
Chapter 297 Armor Horse_1

The Armor Horse Charm, also known as the 'Paper Horse Charm' or the 'Godspeed Talisman', is a talisman that aids wizards in swift travel. It has a usage history of over a thousand years within the wizarding community, with economic convenience and widespread use.

The various reasons as to why this talisman is known as the 'Armor Horse' all contain differing opinions and lack of agreement.

Zhao Ji, a famous eighteenth-century wizard known for his textual research – the very author of "Twenty-Two Historical Notes" who once wrote: "There are always talented people in every generation, each leading the trend for centuries" – speculated in Volume 30 of his "Additional Examinations" that 'God images were drawn on paper in the past, always with a horse as a mount, hence the name Paper Horse' meaning that gods were drawn with a horse on paper for their travel needs, hence the term 'Paper Horse'.

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