


The trek from my grandma's place to the station was short and I skipped for joy throughout. I have never felt like this my entire life. I felt like I could do anything with my life if I want to now that I have been given a clean slate to start with. I arrive at the bus station and my friends were already there. They both were startled seeing me but the moment they get over it they wave me over and I run up to them. I drag my box up to them and they both look at me awkwardly.

"What is it with the overnight change. Did you meet your fairy god mother" Leila asks sarcastically and I smile.

"More like a fairy grandmother though" I reply and they looked confused "I'll explain everything to you but first. Why are we here?" I ask and they drop the subject.

"We're all waiting for the Supernaturals" Simeon replied and I nod in understanding. We join the other people and I recognise some of them from my training and a few others from my school days. Moston my classmates have gone to learn a trade and since they were too old to attend the academy they couldn't come. 

Let us just say my friends and I finshed school too early.

They were giving me the gist of their night and how their parents were crying this morning. That made me laugh and Leila and I made fun of Simeon who was also crying with them. The station was filled with a lot of children but there was also segregation as always. The Aristocrats were together at one side dressed in expensive clothes and since they were only few Aristocrats in our village we were more in number. 

The norms also wearing whatever they believed to be their best clothes but wouldnt stand a chance beside those of the Aristocrats. I stood out in their midst due to the expensive and new clothes grandma bought for me earning me glares from the Aristocrats and awkward looks from everyone around me.

We were still chatting until about 7:30am when the train arrived. The train was unlike any I had seen, it was fast and sleek in design. It was made of a metal I have never seen before and the windows were for sure bullet and magic proof. The train stops and the main door opens and the Highdan Air Caster came out.

He was in his robes as usual but today his hair was well trimmed and he had a scowl on his face. He snaps his finger and a table and chair appears out of nowhere right beside the train.

He alight and two other supernaturals follow him. The first was a girl clad in a Brown and Gold robes with green trimmings. She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes like the skies, she was pretty. The other was a guy with black hair and brown eyes clad in Yellow and White robes with green trimmings. He was very tall and equally handsome. They both walk to the table and stand there.

"Good morning everyone "he says his words projecting round the crowd like before "it's nice to see all your faces this morning, welcome to a Ride of a Lifetime" he says finally smiling and the whole crowd burst into a huge applause "Thank you" he says and the crowd dies down "Now you all have to sign in with your graduation certificate, you will form two lines, the Norms on one and the Aristocrats on another. Give your certificate to them for confirmation and sign in at the table, after that you can go in. Have a blissful ride" he says and we all applaud him. We all rush to line up and we end up at the back.

The lines begin to move slowly as we all bring out our certificate. Once it gets to me I walk up to the girl. She had a warm smile on her face that helped in killing all the anxiety I felt before. Just as I gave her my certificate our fingers brush and my visions blurs.

The moment my vision clears and I could see I saw her in war apparel fighting something that looked very demonic. She had her hair tied in a bun and she was moving swiftly, she was so focused on the one in front of her that she didn't notice the demon behind her. I tried to scream but I soon realised I couldn't form words not to talk of producing any sound.

I was doomed to watch helplessly as it all unfolds. It morphs its slimy hand into a blade and pierces her heart and I was pulled out of the vision as I scream out.

I jump up from my sitting position and I was sweating profusely. I look around me, I wasn't outside anymore. I was in a compartment. My friends were around me fear and relief evident in their expression .

"Oh my thank the gods you are awake, I was scared out of my mind" Leila says and I smile at her "how are you?" she asks

"I'm fine but what exactly happened" I asked and Simeon replies.

"You blacked out immediately you gave your certificate to the Supernatural and was brought in here. They didnt want to let us in but we were not going to let them take you anywhere without us beside you" he says and everything begins to flow back. I remember the touch and then my vision or so. I was about to reply when the same girl enters.

"Thank the gods you are awake, how are you feeling" she asks and I force a smile as the vision keeps replaying in my head.

"Fine thank you, am I free to go?" I ask she smiles. She closes her eyes and when she opens them they were shinning a bright gold for a while before going back to their normal colour.

"Your vlife force is back to normal, sure you are free to go. Just make sure you rest throughout the ride and don't stress yourself. Have a smooth journey" she says and walks deeper into the compartment. I get up and start searching for my stuffs.

"Your things are in our compartment, let's go" Leila says walking out and I follow behind them. Once we were out of the place the whole setting changes. The whole train was filled with compartment that accommodated 4, the compartment had cushion chairs and a little bar by the side filled with food, snacks and drinks of all kinds.

The place was painted gold and crimson and it gave it a royal vibe. The compartment was large and the chairs were very comfortable. I have my seat and they all seat. We haven't even had any rest when Simeon speaks

"What are you not telling us" He asks and I was confused "First you arrive in expensive clothes with a lot of stuffs and then you black out, you haven't even visited the infirmary once in your whole life then all of a sudden you start to faint. Something is definitely wrong" he says and I understand him

"It is a lot I know but I didn't blackout. I think I had a vision" I reply and they were both shocked

"A vision" they both exclaim

"I know it's weird but the moment I touched her I saw a vision about her" I replied and explained the whole vision to them.

"Wow that makes a little sense though" Leila says "that doesn't explain your overnight wealth" she replies and I shake my head.

"Now that is a long story" I reply

"We have all the time in the world" they reply simultaneously. I sigh deeply and tell them everything from yesterday occurrences to the truth about my birth leaving out the supernatural nature of my mom and the things from my dad. I know we don't keep secrets but I just don't feel it is the right time to tell them about it at all.

