
Dial 6/Freedom Interlude (END of Telefone[Interlude])

Freed from rap, it's time to go to pop. Popular was The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy's Mandy, then she went central. Protagonist but not Billy, she Billie with the answer to the ultimate question, to "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" Where we all go, she ain't telling, that's Grim's job like Finneas…

The Witch[2015] and the Lighthouse[2019] (narrated by Grim)

The answer, the truth of it is not stranger than fiction, it IS fiction. It is one untitled and a witch. It is 2016 and 2015 separated by centuries. It is two incompatibles linked by one word: levitate1. Levitate, levitate, the Witch does 1890s before 2016. The difference in-story time makes huh. Place color in black and white and you get brown, dull is duty but due, why else would 1630s spend three years to levitate into the 1890s when it could be done in moments. New England but the grass is not green. In fact, there's no cannabis on the Lighthouse, only stone. The Witch can't be stoned on it, it's not power, it's not the forest. The Witch and the Lighthouse will never get along like color and black and white.

Names have power; why else would color venture into black and white? Witch in phallus, is the name erect? Flat…

Witch out the House, name in mind, in sight soon enough. Enough travelled, the birds beat her to the name. Keep the ka, the Witch wants Thomas the Younger's half laugh (ka). Cutting off the half laugh, Thom-a-sin sins. Names have power and stealing a Christian name is a power trip. Got the Witch feeling high like Mt. Sinai, now she can fly to the Lighthouse, dye disgustingly till something delicious makes her leave again. She will live again for the Goat promised and the King of All always keeps his.

Part II: The Northman[2022] (narrated by Grim)

The Witch is in the Northman. Woman in a man's game, the man a badass taken to Valhalla via the rainbow bridge on a Valkyrie's horse by a Valkyrie for dying heroically. The end. If only, for like Thomasin  and the levitation, like Thomas the Younger and the birds, the end is not the end and nothing is as it seems. The bridge is not a bridge. The Valkyrie is not a Valkyrie and the stallion is not a stallion. It is a boat, the Valkyrie a compass and the rainbow bridge the Sea of Stars. It carries him to Valhalla where the Witch finds him and with her magic, restores his head to his body in the Lighthouse. Upon waking, the Northman feels the presence of "Odin." Not surprising, but the presence of his wife (The Witch) who he had left in life is. Different name, same face. Same shit, different day. Naturally, they did some shit together but afterward, each waits in the presence of the 'light' for the coming of their own 'darkness.' The Witch waits for her doppelgänger to come to the Lighthouse and the two witches to have a climatic showdown to decide who gets to kill the Northman for his adultery while the Northman impatiently, nervously waits for Ragnarök to come, to come quicker than her first lover so he can die honorably in battle and not in shame by a stab in the back during a threesome. Each waits in the presence of the 'light' for the coming of their own 'darkness.' It does. It has a name. Nosferatu. 

Part III: Goat (narrated by Grim)

All meme yet all Mim, call the goat Black Philip and the wisest in The Witch. Which one do you prefer, Lucy or Loosie? Both for Grim, goat is never free, he for sale like Lucy. Black Philip, the goat a Lucy like Some Rap Songs loosie. Number 9, hear that Loosie ascend like Thomasin. The Witch sold her soul to the a black goat while an MC did it to an EP cover. For real, Earl gave up the GHOST for the WORLD, call it deluxe. 

Onto my Goat shit, Devil in God mode
, lived in dog mode, call me Thomas the Older. Devil in god mode, the Great-He Goat now Black Philip, its messy
. Got mercy singing Messi, choose Messi or it gets messy
. World on offer, just give up the ghost
; when was the last time you heard applause?

Game 6 Klay in my hand, trade it for feet of clay. 
Can make you deluxe, legendary, so high you never come come down again so what's a pair of dried dust?
 Levitate and never be down to Earth, Thomasin lives deliciously, so you can live colorfully
. Black Philip can make you a Count you could never be and all the Dracula that comes after.

Goat be outside, watching, rapping, getting shit done. 
Kendrick gunned down, he refused my offer
. I still offer, watching, I be outside
. Rapping, watching, waiting for Game 6
 Klay but your Thompson out. Fornicating, his partying with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas has got you unable to jump but despair not for Black Philip will make you cook like Curry with the curry, curry favor with me and you'll be the greatest of all time.
 Robert Eggers well on his way and he featured me only once. Imagine what a collaborative album will do for you? 
Posed for your 2019 (Feet of Clay cover), now I pose the question in the year of hindsight;

"Wouldst thou like to drink colourful?"

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