
Ch. 147: New Beginnings

"I see. That is truly unfortunate. I will tell them right away... thank you, King Kai." Guru nodded to himself as he finished up his telepathic conversation with King Kai. "It seems that Goku has died." He declared to the masses. By now, the Namekians had mostly concentrated either in the courtyard or the plains area outside, while all of the non-Namekians, including Piccolo, had gathered in the courtyard to watch Goku's fight against Frieza. 

"How-How can you say that so calmly!? Goku's... He's just gone!? Just like that!? Goku..." Bulma was the first to react. After yelling at Guru, she dropped to her knees, crying. She'd known Goku the longest. The idea of him dying so suddenly, after everything they'd been through together was too much for the girl, and she knew that he couldn't even be brought back now, because he'd already been brought back by the Dragon Balls once.

Seeing Bulma's reaction calmed the majority of the other Z-fighters. I didn't react. Neither did Raditz or Nappa. Gohan and Krillin's eyes welled with tears, but Gohan didn't break down crying like his canon counterpart would have done. He couldn't, after seeing Bulma's reaction. As for Krillin, some part of him was still in denial. He couldn't believe that Goku would just die like that, after everything that he'd survived. 

As for Vegeta, he simply stared off into space. As far as he cared, he should have been happy, hearing about Goku's death. It meant that he was moving up in the hierarchy of power. Now, he simply needed to prove his power against Raditz, Gohan and I. But hearing that Goku was dead simply lit a fiery rage inside his chest instead, and he didn't understand why... 

"Don't cry, young lady. We can still revive him with the Dragon Balls." Guru reminded Bulma.

But it was Gohan who answered him. "No. My dad's already been revived once by the Dragon Balls." He told the old Namekian somberly. The rules were clear. It was impossible for the same person to be revived twice with the Dragon Balls. One extra life was already breaking the laws of the universe.

"I see." Guru nodded, understanding what Gohan was getting at. "So, the Earth Dragon Balls can only revive a person once, then?" He asked.

"You mean, the Namekian Dragon Balls can revive someone more than once?!" Bulma shot bolt upright as she realized what the Grand Elder was getting at.

"That's right. Porunga can revive the same person as many times as necessary." Nail answered her in Guru's place. He'd appeared right by Guru's side, and hadn't moved from that spot since. 

"But in exchange, my Dragon Balls cannot revive multiple people at once, like I suspect yours can." Guru added to Nail's explanation. "All we need to do is call the Dragon, and your friend can be revived."

"Goku can't be dead!" Krillin finally burst out.

"I'm sorry, but King Kai told me himself, young man. Your friend didn't manage to get away from Namek before it exploded. Both our home planet, and your friend, are gone." Guru reminded him, making everyone in hearing range a little more glum. "But don't worry. Our Dragon Balls have landed in this courtyard as well. All we need to do is summon Porunga, and everything will be solved." He reminded them.

"I think we should hold off on summoning the Dragon right now." I interjected.

"What? Why!?" Krillin demanded, "He's your dad?! Don't you want him back as soon as possible!?" He asked me.

"Of course. But, knowing my mom, she's screaming at Doctor Brief right now, wearing a spacesuit. We should tell the others what's going on before we make any wishes." I reminded them.

Beside me, Gohan shivered a bit in silent agreement. 

"My poor dad..." Bulma muttered, remembering Chichi's legendary fits of anger. She felt sorry for anyone on the other end of that.

"You are right, child. Porunga can wait. I would like to spend a bit of time on Earth, as well. Perhaps speak to this 'Kami' fellow for a bit." Guru agreed with me. 

We ended up deciding that the Namekians would stay in my dojo, as would the Namekian Dragon Balls. Since it was far away from normal civilization, their 'demonic' appearance wouldn't be able to frighten people so long as they stayed there. They'd stay there for a few days, with the Dragon Balls scattered in different rooms, then they'd use their Dragon Balls to revive Pigero, Yamcha, and my dad as a thank you for saving their lives. 

Since the Namekian Dragon Balls only had a cooldown of four months, they'd agreed to spend that time taking care of my dojo while Guru mentored Kami. Honestly, it was an incredible win-win situation, so long as they only stayed for that single four-month period. If Guru was on Earth any longer than that, I'd end up tearing my hair out from stress.

The adult Namekians would get to learn advanced, Earth-based fighting techniques from me, Pigero, and anyone else who wanted to stop by for a sparring partner. Those that didn't want to help with the 'fighting' portion of my dojo would assist in various construction projects, expanding the physical size of it. They'd even asked to start a garden, to study Earth fauna in hopes that they find a few plants to bring back to their new Namek. Meanwhile, Guru would spend the majority of his time on the Lookout, with Dende, Nail, Kami, and Mr. Popo. Kami was quite grateful for this, because Guru had quite a bit of knowledge that he lacked, since he'd been but a child when he'd originally left Namek due to the climate change.

And so, only a few minutes later, a helicopter landed outside of my dojo, carrying Roshi, Tien, Chiaotzu, and finally... my mother.

"You scared me! Please never leave Earth like that again! I could tell you were in danger and I couldn't do anything about it! How could you put your poor mother in such a state!? Are you okay!? Are you hurt!? Did you get hurt!? Did you manage to shower regularly!? Did you brush your teeth!? I was so worried-" 

"I... Can't... Breathe... Mom...!"

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