
The big bad wolf 2

'The hell are you?!' one of them yell at me and I smile.

'Did no one tell you? I'm the big bad wolf.' I grinned from ear to ear.

'Get outta here. You can't be him, poser.' Another kid rolled his eyes.

They need convincing. Okay. I take off my hoodie and face mask.

'Are you convinced now?' I ask them.

The third kid fell to his knees. 'It's him from the posters. Guys, please. Give him what he wants.'

'Shut up, doofus. All he does is beat people up and take their money. What do you want us to give him? Our soul?' The second kid went on his knees after yelling at his partner.

I laugh. 'I'm not gonna hurt you three. Nope.'

The trio heave a sigh of relief.

I continued. 'You're gonna beat each other till one of you pass out.'

'We're not doing that.' The first kid shook his head. He seem like the leader.

The second and third kid nod their agreement with their boss but I knew they'd change their mind the moment I offer them the cherry on top.

'What I were to make the winner a wolf? Not just any wolf but a big one like me?' I flashed a dirty smirk at the boys and they exchanged glances.

Before I could continue, they had began fighting. Damn, that was fast.

Jacob was quick to pull Brit and her friend out of the way. I could tell he was struggling. It looks like he took quite a beating. It didn't bother me. I turned my attention back to the fight. The boys were literally at each other's throat. One went down and it was just leader and second in command. They threw hands and exchanged fists at each other's face and neck. The show was getting boring and I yawned. The leader took notice of it. With speed, he smacked the second's head against the wall. Game over.

'I won.' he said in huffs.

I approach him and pat his afro. 'You won, minion. A wolf like you should never travel in packs. You become stronger alone.'

'Yes, sir.' The kid even with bruises on his face, he smiled.

I give him my bandana. 'Go meet the Dean and tell him I sent you.'

'Yes !' the kid run through the door. Forgetting his friends and the people who were in the room.

'A little help?' Jacob calls my attention.

'What?' I whip around.

'I can't carry both of them on my own.' Jacob looked at English and Gracie. 'Take Gracie and I'll take Charlotte.'

Is he bossing me around? I'd rather not help than touch Gracie. That girl makes my skin crawl. I'll stick with British.

'I'm taking English.' I walk to where Charlotte laid unconscious and lifted her into my arms. She's lightweight. I feel her blood in my arm and she winced in pain.

'The game's over. The big bad wolf found the lamb. Now what?' Jacob struggles to lift Gracie up.

'Now? We go home.' I turn to the door. I never did give a fuck about the rules in this shitty school nor it's games. And they know not to mess with me.

* * * * * *

[Charlotte's POV]

It feels weird that Cindy is the one feeding me while my mum's the one ranting her worries to her.

'Open up, sweetie.' Cindy says.

Shoplifter snickers from his side of the the table and I glare at him before opening my mouth for his mum to spoon feed me.

'You guys should be careful not to get hurt. It worries us.' Mr David, Cindy's husband who had introduced himself as a doctor spoke.

Dinner is over and mum helps Cindy and little Maddy with the dishes since it's their house. Mr David is busy with the TV since dad is still at work and he has no company. Shoplifter is busy with his phone and so is Jacob. I look at my right arm. Why the heck would the school not tell our parents about this? Or do our parents know? No, it couldn't be. I have to switch schools and fast.

I walk to the fridge to get a drink after asking permission from Mr Dad of course. On my way to the couch, I didn't notice the leg on the way. I tripped and spilled the juice over the place. The perpetrator was none other than Johnny, who was laughing his arse off.

'Charlotte, are you okay? If your right arm still hurts, don't strain it.' Mum says as Jacob help me up.

'I know, mum.' I try to get a mop but Jacob beat me to it.

Angrily, I turn to Johnny who was still laughing. 'You think this is funny? Do you know what I went through in school today? Do you even know what I saw?!'

'Bruv, chillax. We've all had our first days.' Johnny wink at me.

'I'm going out, mum.' I say loudly.

'Charlotte, are you going to be okay?' Mum say worriedly.

'I'll be fine.' I walk out the door angrily.

At first I walked faster then I began to run. I'm upset that everyone acts like everything's fine when it's not. I wish Sophia was here with me. I get tired from all the running and I sit by the side walk and let out a loud scream. Tears come streaming down my face as I remember what happened in school. I play it tough but seeing another person get hit by an ironbat is something I'd never forget. I wonder if Grace is okay. From what I can tell, Jacob is the one that got me safe. I shudder from the thought and rub my arms softly.

