
Chp. 26 Iron Tide...(1)

Paul can see that the world he is in is some sort of fantasy world full of magic and when he came down to where some heavy rainfall was happening he was thoughtful. Somehow the place seemed familiar, but before he could investigate further he should change his attire that would match the way this world's fashion.


Walking around the small medieval town he found many thieves and stole from them. He also got some coins and understood what to use them for, so buying clothes normal for the people here as well as a large cloak with a hood that'll cover his face was his new appearance.


He was walking around and found a Tavern, maybe he can gather info there. Looking up before getting inside he read the name of the place which was written in English language.


"The Prancing Pony, hmmm… even England was able to colonize places far from their home dimension. Now where have I heard this place before, seemed oddly familiar." Paul said as he walked inside and took a seat, his tall frame and mysterious vibe deterred many that eyed him dangerously from doing anything drastic.


"Hmm… Isn't this the name of what my Father's friends Tavern in his LARP events, could it be?" Paul had a light brighten up in his head as he looked at the tavern keep and peered in a bit.


"Oh shit, this is indeed the world of Middle Earth." Paul muttered under his breath and rechecked what he has in his storage ring and felt that maybe he might need to use some resources stored in it.


Paul then peeked in memories of people around him and found himself in Bree, a town quite close to the Shire which Paul remembered to be the favorite fantasy place of his dad's short friends.


Thinking hard he tried to recall all what he knew of this place and compared it to what he just learned. The year seemed to be T.A. 2940, then from what he can remember the plot of The Hobbit starts next year and the dragon Smaug will awaken after two years.


'Should I try to insert myself here, nah… that might change many events that will happen but I could interfere in the last part. Those love birds seemed to be a pity to break apart at the end, that girl Tauriel seemed to be a great partner for the simp dwarf prince.' Paul thought as he felt that maybe he could get so many things here, including some gold in that large mountain or Mithril which he could study.


A metal that was virtually indestructible means Paul can make weapons that are deadly enough and maybe he can study the way dwarf creates things. The knowledge of Blacksmithing in Thorin's mind is already a boon for Paul so he stood up and went to explore this wide world he is in.


[Five months later]


He was deep within a Mountain in the Ettenmoors as he had set up a hidden base after taking out three builder robots he brought with him. But from three he was able to expand into twenty in that short time as he did all he could to find the resource needed to make these.


Other than this he also made a mercenary group but he targeted people who have ancestry from Dale. For reasons obvious as he wanted to make a dip in the conflict and possibly get a dragon for him to experiment too.


That's right, having to gain many branch of knowledge he became curious and inquisitive of many things and one of those since coming here was to study the physical differences of many species here compared to what they are in the Marvel Universe.


He already has a clone studying them in a lab in the Man-cave of his so why not compare and cross examine the differences of species between different realities. The mercenary group of his were being trained by him into becoming lethal soldiers as well as hunters.


He was able to find about a hundred of them and now they work around the area of Rhudaur and Eregion taking jobs in exterminating beast. But some that interest him were captured and brought here to be studied by him.


Having money and great leadership made some easily swayed and loyal to him to a fault. He also made a hidden HQ where his men are being trained to be able to fight together.


They were taught how to fight bigger and stronger foes as well as work like machine oiled to perfection. But that is still a long way to go, and he also found that this world is really vast and mysterious.


But for now Paul was able to get his hands on wolf breeds here that were stronger and larger than the norm. Good thing his knowledge in genetics is enough for him to understand the difference in the two realities.


It was nothing much but a component made most animals here able to develop faster than what normal evolution could bring a species. He was able to find an energy signature in some animals gifted with size and genes that he suspects to be 'Magic'.


Magic that pulls out he potential of many beings and Paul was able to sense it, but from what eh observe most of the time the magic energy seemed malevolent and dark. Paul was able to cleanse this out from the animals but he can see that the stronger the beast is the harder it is for him to clear out.


But he kept on as he wanted many beast to be studies on, so today was a bit special since his group was able to capture five live magical beings that he had heard from tales of other people, Trolls.


Mostly Hill trolls which were captured in the Trollshaws near Rivendell, his lab here was a bit private since only him and his robots were allowed inside. So he needed to get out to see the newly arrived creatures.


His tall stature walked out of the exit making him see the awed eyes of his men as he was donned with heavy plates of dwarven forged armor as well as a sword that was as tall as he is and wide as his shoulders.


He was able to build a great reputation when he found a caravan being raided by Orc raiders and he sliced them and their wargs with one slash of his sword. Though they are curious as to what he is doing inside the cave, they dare not think of peeking in as his strength made them loyal soldiers.


