
Captive in love's silence

N/B : Hello, Hikari's (my readers worldwide) Thanks for supporting your favourite author and book. From Sunday, I'm proud to announce to you all that we'll go paywall. So support your author with your gifts, power stones and golden tickets. Creation is hard so cheer me up, guys. More support means mass release of 10 chapters. Love y'all.

Music recommendation : Wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys.

Melbourne's Residence,


7 : 15 pm.

(Charlotte's POV)

'You got a 60 in your math homework? Not bad.' Amie carefully insert the thermometer into the soft underside of my tongue. She reaches for my wrist to check my pulse.

I try not to gag. The thermometer settled underneath my tongue, tickling me in an uncomfortable way. I wish she would get this overwith.

'Back in my day, I wasn't good at math. I got help from my bestfriend, Elaine. Now, she working in Australia.' Amie smile as she spoke.

Speaking of bestfriends, I actually lost the only one I've ever had. Tears pooled at the ends of eyes and I blink them away.

'You okay?' She asked with concern. I pantomime my sadness in one nod and she cups my cheek with one hand.

Finally, the thermometer is released from my mouth and I regained the freedom I've been longing for.

'Did you fight with your bestfriend?' asked Amie.

'It's the opposite. She fought me.' I heave a sigh and lay on my back.

Amie joined me on the bed. 'You're afraid of losing her.'

My voice begins to break. 'Yes. I'm afraid. I don't want to go back to who I was before I met her.'

'And who was that?' She laid down on the bed so that we're facing eachother.

'A shut-in who was scared all the time. Lonely. Always sick and pessimistic. My parents were always worried and I didn't care. I wanted to die but not until I met Sophie. She made me see things in a different perspective.' Tears stream down my face. 'I can't lose her, Amie.'

'And you won't. Come here.' She pulled me into the comfort of her arms. 'You must love Sophie too much huh.'

'I do.' I sniffled quietly.

'The greatest love is the love that makes you a better person and Sophie did that. She's a good friend indeed.' Amie acknowledged.

We both pulled away.

'Friendship is the foundation of love. You only care for things you hold strong feelings for. If a plant isn't given enough water and sunlight, what happens to it?' Amie holds unto my hand.

'It dies.' I reply.

Amje wemt on.' That's how friendship is. If you don't show love and care, a close relationship might break.'

'But Sophie's at fault.' I shook my head. Yeah. It was her fault for abandoning me when I needed her. George's sudden appearance in my life wasn't exactly my fault.

'Pride comes before a fall. If you keep waiting for who'll apologise first then none of you will ever do it. Apologising first doesn't lessen your pride, it shows how mature you are.' Amie's smile is infectious that I can't help but return it.


My door swung open. 'The nationals are coming up. Hope you're ready for chaperoning. Love you, Josie. XoXo.' Johnny read from my Iphone. 'Who's Josie? New friend?'

'If you don't come here with my phone, I'll hurt you.' I try to sound as scary as mom when she's upset but it's not working. The 12 year old was laughing his ass off.

'Your husky voice sounds like a lion roaring with a sore throat.' He nearly keeled over from too much laughing.

'Do you know what happens to the human body the moment a heavy object falls on the spinal cord?' Amie asked out of the blue.

Her question startle both me and my brother as we pursed out lips.

'Do you know the answer, Little Johnny?' She alights from the bed.

'N-No.' Johnny stammered as he reeled back a step or two.

'If you don't want to find out, I suggest you return your sister's phone.' Amie gave him a creepy condescending smile and a scream almost escape my lips.

Johnny quietly hands my phone over. 'So w-what happens now?'

Amie leaned over. 'Now, you run.'

'Aargh!' Johnny's screams echo as he bolted.

'Kids, so easily scared.' Amie laughed but I didn't return it. I was so stunned to speak.

'You okay?' She beamed.

I nod like an Agama. Remind me never to cross her.


(Johnny's POV)

That woman is scary. I'm sure she's a demon who broke through the earth's crust descending from hell. How could a beautiful woman be that dark? Well, dad did say "After God, fear women."

The door bell rang and mum told me to get it. Great. The moment the sweetest child in the house runs to her for safety, she throws me to the wolves. Nice parenting, Mrs Melbourne. I open the door without asming who it is and surprise hit me in the face. A good one. Standing before me was a girl wearing a red dress with a rose in her hair. Her golden hair was braided into pig tails that fall beneath her shoulder and rested on her chest. Her blue eyes were bright. Her smile was pretty.

'And who might you be?' I winked at her.

'Johnny, is that you?' I hear a farmiliar voice asked.

I push the door wider to see Mrs Wright standing beside the girl with her hand placed on her shoulder. Great. Just great.

Cindy and Layla, I heard her call the girl, were invited in. As usual, mom beams with joy and shares cake like she's Santa Claus.