'You cold, young lady?' asked an old man

'No.' I took to my feet and wipe my butt before turning to leave.

It's dark now. I have to head home. My phone begins to buzz and I ignore it. Eventually, it becomes too annoying. 'I said I'll be fine.' I threw the phone away. When I realise what I did, I palm my face and begin to sob like a little girl.

'Sweet girl, why you sad?' I hear a southern accent there.

I pull my hand from my face. 'And what are you supposed to be? My comfort socks?'

'She's English. Score.' he's got American accent. Odd.

'Join us and you won't be sad anymore.' Southern asked.

I am angry and in no mood for shenanigans. 'No.'

I feel a tug on my right arm and it hurts. 'Let go off me.'

American accent laughs. 'Come on. Join us. We won't take long.'

I'm sure he felt blood on his fingers when he clenched my arm. A dirty grin went up to his lips. 'It hurts here, doesn't it? I wonder the kind of fine tune you made when you got this injury.'

He pressed his forefinger into my arm and I scream. Tears roll down my cheek.

'Stop please.' I say between sobs.

'You'll do as we say?' he asked.

I nod.

'Use your words, bitch' The other one pull at my hair.

'Yes. I'll do as you say.' I yell.

They let go off me and I scurry to a corner. My arm is bleeding again. Doctor David would have to redress the wound but what would I tell him? Why do paedophiles always walk around at night? What did we kids do to these disgusting adults? I haven't complained much about my school and what hectic day I have and now them? God, give me a break here !

'You said you'd do what we say. Why are you running away?' American accent begins to laugh. Its a villainous cackle and I hate it. I loathe it.

'Look at her, Winston. She's scared.' American accent points at me.

He gets to where I crouch on the floor and I scream for help. I expect him to hit me like most criminal in movies do but he didn't. He laughs. Wait, is he drunk?

'Do it again. I like the way you scream. She's got a nice scream, doesn't she, Olly?' Winston pinches both my cheeks. 'Now, scream for me angel.'

I stay silent. These guys are crazy. I have to run.

'Scream.' Winston pinches my cheek harder and I wince in pain.

'Come on.' Olly yells.

I kick him in the groin and when he doubled over on the ground, I bolted. Not looking back.

I thought they'd not come after me but I was wrong. Olly was running. He grabbed me by my hair and I fell to the floor. Swinging one knee around to the either side of my legs, he straddled me.

'All we wanted was to have fun and now, you ruined it.' he yelled.

'Let go off me.' I yelled.

'Say that again, bitch!' Olly yelled back.

'Let go off her !' It's not my voice. I feel Olly hoisted off my body and shoved aside.

Standing before me is Blue eyes. Shoplifter. Relief washed over me and I feel like hugging him. He helped me up.

'Do you know how difficult it was for me to find you?' he frowned.

'Sorry.' I look away to wipe the tears on my face.

'Did he hurt you?' he asked.

'No.' I shook my head.

He looked at my arm. 'Your wound tore open and ...

He ran his hand through my hair. 'Your scalp's bleeding. And you say they didn't hurt ya?'

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out so I pursed my lips.

Shoplifter clicked his tongue in annoyance before starting to walk away.

'Wait !' I went after him.

'Why are you following me?' he glared at me.

I scoffed. 'Who's following you?'

'Don't scoff. Go home.' I hear him say.

Unbelievable. 'That's where I'm going.' I retort.

I can't believe this guy. At this moment, I wanted to drag him to hell and torture him till he begs for his death.

Winston and Olly run to Shoplifter. 'Boss, we're sorry. We didn't know she was your girl.'

Shoplifter turns to me. 'That?'

My mouth fell open. Me? That? What?

'She's nothing to me.' Shoplifter shrugged.

'Then why'd you save her then?' asked Olly.

'I thought she was someone important. You can rob her and send my cut later.' Shoplifter tells them.

'Jesus Christ, Levi.' I say his name for the first time as his minions trudge towards me.

I knows he's laughing as he walks away. He's playing with me. So he knows these criminals? Hell, they even called him "Boss"

They loomed near. I need to stay away from them. If lying about Levi / shoplifter will get me out of harm's way then so be it.

'I am his. Don't touch me. I'm your boss's girlfriend.' I yell at them.

'You heard the lady.' Shoplifter echoed.

'Boss?' Olly is confused and so is his partner and so am I.

Shoplifter comes to my aid and put his arms around my waist. 'She's mine so you both better steer clear whenever you see her. The big bad wolf has spoken.'

'Holy shit. What have I done?' I whispered.

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