He even taught them to read and write, thus making them believe Paul might be a noble that sought adventure yet also was kind of heart for him to teach commoners like them many things only nobles learn of.


"Now what do we have here…" Paul said to himself but a man answered in turn as he looked at Paul with reverence.


"It's the trolls we've been tracking for some time sire, these buggers were really 'ard ta bring here in these mountains but we did it as soon as we could. They didn't know what was coming for them when they came back to them stinkin caves them lot… ya shoulda seen they faces, they be shocked like them puny goblins being raided… hehehe." A gruffy man walked to Paul as he said these words.


"How's the road Captain Ruben?" Paul said as he pulled out the cloth covering one large carriage. It revealed a large sleeping being that smelled of putrid scent that even rendered rotting carcass afoul.


"It is great sire, all my years I still don't understand where this bloody road came from but when ya called us here to make our fort in these steep hills I was skeptical at first sire. But here we are, tales of our exploits are now spreadin tha land sire and many seek our aid, brothers from far lands also want to find work with the blade for a wee bit of coin…" Ruben said as he had many approach their band of 'Adventurers' or so Paul calls them but in his eyes their training is more strict and harder than how various kingdoms train their soldiers.


He does not know why they were created but he was just grateful when Paul pulled many people from the slums of their life and made them who they were. A lot of them were simply brigands and thieves yet now they are men who walk the lands of danger yet it is the monsters that steer clear of them.


A banner of a chained dragon does strike fear towards the heart of many and even the Orc bands heard of them already. Many even tried to ambush them sometimes but when he saw how their lord swung that large piece of metal made him believe tales of old about great men that render the fields red with blood of their enemies.


"I see, have you vice-captain accept them into the fold and train them like how I did for the past few months. Be strict and thorough, some might have ill intentions in joining but they will see why we are now feared in the lands nearby." Paul had been lucky to be able to find large herds of Great Horned Rams and thus was able to secure great cavalry for this small band of men he had raised.


"Aye sire, great to hear there'll be fresh blood to add to the group." Ruben smiled with bucked teeth but Paul trusted the man, he was uncouth but he followsorders to the tee.


He also found dwarves who work of coin and would make many things for him in kind thus was able to wear a fully dwarven made armor. He chose them carefully as he did not show much yet of his real power but just his base strength made them respect him very much.


Especially when he took out barrels of Vodka to share with them, these dwarves loved it to the bone that they even made a special room for brewing the things up themselves after Paul taught them how to make it. But he did have them sign papers and make oaths not to divulge the knowledge of creating the drink.


He told them it was an old secret of his family but he'll be glad to share it with his friends earning the good will of this very cautious race of muscular diminutive men. He also has hired many women then gave them jobs that were of importance to a large company like this.


Weavers, nurses, cooks, tanners and even some maids but he was not the one who hired them. Some of his men were fawning at him thus they hired some since they found out Paul was the one cooking his own meals, which he still do. He just let these women work in cleaning his room and become his messengers within the fort.


"Take these trolls to the dungeon! Be sure to chain them up nicely…" Paul said as he walked to the east side of the fort where various dwarves were working on forging, carpentry, masonry and crafting to make the items he had specified.


He did not want to bring in weapons that could tilt the balance suddenly in these world as he still is trying to understand the nature of why this world exist among many others outside the so called Void.


"Buri! Did the parts I had asked for you to make done already?" Paul called out to the old dwarf that was wearing a monocle in his left eyes and was tinkering with small gear parts and springs in his hands.


"Well yes sire, but even now I am baffled on what you plan to do with these. I can't understand what these things are for but I have already found ways to make other things using these small parts." Buri the old dwarf walked to Paul as he gave him a small crate with the parts he had them make.


"You'll see soon, you there call for the man that lost his arm recently during the orc raid last two months." Paul called to a kid nearby who nodded at Paul's words. Other than the men he had also brought with him the families of the people also improving their lives.


"You come here, go to the maids and have them bring with the other box with blue paint on top here." Paul also called for another kid that was playing nearby.


"What is it you need from the crippled man sire?" Buri asked as he looked at the parts and thought maybe the man in front of him will use these gears to stick in the armless fellow.


"Don't worry, you'll see soon enough." Paul smiled as he saw a maid of his walk with a box. Brui looked at what was inside as well as the other dwarves that got curious and could tell the box of scraps were crudely made inside the cave, but they could see it was better than what most human smiths could make.


"Hmm, though a bit crude, the way these metal were made is better than most I have seen. These were made by men but he can pass off as an amateurish dwarf with these skills." Buri said as he scrutinized the various parts.