I wasn't interested in their conversation till the boys walked in. Mom had answered the door as though she was expecting them. There they were - The Wright brothers. The identical twins. Both of them didn't share the same build. One was taller. The shirt he wore revealed his biceps. I was almost tempted to ask where he gyms. His dark hair was tousled and he had a facemask on. Wait. That mask. I've seen it around here somewhere. Aha! I've seen Charlotte with that mask. That's the twin. That's her boyfriend. I've got him. Now, he's gonna pay what he owes me.

Charlotte introduces the twins to dad while mum had a convo with Cindy about Layla's birthday. Yeah. They came to invite us to Layla's 10th birthday. I watched Charlotte and the blue eyed tree. Yeah. I call him that coz he's too damn tall. He caught Charlotte's hand in his, playing with her fingers. Dad wasn't aware. No one was but I was. My EAGLE EYES saw it. I cleared my throat and approached him.

'A word. In private.' I whisper.

'Beat it, kid.' He hissed at me.

'Would it be okay if I told everyone that you kissed my sister the day you moved into town? You wouldn't want to test my Father's patience. It's short.' I whisper again.

'Fine. Whaddya want, little man?' He gave up.

'Follow me.' I tell him confidently.

I take him upstairs to my room.

'Sit.' I nod at my bed and he sits. Woah. He's obedient. What kind of leash did Charlotte put on this gangsta? He had taken the facemask off so I can clearly see his face. It's the same with the other one's except he's got blue eyes and he's got piercings on his eyebrow and lowerlip.

'So? Why'd you bring me here?' asked Levi or was it Meatpie? I wasn't sure of his name.

'I'd beg you to keep your hands off your girlfriend if you're in the presence of my father. The last time a guy lifted a finger to touch my sister, that man lost his hand. It was a terrible accident.' I tried to scare him but he didn't budge. My man. I exhale softly. 'You're tough.'

'Damn right. I knew you were bluffing. You don't scare me, kid.' Blue eyed tree scoffs and I puff my cheeks.

'You owe me money.' I blurted out.

Tree jumped to his feet as though he would punch me any minute. 'Well, excuse me, nigga.'

'Charlotte told me you kissed her and we made a bet to keep it a secret from our parents. She pays me 50 bucks and I shut up about it forever.' My throat was parched. I need a drink from talking too much. Walking to my fridge, I hold open the door and bury my head in it. 'Want a chilled beverage? It's a new product.'

'Fine.' Blue eyed tree gives his consent and I smile. My plan is working. Closing the fridge, I walk back to my bed and hand one drink to him.

'My sister is your girlfriend and if you truly love her like all boyfriends claim they do to their girlfriends, you'll settle her debt and not let her suffer any shame.' I uncapped the juice bottle and drank from it. The cold liquid washed down my throat, quenching the desert that had formed in my throat. I almost screamed "Hallelujah"

Tree begins to laugh. It becomes irritating to my ears. I bet Charlotte wouldn't like it either. It's a mirthful chuckle but you'd feel as though it was a mocking one. I almost smashed his head in with my glass lampstand.

He stops laughing and smiles. 'Charlotte's not my girlfriend.'

'Huh?' I'm confused.

There's a brief knock on my door. 'Jonathan, mum wants you to play with Layla.' It's Charlotte.

I fumed instantly. How could she embarrass me like that? I'm not a child.

'Oh. You've got company. I'll be right out of your hair.' She turns to leave but I refuse.

'No. Spend time with your boyfriend and clear whatever is going on in his head. As far as I know, I'll be needing my money tomorrow.' I give tree a stank look before I walk out of the room.

(Levi's POV)

Charlotte stood at the door. Not moving.

'Aren't you gonna sit down?' I ask.

'No.' She shook her head.

When I stood to my feet, she reaches for the door knob.

'Wait!' I yell.

'What?' She frowns at me and I hate it when she does that. It's upsetting.

I'm suddenly overcome with the unquenchable thirst to be with her, to hold her and gaze into her beautiful brown eyes, to hear her voice call my name even for a second.

'I'm sorry.' I couldn't find an explanation for my apology. How could I? Lin schemed to hurt the girl I love.

'Why are you apologizing? Go to your girlfriend.' Charlotte sniffled. She's crying now. 'She's the one you care about. She's the one who's hurt and needs to be taken care of.'

I approach her slowly but she yells at me. Thankfully, no one could hear it. They were watching reruns of a Rich Wives of Atlanta.

'Go away. Please.' She sobbed quietly.

I finally stood before her. My heart broke as I watched her cry. I tried holding her but she kept pulling away.

'Charlotte, please!' I took hold of her hand and pulled her into a hug. Listening to her sob. 'It's okay. It's going to be okay.'

She broke off our embrace and I was tempted to kiss her. Actually, I did. Need was gathering strong in me. The tensioned balled inside me and I struggled for control the moment I heard her gasp a low sound of pleasure. My lips were about to tease her neck and cheek when her hands pushed against my chest.

'No.' She shook her head.

'Don't you want me to say sorry while kissing you?' I look into her eyes searching for an answer but got none. I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her nose.

'I have to go.' She unlocked the door and bolted.

The last I heard was laughter from downstairs but I could never forget the feel of her hair when I ran through it with my hands. Soft and silky. I would do it again and again.

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