

When he entered through the door, he was greeted by a clean room filled with advanced looking exercise equipment.

There was also an older man who approached Lucien and shook his hand, "Hi, I'm Mark, I'll be recording the results of your assessment today." Mark was very muscular, and Lucien recognised him as a former bodybuilder who became a pro hunter before retiring.

"I'm Lucien, it's good to meet you. What have I got to do first?"

"The first test is the power of your physical punch, you can have three attempts, and your best score will be recorded. The highest score you can get is 1000, and nobody has ever managed to get higher than that, as only the Barbarian King was able to get that high, and it's well known that his strength stat was S Rank."

Lucien walked up to the machine, which was a cushioned pad that seemed very solid, as if it wouldn't move for any type of force.

He wasn't a physically focused class, so he wasn't expecting to do amazing, and decided just to try his best. He got into position, and released what seemed like an average punch, although the output was a little more than average.

The score that showed up on the screen above was six hundred and eighty. Although not an amazing score, for a magic class it was much better than what was usually seen. Lucien had his next to attempts after this, and his second punch was less powerful than the first, getting a score of six hundred and sixty. However, he managed to pull it back, and his last punch came out to a six hundred and eighty five.

"That's a pretty good score, you all good for the next test?"

"I should be fine."

"Good to hear, the next test is a maximum speed test, just step onto this belt, and run as fast as you can. The score recorded will be your miles per hour after ten seconds."

Lucien stepped onto the large belt, that looked like a treadmill, except it didn't move by itself. Rather, it moved as fast as the user was going.

He was yet to run properly with his maximum speed, as when he had ran with Yui in his arms he wanted to make sure she didn't get injured by his speed, so he limited himself.

His legs began to move, and he could tell that he was much faster than he had been in his previous life. Lucien could feel his legs moving faster and faster, and after a few seconds a loud noise erupted inside of the room.

This noise was a sonic boom, as Lucien had surpassed the speed of sound. When the ten seconds was up, a number appeared on the screen, this number was eight hundred.

"Eight hundred miles per hour, not bad kid, not a lot of people can surpass the speed of sound."

"Thanks, I didn't realise I could get that fast. What's next then?"

"Eager to finish this quickly I see, next up is your amount of mana. The machine is numbered similarly to the punch machine, except it's only a hypothetical that the number can get as high as one thousand, I heard that someone over in the US managed to get nine hundred, but nothing higher than that."

Lucien put his hand on the orb that would measure his mana, and he began to feel his body warm up. He knew that this was normal, as the orb was attempting to sense all of the mana inside of his body.

Once this process was over, the orb was filled with colour which began to get sucked into the larger machine that it was connected to. This machine was reading the number that it would read, and Lucien and Mark watched the number fade into view.

The number that was displayed was one thousand.

"This is insane, you're gonna be famous kid."

"I thought that would be the result, I know that the score might be shocking, but can we carry on with the examination as if nothing has happened. I would like to finish the examination."

"Yeah, no problem, I'm just a bit shocked is all. Next up is a test to determine your defence. Just step inside of this chamber, and when it starts to hurt, step outside. The damage inflicted on you will increase every second, the current record is thirty eight seconds, although the person who received that score did not want their information released to the public, so who knows what their Defence stat was. Maybe they stayed in after it started hurting to get as high of a score as possible, or maybe their Defence stat is actually that high. Either way, it doesn't really matter, just be truthful and leave the chamber the second you feel any pain."

"Sounds good to me." Lucien thought to himself, and knew that there was no point in lying about his score, as he had met people that had taken on Dungeons with monsters that were too powerful for them due to lying about their defence stat. Most of the time when this happened, the Hunter died in combat, even if they were able to do enough damage to the monsters to kill some of them.

He stepped inside of the machine, and at first it didn't feel like anything was happening. There were lights flashing, so he could tell that the machine was on, but it seemed as though his Defence stat was too high to feel whatever was happening at that moment.

However, this did not stay the case, as after a while a tingling began to start building up in Lucien's body, and then it almost instantly felt as though needles were being poked into his entire body.

When he felt this, Lucien pushed the door of the chamber open, and the pain immediately stopped.

"Twenty nine seconds, that's real good. Well, there's only one more test now. If you can answer this one question correctly then you will be issued an official Hunter's license."

Lucien knew what the question was, and it wasn't a hard one to answer.

"If you encounter an enemy that you are unsure of your ability to defeat, what should you do?"

"That's obvious, fight to the very end."

"Good answer. I'll send your scores to Joe back at the desk so he can give you your license."

Some people may have thought that the correct answer to the question would be to run away, but a Hunter who can't stand their ground is a useless Hunter.

Lucien left the examination room, and went back through the door he had previously entered through. He stood back in front of the man who he had previously spoken to.

"I've got your results here, and I'm issuing you the highest Rank Hunter License that I can without you having any experience in the field. Once you have enough experience, your Rank will automatically increase. You are officially now a CCC Rank Hunter."

The man pulled out a small black chip, and placed it on top of Lucien's right hand. It then sank into his hand, and was stuck in place.

This chip would act as authentication for Lucien's Hunter License, and would update automatically when Lucien's Hunter Rank would increase based off of his actions.

"As a CCC Rank Hunter, you can enter Circle Dungeons alone, and Rectangular Dungeons in a party of at least two. I will be announcing your existence after you leave, any Guild requests that you receive will be sent to your Hunter Chip. If that is all, you are free to start entering Dungeons from today."

"Good to hear, thank you."

Lucien turned from the man, and walked back to the entrance of the building. He did plan to wait for Yui, but he noticed that she had already finished her examination, and was waiting by the door for him.

"How did it go?" Yui asked with a smile on her face.

"I got the highest I could, CCC Rank, what about you?"

"Even though I'm not really an offensive Class by the looks of it, I managed to get C Rank due to my healing ability. They said that due to my lack of physical abilities, I would need to make up for it with a useful skill together above D Rank, luckily healing is a well looked upon skill, or I might have been much lower."

"Well, either way, that's a great Rank considering you only just awakened. I'm proud of you."

Yui looked happy to hear this, "Thanks, well now that we've registered, why don't we go see about getting some equipment, and then tomorrow we could enter a dungeon!"

"Sounds good to me."

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