooting him into the sky towards the peak of the mountain.

Astaria was capable and all, but she was not as talented as Xiaolong, not even Nux's talent rivaled the likes of Ji Ning and Xiaolong. he could only keep up thanks to his system,

'what a talented kid... damn.' Huang Xiaolong who was shooting up thought. time seemed to freeze as he slowly turned to the side, to see Wendy who had appeared out of nowhere. he stopped everything he was doing to block her attack, if it hit then he could end up back at the bottom.

'..." Huang Xiaolong stood there with blankly looking seeing Wendy disappearing, he looked at the peak of the mountain, and Wendy was breathing heavily. she had changed the air, creating an illusion that moved to attack. she had put a lot into this last trick for Huang Xiaolong not to catch on instantly,

"she is only 14?" Huang Xiaolong said with a soft smile, was this girl not wasting her potential in that guild? shaking his head, he stepped onto the mountain's peak, taking 7th place.

"let's switch and change bet slightly." Ling Han said with a smile, making Erza glare at me, I smiled slightly at her words. They just took first and second place, why were they so mad about it?

"if you win, the same thing goes. I bring back those three souls, and even Mavis back to life. plus, my help. anything, be it with Zeref or something. you can call upon my guild for anything one time. and yes, Zeref is nothing before my eyes. oh... I will give Mavis information about someone she cares dearly for. you know, that little boy you felt behind while in tears. I can point you to where he is." I said with a smile, making Mavis stand there frozen like a statue. 

Mavis was old, and she looked young but she wasn't. She had a child, but she was cursed. for the sake of her child, she had to abandon him, she was sure that her child would have died after so many years, but Ling Han's words.

"That pure kid, he grew up walking the edge of evil and good. not knowing what side he should pick... you want to know what's funny, he knows who you are." I said with a smile, making Mavis begin crying, a sight which caused the Fairy Tail to be confused as to what could make Mavis like this. so they could only glare at me,

"Now, I give you a chance to reunite. this time without that curse as I could easily break it. but if I were to win. I want not only Erza, I want Wendy.... but I will still give you all of the benefits like you were to have won. of course, you could reject this and abandon him once more. pure things, I wonder if he wakes up questioning why? I wonder what he would think if I told him you rejected such an offer." I said with a smile, Mavis's eyes turned sharp with rage. through the tears in her eyes, she glared at me.

"if you even go near him I will kill you." She said shocking everyone, as they never thought such an innocent-looking loli could say such things. but this was her son, it already broke him having to leave him... and now this? how could she pick between her current family and this one?

"Sadly, fate works in unique ways. we are fated to meet, maybe as enemies, or as friends." I said with a smile, while removing my blindfold, showing them my left eye, which caused them all to go blank for a moment.

"you are fated to never know who he is, he would die... while looking at your back, having a lash back of the same back he saw back then. poor thing, but I'm giving you the chance to change fate. as you see, my future and past are one. so what I see is almost 100% going to happen." I said while putting the blindfold back on.

"... we agree, but we want to add one thing," Makarov said unable to barely watch Mavis like this. I of course nodded, wanting to hear Makarov's words.

"When we do win... you still help Erza and Wendy grow stronger as you planned to." Makarov said, making my eyebrow raise for a moment before I laughed.

"Sure, I will help them create a dream and pull it into reality. hell, I would do it to 3 others of you picking. I could even make you immortal if you like, there is nothing I can't do." I said while looking at the old man, who just shook his head, he didn't want to be immortal. but the new deal was made, and Mavis was more pumped than ever to win...

"Playing with someone child like that is disgusting." Shi Ying said while looking at Number 3 who was slowly making her way to the peak of the mountain... which was a sad and embarrassing sight as she kept tripping and rolling back to where it began.

"says the one who tried to team up with Xiao Yan to kill a poor helpless lady," I said with a sigh, making Nalan Yanran look at Shi Ying for a moment, before looking off. Shi Ying glared at me for a moment, before saying nothing. That was a shameless move,

Anyway, members of Shadow Garden pulled out of the match as it was too embarrassing watching this scene play out. now it was time for the matches.

up first was Saber Tooth Sting Vs Natsu, a battle between the Light Dragon Slayer and Natsu the Fire Dragon Slayer. Natsu of course won.

the second battle was between Mardaid Heel vs Blue Pegasus. Millianna vs Eve. In the end, Mardaid Heel won.

the 3rd match was The Infinity Guild Vs Lamia Scale. Huang Xiaolong vs Jura. Jura was a member of one of the 10 wizard saints, making him one of the strongest wizards this kingdom had to offer. the battle to them was a shocker, an overpowered attack that shook everyone and was thrown one after another. but Huang Xiaolong went on to show off how powerful he was by defeating Jura with one attack. a scene that made everyone at a loss for words.

the last match was Fairy Tail Team B vs Shadow Garden. it was a battle between Mira and Belta and a scene that shocked all of Fairy Tail was seeing Mira being defeated. She was a kind and gentle person, but for her to lose to a kid, was shocking.

and so the day came to an end, with the Infinity Guild still in the lead. just two more days to go before the grand magic games came to an end.

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