
Notes on the Silmarils

A Silmaril never endures the touch of any ill intent . So filled with radiance, it can never be ill. Illmatic it is not. Reverse that; Illmatic will never be a Silmaril for it is one album. A Silmaril, in contrast, has the light of the Two Trees, that which was a perfect collaboration album till absolute evil destroyed it. Blame Ungoliant for that but in her defense—and one must loathe the day they decide to defend her—she was always one for riding solo so such things would offend her. Part of the reason the collaboration between her and Melkor was doomed from the start  one would assume.

Another assumption is that the Arkenstone is also one of the Silmarils. I would love it to be so for in being so, it would have the light of the Two Trees therefore be a collaboration album by default and since the Arkenstone was found underground, it would make so much sense-no-the only sense that the Arkenstone would be Madvillainy, the most beloved  underground collaboration album of all time (its still ticking) by Madlib and DOOM. In this instance, Madvillainy would be the Arkenstone found by DOOM and Madlib in the same way the dwarfs did in the world of Lord of the Rings.

Sadly, the Arkenstone is not a Silmaril for:

1. The Silmarils are indestructible and cannot be broken or marred by any force while the Arkenstone was found as a raw gem and then cut. The absence of Madlib and DOOM's "Travis 911," "Monkey Suite," "Sickfit (lyrics)" and "FYI" from Madvillainy show that Madvillainy itself was smaller, cut from something bigger, just like the Arkenstone.

2. The Silmarils would burn any evil hand that touches them while the Arkenstone did not burn Smaug and Thorin Oakenshield whose evil would have been their greed to possess it. Madvillainy would have burnt DOOM and Madlib for if anything could be said of DOOM and Madlib, it is that they are both villains, individually and collectively (as Madvillain).

3. The Silmarils were purely good while the Arkenstone was...meh. Translate it to Madvillainy and there is no way it is good. The Illest Villains being the opening track and all…

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