
2.06: The Flaming Hut Restaurant.


The bell finally rang to mark the end of their first day of school. Every student had a story to tell their peers on their way home. Yuro walked Suno to the gate as she waited for her ride. "Man…Mister Azahii did not go easy on us."

"Cheer up, Yo-yo. This is just the first day out of who-knows how many." She said. "I'm just glad this day is through…I hate using long-range weapons."

"I stand with you there, but which class are you looking forward to?"

"Hmm, Mister Alphas and Miss Hino's classes sound interesting. I am surrounded by ronins daily, so learning a few things beyond personality traits will be good."

Yuro was surprised by her pick. "Whoa…that's a good pick. Well, I would go to Miss Hino and Mister Gaiyato's class. The main reason being my inability to diversify the usage of my prowess." Suno just stared and listened. "There are at least thirty-eight Nakamorians in the school, and two are already beyond my level. If I want the chance to take my father's place as clan leader, then I-"

She hugged him before he continued, "Don't be too hard on yourself; you say that as if they're your only competition."

"…What do you mean by that?"


"OWW!" Suno flicked his nose.

"I want to rule the Nakamorians, too! So you better keep me on your radar as well."

He smiled and stood upright. "You got it! Don't get too cocky against me either!"

A car stopped beside her, with her mom waving through the window. "Well, there's my ride."

"Yeah, greet the fam for me."

Suno smiled, and off they drove.

"Whoa…is she your girlfriend?"

"WHAA!!" Tedashii and Seto scared him. "H-HOW LONG WERE YOU GUYS HERE FOR?!"

"Relax, We just arrived," Seto said.

"…is he talking to the wall?" Yuro asked as Noriko turned him toward them. "Well, how can I help?"

"I want to get to know you better."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"We are teammates, but I barely know any of you guys. So I must start individually until I know at least one of your hobbies."

Yuro smiled out of excitement. "You wanna know what I do?!"



His bike appeared next to them, and he made a passenger spot. "Hop on then! We are going to my place!"




People gathered at the Flaming Hut restaurant. With the line only getting longer, it fired all the Nakamorian employees.



Mister Juan Nakamura was all over the place. "LET'S KEEP THE PACE UP, WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED EVERYONE!!"



"Whoa! Your family owns the Flaming Hut?" Tedashii asked.

"No, we are the founders of this place. My uncle is the head chef, and this…" He put on his custom apron and headband. "IS MY HOBBIE!"

"That's so cool!"

"I can't see anything, but it smells good. Noriko, sync with me for now."

"Yuro!" Velmora Nakamura approached them. "Glad to see you made it. Who are your friends?"

"This is my captain, Tedashii Katsuno. And I assume you know the other two."

"Yeah, Seto and Noriko. They were first in my class before transferring to classes 1-3."

"I see; well, they're just here to get a glimpse of what we do this side of town."

"If it isn't my little Pastelito!" Juan hugged his nephew in the air. "I didn't expect to see you today at all. Aren't you supposed to be on missions right now?"

"Haha…not really," Tedashii responded. "

"That's weird; I was expecting you to be up and about, seeing that your school semester started a few days ago."

"We…still have a few of sorting out before we get missions like usual." Velmora stared at Tedashii as he said that.

"Alright, enough talk, uncle! Time for them to be amazed by the Nakamorian's future chef!!!"



Yuro turned the fire in the oven as they gathered in the kitchen. "Okay, guys! Today, we're making one of my family's favorites: chiles rellenos. Stuffed peppers!"

"Sounds delicious! What's the filling?" Seto asked.

"Ah, great question! We're using a mix of queso fresco, onions, garlic, and seasoned beef. First, we roast the poblano peppers to bring out the flavor." He places the peppers on a baking sheet and puts them in the oven. "While those roast, we'll prepare the filling. I'll show you my secret ingredient...UNCLE!"



Yuro begins sauteing the onions and garlic.

"Smells amazing in here!" Noriko complimented.

"Gracias! Now, let's add the beef and spices..." He adds the ground beef and seasonings to the pan. "Now, we stuff the peppers and coat them with an egg batter. Then, into the frying pan they go!"

They stared as he carefully filled the roasted peppers with the mixture and coated them with the egg batter.

"Wow, that looks incredible! Can we taste?"


Yuro hit Noriko's hand with the batter. "DO NOT touch it until you see a bubble!"

"What? But that's imp-" Tedashii shut his mouth after seeing Yuro's murderous glare.

And seconds passed by until it finally happened.



"Of course! Just like I predicted…and now, the moment of truth..."

Yuro hands out the finished chiles rellenos, and everyone takes a bite.

"Mmm... this is incredible! The flavor is amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it! Traditional Mexican cuisine is all about love and passion. Now, who's ready for seconds?"



Greetings dear warriros! Thank you once again for your time to read my book, as we hit 50 000 views!

I was so happy to finally it this milestone and really looking forward to going on just for you guys. So stay tuned! The streaks are resuming!

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