
The chaotic auction 5

"Yu Gong, do you have any plan to get rid of them?" asked Jang Ni Wang. She noticed that Yu Gong was not in a panic, so he surely had a plan for them.

"Have 60 emperor qi artists stationed at the power sources of the perimeter, 15 artists per point. The first thing we need to do is lure them and trap them inside the perimeter. With the power of 60 artists, the perimeter will be able to restore itself in time and can trap them inside," said Bai Zhe.

"How can we kill them?" asked Long Shui.

"I will prepare a formation to take care of them. Have a person who is confident that they are faster than anyone else lure them here. I'll take care of the rest," said Bai Zhe.

"Are you sure you can handle them, Yu Gong? Their qi is equal to a tyrant qi artist," said Jang Ni Wang, worrying about him.

She heard that Yu Gong had almost lost when he fought with the Demon Ping Yiu. He barely made it when fighting with one, but this was 10 of them. Would he not be torn into pieces?

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