



"Good morning everybody. I am Cedric Stormrider, the Sun Sage."


"All of you are hearing my voice right now because of an important development that will happen to our world."


"Simply put, Prime Earth is currently evolving. This process might cause some disturbances like earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, volcanic eruptions, etc. Additionally, please note that the Acala System will be inactive during this time as Acala, Prime Earth's spiritual consciousness and the real administrator of the system, is also affected by the world's evolution."


"Fret not, the world is under my watch. I won't let anybody die from a serendipitous event. Please bear with it because our world's evolution will only do us good in the long run. This disturbance is but a momentary thing."


"As for how long it will last, even I am not certain. But it shouldn't take more than two weeks of time."


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