


Once Karl was done with the history lesson and all my questions have been answered favourably we went into the training full.

"As you know we only have the ability to manipulate elements around us. We cannot conjure the elements from thin air

To use fire you have to have the element in your surrounding. To manipulate it also your own internal mana has to connect with that in the environment and then we can then merge them giving us the ability to control the elements.

The only way for that to happen is by using our hands to direct the mana, this way we push the mana we need into our hands and do the hand signs to complete the connection" he says explaining to me how to use the element and I was a little confused because I didn't need to do any hand signs to use the element when I first used it and I didn't have the element around me during my first try.

I guess it is just another of my abilities being a mage then but if I want to survive here I need to keep some secrets to myself and this is one of it. I nod in response and close my eyes, I use my mind to control the element and fake the hand signs. I realise sooner that it is harder to use the element with just the mind and the hand signs made it easier but being who I am I never take the easy way out

 I spent hours trying to remove balls of fire, water and air from already available elements and manipulating them using them to attack the target and defend against attacks from Karl. I even also learnt to raise the earth and use the rocks from there on the targets. Now that I have finally being able to use my magic I felt energy like never before.

It was like there was a part of me that had been locked up and now that it has been released I feel whole again and most importantly I felt powerful. I could feel the power in me and it was both invigorating and scary, I know that if I wanted to bring the whole school to the ground I could do it with only a thought and that made me scared of my potential. 

After about another 5 hours of training I was worn out for the first time in days. For days now I haven't really slept because I felt energized and most of that unused mana kept me fully powered up for the day but now that I have used a large amount of mana I can feel the weight of the whole week's stress coming down on me. I thought that Karl would spare me after seeing how worn out I was but instead he still kept me training for about 2 extra hours before he finally calls it a day.

By the time he would do that I could barely lift my finger so I lie down on the mat when he turns and walks up to the barrier. He turns back to speak to me when he reaches it.

"It is a warp spelled to take you wherever you want, just think of the place and you will get there' he says and I was blown away

"So warps do exist, I thought they were only figments of our imaginations" I ask and he chuckles

"They exist and many more other things the non-supernatural part of the community will never know" he replies and a question drops to my mind

"Why transport us with a train when you could just open a warp that will bring us down here speedily saving time, money and magic" I ask and he thinks on it for a while before replying

"We don't have much people who can create warps not to talk of holding it for so long and since we haven't learnt how to infuse our magic into technology we are at a disadvantage" he replies and I was a little confused

"But the train ran at an unimaginable speed and it was both bullet proof and magic proof, that is magic right?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah it is, we can spell things to do small stuffs like that but warping is magic on a whole other level so it is not something we can spell. It will take transfusion of power from a supernatural into an already created machine" he replies and as I was letting that sink in before asking him my next question he walks into the barrier but not before shutting me up

"No more questions boy, go to bed because you will need all the strength you can gather today" he drops on me as a parting gift and the look on his face was that of mockery. What is happening tomorrow and why did Karl of all persons say I would need rest for tomorrow? I am officially in trouble. I push myself back on my feet and walk through the portal arriving in my room in one piece.

The whole concept of a warp was still surprising but I really don't have the energy to ponder on it at this moment because the moment I lie on my bed darkness overtakes my senses drawing me into the open arms of sleep.

The next morning I open my eyes to the first ray on sunshine in the morning sky. My whole body was stretched and my energy was replenished. If anyone had told me last night that anything less than 4 hours of sleep can at least help me to be able to walk to class I would call it bluffing.

Surprisingly I had only an hour sleep and I felt like I can go ten days of hard training and nothing will go wrong. I was revitalised by such a short sleep, I wonder what more I can do with harder training. It was just 5:30am when I woke up so I just take a quick run round the school. Since I was all alone I decide to test my other supernatural abilities.

I close my eyes and focus on my speed increasing as usual and I was running so fast everything was a blur. I run round the whole school almost 20 times before leaving it and walking back into my dorm. I was dripping at this point but I knew my energy was not depleted even a bit. I make way to my room and got ready for school like every other normal. Even though I have only spent a week in this place my eyes have been open to a lot of things and it makes me to begin to question everything I have ever known as true.

I walk out of my room and arrive at the stairs. Since it was my first day as a complete magical student I wanted to do something new so I pick flying down the stairs. I know it is done with the air element but I haven't being taught by anybody so many things can go wrong. I push all the negatives thoughts behind me and focus on the task at hand.