"I made these…" Paul said with a smile on his face.


"*Cough*! I didn't mean to belittle sire's craft! *cough* I mean i-its already of great qua-quality…" Buri sweated as he realized he had said out of turn.


"Hahaha… don't worry, I know I am an amateur. I had just started to learn smithing the past three months and this is the furthest I could get for the meantime." Paul's words made the dwarves pause a bit and look again at the various parts.


"By Aule, three months? Even my wee lad can't strike the metal true yet at his age, he already is starting to grow his beard! This, this is real talent!" a dwarf said as he looked at the part carefully.


The other dwarves also agreed that even they did not reach this amount of skill when they had just started forging for three months. But before they could talk more they saw the person Paul had called for coming towards them.


A man with no right arm from the elbow down walked towards Paul and bowed as he looked at him skeptically as to why he was called here.


"You called for me milord?"


"How many times did I have to say don't call me milord, any ways I have something for you." Paul then went to the two boxes and started to assemble the various parts. The rest waited but some dwarves were curious and looked over, their eyes widened as they saw what was becoming of the parts they made.


"This is amazing! I see now, so that goes there, then this part goes here and will form… this!" Buri exclaimed as he saw the finished product.


Paul turned around and held in his hand another hand made of metal and gears. The crippled man was stunned at first as Paul pulled him closer and strapped the arm in his elbow. The dwarves awed at the item and realized that it was made from various small gears and springs Buri made.


The parts Paul created were the body composed of the main parts of the mechanical hand. Paul then lifted the hand with the metal arm and pressed some buttons making it do some series of actions.


"This is to clench your hand fully…" Paul pressed the largest button.


"This is to make a half-clenched hand…" he pressed another.


"Then these are to use the gadgets within…" Paul pointed to smaller buttons near the wrist as it popped out a dagger which made the dwarves awe.




"Pull this part and tadah! A small bow is here, you can put in a maximum of six bolts inside and refill it with these cartridges…" Paul smiled as he saw his creation.


"Pull this back then a click will sound showing a small lever, then pull back and the bolt is notched…" Paul pulled the man on the open area and showed him how to use the bow followed by many curious dwarves.


"…place back the lever quickly, then aim… see this small thing here that popped out after nocking the bolt in? Push it…" Paul said as he let go of the man who still looked at the mechanical arm on his right hand. Looking forward then to Paul he took a deep breath and pressed the button.




"Oohh!!" The dwarves and various men present watched the spectacle as they saw how the arm works. Paul smiled and took out a rolled parchment within his chest and handed it to Buri who was admiring the mechanical arm.


"This... this is?!" Brui widened his eyes as he looked at the detailed blueprint and took it in excitement then ran back without a care at all about Paul. He wanted to look into how the thing works and the dwarves also followed behind, they too have kin that lost parts of their body thus wanted to study it.


"Don't forget to eat and sleep or else I won't show you more things I made." Paul shouted out and all he got was excited squeals of short bearded old men.


Paul looked at his front and saw the man was crying and was happy since he had felt useless since he lost his arm. Now he was kneeling in front of Paul as while many of the men were watching in the corner looking more serious and happy.


Living the life of the sword made them prepare to lose things on the process but they had never thought that they will get second chances if they do lose some things. Seeing what Paul did made many of those present solidify their loyalty to him and would follow him even in deamon fire.


"Go to your family, you can keep working for me and I shall treat you well. I can also understand if you wish to retire and I will still welcome you and your kin within these walls." Paul said as he let the man stand up. "You shall go to Ruben and help him in training recruits, till then you shall familiarize yourself with your new hand."


The man nodded fiercely as he walked in a more confident manner back to the housing area. Paul knew that many were curious as to how this place came to be and having powers does make many thing easier for him.


Other than making the fort secretly using his telepathic powers, he also had learned of the many dialects within the lands of Middle Earth. Thus he found book to read in his spare time as well as learn more of the events currently happening.


He knew that the people in his care were not enough for the upcoming battle in Erebor and felt he should try to find ways to increase his men's lethality. Now the mean could also be outfitted with some small bows in their arms like what he gave the other guy.


But these will be small and a bit weaker than the other since that one was built in the prosthetic arm. What he did not expect was for the next month, many crippled men and dwarves made way to his keep and wanted to gain a second lease in life.


Most were warriors that wanted to live their past glories again and some were even former nobles of broken houses. Paul accepted them and before the coming of winter he now has five hundred warriors and two thousand family members in his Keep.


His large number caught the attention of many people as well as a wandering group of dwarves on the road. Paul did take note to stop recruiting for the moment since winter is now starting and thus stopped many operations for the moment.


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