
The Fog

Evelyn enjoyed a peaceful ride through the forest, but she knew better than to get comfortable. She was not sure why, but something had changed in Clyde's behavior. Now, he hardly spoke and rode ahead of the group. She desperately wanted to reach out to him; she wanted to understand why he was being so distant, but she stopped herself every time. Clyde always had his reasons and this could not be any exception. She glanced behind her at George with caution. She knew the magic that surrounded him was dark, but it was calling out to her. She wondered if Kallista was feeling the same pull she was or if she was so far above it all that it did not bother her. 


"What are you thinking about so intently?" Kallista asked, bringing her horse next to Evelyn's. 


Evelyn glanced back one last time and shrugged her shoulders. "It's stupid," she sighed. 


"Try me," Kallista said. 


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