"Wow that really is a lot, so what are you going to do now" Simeon asks

"I'm going to focus on myself and keep it all behind me until I'm fully ready to accept that reality" I reply and I could see that wasn't the answer they were expecting

"So are you just going to act like all this isn't happening" Leila asks serious

"Yup" I reply nonchalantly popping the p for dramatic effect. After looking at me like i was going crazy for a while they drop the subject. We all fall into silence for a while before chatting about other stuffs. The ride was going fine until someone knocked on the compartment door

"Come in" I reply and a young girl walks in, she was about our age with forest green hair and auburn eyes, she was short standing around 5'5 but made up for it in shape. She was pretty, wearing expensive clothes and jewelleries meaning only one thing. She is an Aristocrat. Then what the hell is she doing here?

"Good day, please are you filled up in here" she asks and we look at each other surprised.

"No we are not" I reply and she walks in pulling in box after box of stuffs, she takes her seat smiling at us. Man how much stuffs does a person need to survive.

"You do know we are Norms right?" Leila questioned hitting the nail on the head. Always the blunt one, expressing what we are all feeling.

"Oh of course, don't worry I'm not a fan of the whole segregation. I believe everyone is equal" she answrs and I was surprised. In all my life i have never met and Aristocrat who didn't believe that Norms were a footstool for them to step on. I could see my friend were thinking the same thing and we all mouth an o "I'm Nikai by the way." She introduces herself.

"Kenan" I greet with a nod

"Simeon" replies giving her an handshake

"Leila, Nice to meet you" she replies in her stoic, nonchalant manner

We were all a little skeptical at first but when she started chatting with us we all relaxed easing the tension in the aur. Nik as we called her now was really chatty, she had this boisterous personality and was very carefree. I liked her for that. I brought out grandma's snacks and we all ate it chatting. Nik became one of us immediately and she felt like it. We all fell asleep later on. We couldn't tell the time in the train. Since technology was banned in the school so we didn't have any to check the time.

A loud horn woke us up from our sleep and Simeon was sleeping in an uneven angle so the loud noise sends him spiralling on the ground. We all burst into laughter before we put ourselves together.

What was that" Simeon asks still drowsy and rubbing his eyes

"It's the train horn, we have arrived at our destination" Nikai replied, she was the one telling us all about the different stuffs we would be seeing in the school. According to her she came here with her sister a few years ago and the same sister having graduated from this school has told her everything she needs to know before she came. 

"Does that mean we are at the school already" I asked and she smiles.

"Affirmative" she replies and we pick our stuffs. We were still putting ourselves together when the door to our compartment was knocked on.

"Come out we don't have the whole day" the voice of the guy rings out. He sounded stressed like we were burdening him. We all walk out and join the line of students that were alighting. The line moves slowly till we were able to come out and our minds were blown out. I was starstruck and completely speechless by the magnificent view in front of me.

The school was beyond exquisite, it was a large castle looking like something out of a fantasy series. It was made out of marbles and many buildings were connected to it. It was like a maze with different openings. Looking at the structure it was centuries old but it had a touch of modernization to it.

The technological advancements from this school was marvellous so I know their technology will be up to date. I have always imagined how the school will look like but this building in front of me beats all my wildest imaginations.

"Gather round people" the Highdan says and we all push ourselves together. We were all practically jumping in anticipation " Welcome to Healfard College for Supernaturals" he says and we burst into applause " Thank you" he says and the noise dies down "Now we will be going straight to business directly. You will all drop your stuffs with the people there" he says pointing to some people at the door "We will move on inside after that and you will be addressed on the rest." He says and we all rush to drop our luggage.

We line up in a file to sign our names after dropping it. These people were so orderly. Once we were done we walk up to the man and he smiles "Okay then here we go" he says and a huge gate appears. I was told the school gates turned invisible to non students but seeing it myself made it astonishing.

The gates were golden, like real gold with the School's logo on it. I had seen that same logo before but I couldn't place where. It was a shield with a sword on it and the seal of the four Founders. I think it used the seal of the King of Royals.

The gate creaks and opens up and if I said the school was beautiful before I had seen nothing. We walk in and it was even more outstanding than before. It had speckles of everything that gives beauty and the grass was amazingly beautiful. A fountain was in the centre of the yard. The statues were of the firsts (they were the ones originally blessed by the gods). They were four, a male shifter, a female undead, a male magician and a female Caster. Water was coming out of them into it and it was beautiful. The grass was lush green and tall but it didn't make walking uncomfortable.

I could see the awe-strucken expression on everyone's faces as we walked and the smiles on the supernaturals. Even the smug guy had a sly smirk on his face. We enter into the building and it was even more beautiful than the outdoor. We walk quickly to catch up with them and come to a stop in a particular hallway with rows of seats by the wall.

"Take your seats. You will be attended to in a minute" he says and we all scramble to find seats. We end up 7 on a seat. Nik, Lei, Meon and I with 2 girls and a boy. We were all there for about 5 mins before someone walks out of the door and faces us.

"Wow how nice to see this amount of gorgeous faces. Good morning everyone" he greets and we all reply. He was a very fit man, he has brown hair with hint of grey from age, he was about 6'0 and was very ripped. He was in a Gold, White and Brown robe with Gold trimmings. He was a master, hybrid of magician and shifter with Life element. He was extremely powerful then and his presence was felt.

"The Test will be going thus. You all ought to be sitted in sevens and you are going in that way. The Test will begin now and you will all be given a file once you enter. In it is the incentive for participating in the tests and other stuffs like your bus pass back home, your school brochure and a school hoodie. If you pass an official account will be opened for you where your monthly allowance will be paid and you will head to the dinning hall and if you don't you will be taken home safe and sound. Am I clear" he says and we all nod.

"Let the Tests begin"

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