
His Daughters.

He turned the corner, his casual steps quickening as he spotted something unusual ahead. His heart nearly stopped when he saw the figure lying on the floor, unmoving. It was like a deja Vu of the situation back at the DeLoach's mansion that one time.

At first, his mind raced with disbelief. Was this a prank? It had to be. Shikera, ever playful, could be pulling one of her stunts as payback for what he did. But as he kneeled beside her, calling her name, the stillness of her body wiped away any hope that this was a joke. His hands trembled as he frantically slipped out his phone and dialled in Jordan's number, "She passed out," he informed, without bothering to elaborate on his words. He looked up at the map tag of the hallway they were currently in and read the directions into the phone.

"Give us a few min—" the person on the other side of the line started to say, when Ethan cut him off.

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