
Broken - 11

[Unknown pov]

The sun beat upon my skin, frail… almost pure white pasty skin. That seemed to burn with the slightest of touches. Yet as my hand reached to the sky… millions of fingers, each a skeletal figure of a body taken by time.

As my hand reached higher and higher. They seemed to only care further for me, curling and waning with each and every blow of the wind. Like some sort of sigh… one that echoed from my mouth. 

A sigh that brought forth a wind, comparable to a goddess's wrath. My green eye opened, an ocean green that gazed upon the wind. 

Bursts of green that intermixed with the particles of the air, enforcing my will. To be pushed towards that glacier. A block of icy blue summoned right in front of me.

The sweat of the girl - for that was what she was, a mere girl under my ever present gaze - froze under the breeze that she brought. 

But that icicle…

My smile stopped. A frown replacing that melancholy. For in the moment that decided life and death. So too did the wind stop… replaced by a whirling hurricane that tore - piece by piece - that glacier.

Snow fell from the heavens, my outstretched hand reaching once more to those very same skies. Picked apart by the tiny glaciers of ice that appeared within the particles of snow.

"I… would prefer… if you left…" I drawl out. Each of my words came out within seconds. A languid pace to the pronunciation that lent itself to my image.

As pale legs stepped over equally pale skeletons. The heavens above filled with circles. Each carrying complex runes and formulas that would take years for the smartest to decipher… to reverse.

For this had not been a plan of days… nor of years… but of decades. Carefully scrawled over the flesh and blood of hundreds of others. Each contributed a life-times worth of memories and experiences into the barriers and techniques that would be deployed.

Yet sometimes - when I woke from some slumber - I found myself forgetting the reason, why I even strived so hard… so far.

My hand reached out, grabbed at the invisible air in front of my body. A small dagger of air that whizzed past her face. Turned into nothing more than sound at the behest of a small barrier, covering only the part that I had targeted.

"I… really would…"

Was that sadness within my eyes… I touched my face, that pale and pasty skin - the despised perfection - a tear that even within the bounds of my beauty… even such would not mar my face.

The girl, her blue haired pulled into a tail that trailed behind her shoulders, reached her hands to the ground. A silent scream on her lips. Only stopped by the barrier of wind I had constructed within the bounds of my ears.

I had no intention of listening to their pleas, nor of their hate filled messages. They would not understand.. They could not understand.

And so I approached. Skeletal arms and fingers reaching out, filled with negative energy. That took the force of those glaciers she had summoned.

Approach… approach. That was all I did. I did not summon wind once more, nor did I order an offensive. For my curiosity had peaked.

A hand that rose to a handsome face… no, would beautiful be a more apt description… I disappeared. Let the wind trail my path and leave me next to the boy. For that was what he was. Even more of a child than the girl.

The back of my hand reached over his cheek. Feeling the rapid warmth that he enjoyed. No, that was sweat. His eyes clenched tightly, teeth taut with pain. No matter how well he hid it. 

He was in great pain.

So I spoke. Startling the girl into a glare. One she aimed at me - and the boy - he turned around a dainty finger reaching to the hand I stroked him with.

I could tell. He held no ill will within those eyes of his. For there was nothing more than pure love. For life and the world around him.

Nature itself loved him. He was a beloved child of the planet. 

"Your name…?" I questioned.

Barely noticing as my hand burst into a ribbon of red. Lacerated by glacier blades that had been summoned within the hands of the girl. For within a moment. His power activated. Not by his own conscience, that I knew for a fact.

For I had made him activate it, between the moment of his next - what would be the right term… heal… restoration - either worked. As between the milliseconds. No, it was even more precise than that.

Responding to his speed of thought. Yet from the tiny specks of data I had gathered, using my eyes, and my eyes only.

I was able to correctly guess his next use and make it so that she was not the target and instead… well you got the idea.

There was a pause within his movements… before he gasped, his head slumped within my arms. As I disappeared, only to reappear within the depths of that field of bones. The unconscious boy within my hands.

Truly he was a treasure. Never before had I felt so refreshed, so healed… restored. I had not felt this way since… since…

"I will… not ask… again… Your name?"

His eyes rolled over, between his head and the whites of his eyes. And in the next moment he truly focused on my visage, finding comfort in the cold air I brought to him.

Or was that me… I cared not… only for the name of the boy.

"Ga- Gabriel…" He stuttered out. And I smiled. Finding his name to be truly pleasant.

"Gabriel… I am… Sariel…" Our names… so similar in tune.

"Sari- Sariel…" His dainty fingers reached to my hair, a pitch black that seemed to imbibe the void with its presence. He reached not my true face, only that pitch black. Though I cared not. A smile lit between my eye and my mouth.


A simple command. And the wind listened to it such. A gentle breeze that blew amongst his temple, placing such precise pressure that within the moment - he was nothing but asleep. His golden eyes, hazy as they were, closed. 

With it his consciousness.

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