I call on my mana and it awakens waiting for my command. Once I could feel it I connect it to the mana in the air and faking the hand signs in direct the air in the air to lift me up. I feel myself lift off the ground but the harder work began with moving myself to the end of the stairs while balancing in air.

I was doing a lot of thing and I could feel the strain but I keep my focus until I reach the end of the stairs where I control the air to drop me gently on my feet and I quickly drop my control over my mana as I feel it withdraw.

I walk out of the dorm and head to the dining hall. Being one of the first person to arrive gives me enough time to think on everything. I was still thinking when Natalie walks in with Bryan on her tail and later on my other friends walk in discussing God knows what. They were all shocked seeing me waiting for them at the table for the first time and I knew I was in for a day of questioning.

They all take their seats and our food arrives. We spent most of the time eating and discussing our Classes. Turns out Meon and Lei are the Betas of their Classes while Nik is the Delta of her class. They were both complaining about how much they hate their classes and the level of segregation and shit they face everyday in homeroom as norms.

I understood them since I was also facing the same thing but I couldn't bombard them with my problems too so I just spent the time comforting them. I was still making them see the good in it when Prince Asshole walks in with his girlfriend in toll. Our eyes meet as he walks and he glares me down. I was so angry that I just imagined him slipping and almost immediately he slips and falls as my mana rushes to my brain.

The whole hall bursts into laughter as he tries to pick himself up but he just keeps slipping back to the ground. Everyone brings out their phones and begin to take videos of his total humiliation. I could feel my mana still at work keeping him grounded and I was proud of my power. After about a few minutes of complete disgrace on his part I release my mana and he was finally able to get up.

He looks at my table and we make eye contact again, he stands there looking at me like he knew I was the one who did it. I give him my best and most devilish smirk and he storms out of the hall so angry I'm sure if he could tear me up with his eyes I would be in pieces by now.

We all burst into laughter as Meon begins to play the video on repeat. Everyone begins to discuss it but Natalie was quiet all through with a faraway look in her eyes. The bell rings and since today was Friday, we had no homeroom so we all head to our first class of the day which was battle magic.

Bryan, Natalie and I walk to the class together and as we get to the door Bryan walks in and I try to do the same but Natalie pulls me back to the corner. She had a really stern and serious look on her face and for someone who doesn't have a care in the world the face was scary and serious.

"I know you are the one behind the whole slipping thing with Rodry" she says and my heart skipped a beat. How does she know? My God I'm in big soup if someone finds out what I could do. Since she doesn't have any proof I try to feign innocence and deny

"I'm sorry I don't know what you are talking about. There is no way I would do this I didn't even raise my hands" i reply and her frown grows deeper wither eyes turning redder by the second

"Cut me off that bullshit, I don't know how you were able to perform a level 10 spirit element trick without even moving your hands but I'm damn sure it was you. The glint of pride in your eyes as it happened gave you out" she says and i try to talk but she starts pacing then she continues "I knew it from the start that you are hiding something and the principal is also aware of it." She says and I shake my head vigorously trying to convince her.

"I'm not hiding anything and I didn't do what you are accusing me of, so would you just stop with the accusations" i say in a stern voice almost yelling and she stops to face me

"I don't know what you guys are hiding and how you were able to do that but watch your back" she says in a very sinister tone "I promise you I will get to the bottom of this and find out exactly what you are hiding and I swear you will wish you had told me yourself when you had the chance" she says threatening me and walks out on me.

Every fibre in me wanted to run after her and just tell her everything so she can help me in any way she can but my resolve to protect my friends as she has become one of them keeps me rooted in the same spot as she walks into the class and her silhouette disappears behind the closed doors. I walk slowly to the door many thoughts on my head.

I should have been more careful with my power usage and I shouldn't have let my emotions direct my actions. My powers acted on impulse pumped by the anger and hatred I felt for him and I can't allow that to happen again because the next time it might be one of my enemies that will take notice and then I would either end up dead or locked up.

I can't afford to loosen my guard again. Another thing on my mind was how I felt in that moment, I felt happy and there was this part of me that wanted to punish him and that was enjoying the amount of pain he was in. It was like that part of me was happy that he was in pain and not the humiliation because it liked causing people pain and that fact scared me.

If there was a part of me that like causing people pain how long before it starts to infect my thinking and I now end up the villain of my story. Walking into the Battle Magic class I had no care for the class because my answers lie in finding out more about myself and not a class that teaches me how to use my magic to harm others.

This really is going to be a very long year

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